How to Confirm Whether Sperm Went Inside

How to confirm whether sperm went inside – Everybody learned in school that pregnancy happens when the egg gets fertilized by the sperm. For fertilization to take place, the first step is for the sperm to reach the egg.

Trying to get pregnant? Or are you someone who is trying not to get pregnant? Either way, curiosity got the best of you, and now you want to know whether the sperm reached your egg and what your chances are. 

Worry not; we at Imprimis IVF will try to satisfy your curiosity with the help of this article. More than that, we are going to provide you with some ways by which you can check whether the sperm really met your egg. 

What Happens during Unprotected Sexual Intercourse? 

During unprotected intercourse, when the man has his orgasm, he ejaculates semen. The ejaculated semen contains millions of sperms. These sperm cells swim through the vagina to reach the fallopian tube, where the ovaries are present. Ovaries are responsible for producing mature eggs every month. If the sperm fertilizes this mature egg, it will result in conception. If fertilization does not take place, then you will have your monthly menstruation cycle. 

So whenever you indulge in unprotected sex, and your partner ejaculates, it is 100% confirmed that the sperm has entered your body. 

Whether or not fertilization has taken place can be checked using a pregnancy kit. 

How to Avoid Pregnancy? 

If getting pregnant is not on your radar, then the best way to avoid it is to live by the rule: practice safe sex. Contraceptives for both males and females are available in the market. The contraceptive market is huge, offering numerous options ranging from flavoured to non-flavoured condoms. Always use a fresh and good quality condom along with a water lube to avoid accidents like tearing of condoms during ejaculation. 

  • Because folks, there is an old saying that precaution is always better than cure! 
  • So this brings us to our first way to confirm whether
  • the sperm has entered your body.

A Broken Contraceptive

A broken contraceptive or condom is a loud confirmation that sperm has found its way into your body, even if it happens all by accident due to increased friction or coming across a sharp edge inside the vagina. Once the condom breaks during ejaculation and even if a single drop of semen is released out of that condom, the chances of getting pregnant are high. 

In case you want to avoid pregnancy in such a situation when the contraceptive breaks, you can take the morning-after pill within a certain time frame to decrease the chances of conceiving. But the best way to handle this ride of pregnancy is to visit a doctor instead of indulging in self-prescription or, worse, consuming the wrong medication.  

Exchanged Sex Toys 

It might sound like a weird argument, but yes, sex toys can give sperm cells a chance to enter your body. 

How exactly do sex toys do that? Let’s say your male partner used a sex toy, and some amount of semen is present on it. When you use this same-sex toy, there is a great possibility that the semen has entered your vagina and can reach the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg

Missed Menstrual Cycle 

Every month, the uterus prepares itself for pregnancy by creating an environment for the implantation of the embryo. But when fertilization does not take place, the blood that was to be used to nurture the embryo comes out in the form of periods. In simple terms, you get your menstrual cycle when you are not pregnant. A missed monthly cycle is a hint to take a pregnancy test.  

Mood Swings 

One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy is mood swings. Mood swings are largely caused by the hormonal changes that take place inside a woman’s body. The pregnancy hormones estrogen and progesterone play a vital role in deciding your mood. 

A lot of women have mood swings during their periods because of these pregnancy hormones. 

The hormone estrogen is associated with irritability, anxiety, and depression. At the same time, the hormone progesterone is responsible for fatigue, sluggishness, and sadness. 


Another common sign associated with fertilization of the egg by the presence of sperm inside the fallopian tube is tiredness. You are not compromising on 8 hours of deep sleep. You have not made any significant change in your routine that may cause a lot of tiredness, but due to conception, you will feel drained from the moment you wake up till the time you sleep again. 

Breast Tenderness 

You might feel that your breasts are tingly, heavy, sore, or swollen. It is also a very vivid sign of pregnancy, confirming that sperm entered your body during sexual intercourse with your partner. It generally starts a week or 2 after getting conceiving. These symptoms, however, are likely to go away as your body adjusts itself to the hormonal changes in the body.

Morning Sickness 

If you wake up to a sense of vomiting or nausea within 8-10 days of sperm entering your body and ending up fertilizing the egg, it is a clear sign that sperm went inside and has done its job. Morning sickness usually happens in the initial stage of pregnancy. 

What to do when it is confirmed that sperm has indeed entered your body? 

Take a deep breath, and do not panic if pregnancy feels like a nightmare to you. Or you wanted to get pregnant for a very long time, and now a positive pregnancy test makes you feel overwhelmed. 

