When is LAH (Laser Assisted Hatching) advised?
The most frequent justifications for suggesting an LAH surgery are as follows:
- Advanced maternal age (>37 years)
- A thick or unusual eggshell
- Embryos of poor quality or sluggish development
- Excessive fragmentation in embryos
- Patients with at least two prior unsuccessful IVF cycles
- Cycles of Frozen and Embryo Transfer
- Persons with increased Day 3 Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
What is the procedure behind Laser Assisted Hatching?
Laser technology assists embryo hatching, which can further increase our pregnancy rates. To facilitate embryo hatching, the laser beam is focused so that “The ZONA”, about 1/4 of an embryo’s circumference, is affected. Only a few seconds are required for the entire process. The zona pellucid is the focus of the laser beam, which is shrunk to 10 microns. The embryo can escape by being thinned in the zona pellucid.
What are the Advantages of LAH?
- Compared to traditional acidic hatching methods, this method is simple, quick and safe.
- Accuracy – because the laser’s accuracy is pre-programmed.
- With LAH, pregnancy rates can be increased from 50% to 65%.
- It takes only a few seconds to complete.
- Automation reduces the chance of human errors.
- IVF and ICSI procedures are dramatically improved.
How much does Laser Assisted Hatching cost?
Laser-assisted hatching is a viable option for IVF failures. This technique has been very successful in IVF for both aged couples and those who have had IVF fail.
Laser-assisted hatching costs INR 10,000-INR 20,000.