Pregnancy Test 

Get a pregnancy test kit from the nearby market and take a home pregnancy test before jumping to conclusions. A conventional pregnancy kit would indicate two lines for a positive pregnancy result and a single line for a negative result. 

Visit a Doctor to Know More about How to Confirm Whether Sperm Went Inside

If your mind is whirling with endless thoughts and you do not know how to go about this whole thing related to pregnancy, it’s best to seek medical expertise. 

If you live in Srinagar or nearby areas, feel free to pay a visit to Imprimis IVF, the best IVF treatment centre in Srinagar, to get an answer to all your queries related to pregnancy, IUI, ICSI, etc., from our IVF experts. 

FAQ about How to Confirm Whether Sperm Went Inside

How do you feel When the Sperm enters Your Body through the Vagina? 

Well, you won’t feel anything when the sperm enters your body or when it meets the egg and fertilizes it. A sperm cell is incredibly small; that’s why you can’t feel it moving inside your reproductive tract

Some women might have cramps or light bleeding 5-6 days after the fertilization has taken place. These signs are known as implantation bleeding or cramps. 

How much time does it take for the sperm cell to enter the Fallopian Tube and Reach the Egg? 

According to IVF experts, it takes around 45 minutes to 12 hours for the sperm to swim through the vagina and meet the egg, patiently waiting in the fallopian tube. And if you are ovulating, there are good chances that you can get pregnant. But fertilization can take place at any time during your ovulation phase because the sperm can stay alive inside your vagina for about 5 to 7 days. 

Can a little bit of Sperm Result in Pregnancy? 

The truth is you don’t even need a little bit of sperm to get pregnant. Millions of sperm cells are ejaculated during an orgasm, and just a single sperm cell is needed for the job. 

Even though millions of sperm are ejaculated, only a small fraction of them are genetically and morphologically healthy enough to carry on the journey to reach the egg for fertilization. 

Is it Possible to Still Get Pregnant if You Pee Right after Intercourse? 

Yes, you can. The science behind it says during ejaculation, the sperm cells are released into the vaginal canal. At the same time, the urine comes out through the urethra. Both of these are entirely different openings and are not interconnected. So, peeing has nothing to do with the journey of sperm cells. 

Final Word about How to Confirm Whether Sperm Went Inside

Pregnancy is a magical natural process that consists of many delicate steps. Nobody knows which sperm is going to win the race and fertilize the egg. It just happens, and you only get to know about it through some visible changes in your body and overall health. That’s all about How to confirm whether sperm went Inside. To know more book a consultation with our IVF specialist now.

How do you feel during IVF Stimulation? – Do’s and Don’t

IVF Stimulation – It’s no hidden fact that In-vitro fertilization treatment is no less than a roller coaster ride. So whenever IVF treatment is recommended to a couple, their mind is bombarded with hundreds of questions about what they should and shouldn’t do to make their treatment successful.

So, in this article, Imprimis IVF Srinagar will help you find answers to all your questions and clear the air around some common misconceptions related to IVF. However, we advise you to consult your fertility expert before unquestioningly believing anything you see on the internet. It is because we cannot run away from the fact that not everybody has the same medical condition or the same reason for undergoing IVF treatment

Is IVF Painful? 

The most common question that couples have regarding IVF is whether the treatment is painful. Well no. The answer can be explained by the fact that IVF treatment is not a surgical operation

Please read that line again! 

The only time a woman can feel a slight pain is during IVF stimulation. Now, you might be wondering what ovarian stimulation is. It is the process of preparing (stimulating) the ovaries to produce more mature eggs with the help of injectable medications. And this slight pain entirely depends on your sensitivity towards injections. If you are over-sensitive, you might feel more pain as compared to someone who is not injection-sensitive. 

Some Women Might Also Show the Following Symptoms: 

  • Breast discomfort
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating

The best part is there’s nothing to worry about these symptoms as they vanish once you are done with the ovarian stimulation stage. 

The egg retrieval process is generally carried out under anesthesia so you don’t feel any pain. All in all, it can be declared that IVF is an almost painless procedure

Don’ts of IVF Treatment

People always make a conscious effort to do everything that they can to make their IVF cycle successful. However, they sometimes miss out on the things that must be avoided during this journey. So here is the list of things that you should not practice if you are undergoing IVF treatment. 

Part Ways with Alcohol

No alcohol before, during, or after the IVF treatment. Alcohol is not only bad for your health in general, but it is the worst if you are undergoing or planning to undergo IVF treatment in the near future. 

Smoking is Off the Table.

Smoking and alcohol go hand in hand; if alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited during, before, or after IVF stimulation, so is smoking. 

Stop Being Best Friends with Caffeine.

It might be surprising to you, but caffeine can do more harm than good for your IVF treatment. Do not cross the mark of 200 mg of coffee per day. 

Say bye to Processed and Packaged Food.

It is important to bear in mind that a healthy body will support a healthy and successful IVF cycle. Highly processed and packaged contain high amounts of sugars and unsaturated fats, which are not good for your health. 

Keep Stress at Bay.

It’s a big thing to ask of you since IVF is a highly exhausting and stressful journey. Keeping stress at bay is a challenge in itself. The mind is always thinking of the result of the treatment. 

But it’s vital to fight this enemy, and the best way to do that is to talk to your partner, friends, family members, and your fertility expert. Let it out, go for a walk, do some exercise, or engage in some hobbies like:

  1. Cooking
  2.  Journaling
  3. Painting
  4. Swimming
  5. Photography
  6. Meditation
  7. Breathing exercises 

Taking Drugs is a big no

Saying do not take drugs before, during, or after IVF is a no-brainer. Apart from drugs like opium, heroin, and marijuana, you must not take any medication without consulting with your gynecologist. 

Steer Clear of Soft Drinks

Carbonated drinks should be avoided at all costs during IVF. Consumption of such drinks not only hampers your health in general but also your reproductive health

In a nutshell, the don’ts of IVF treatment largely focus on the things you consume. So, make mindful choices and chalk out a diet plan with the help of your fertility specialist

Do’s of IVF 

When it comes to what to do during IVF, the list might never come to an end. But some things are always going to be more important than others, according to fertility specialists around the globe. So here’s a checklist for you: 

Do not cut down on Your Resting and Sleeping Hours

Follow the 8-hour principle when it comes to sleep. Also, deep sleep is the key to a not-so-exhausting IVF cycle. So make sure you make space for proper rest and sleep. 

Follow Your Doctor’s Advice Religiously.

Don’t just nod your head to what your fertility specialist says. Do what he says because he knows all about the IVF treatment, and you don’t. So listen carefully and follow closely.

 A Balanced Diet for a Balanced IVF Cycle

It would help if you consumed a colourful bowl of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables in your meals. Most importantly, don’t skip meals at any cost. Also, it is advised by doctors to break down one meal into smaller meals for better digestion and absorption of vitamins and minerals. 

When the Doctor Calls, You Always Go.

The IVF treatment revolves around a lot of blood tests and ultrasound monitoring to closely observe the development of eggs and the overall reproductive health. Moreover, IVF is a highly complex treatment. So whenever there is an appointment with your IVF specialist, show up every single time. 

Stay Active with a Lightweight Exercise Routine. 

There are multiple benefits of exercising regularly. A stress-free IVF journey and a healthy BMI are some of them. You can engage in activities like walking, jogging, and practicing fertility yoga asanas can help you immensely. 

But one thing must be kept in mind: rigorous exercise must be avoided. 

Take Your Medications Timely.

These days, ovarian stimulation injections can be self-administered. It should be your priority to administer the IVF injections in a timely. Also, make sure you wash your hands properly and sanitize the place where you lie down. Please don’t compromise on the importance of cleanliness. 

If you don’t want to go for self-administration, you can ask your doctor for regular appointments so that the fertility specialist can do this job for you. 

Put Aside Your Weight-loss Goals. 

Your only fitness goal during IVF should be to nourish your body with all the essential vitamins and minerals without having a calorie deficit. Weight loss generally warrants intense exercise routines that you cannot engage in during or after your IVF treatment. 

The pro tip here would be if you are underweight or overweight, then you should take care of your BMI before starting your IVF journey. 

Develop a Robust Support System.

Having people who care for you in your tough times is extremely important during IVF since it is a very demanding journey. There is a reason why people call it the IVF journey. Quality relations are going to help you immensely to cope with the stressful days. 

Another common question that couples undergoing IVF stimulation have is whether or not they should continue with their routine after embryo transfer. The answer might surprise you, but taking complete bed rest after embryo transfer is strictly prohibited by the doctors. 

The science behind this is that when your brain is not involved in any work, it will always go back to the million questions that are running inside your head. When you think about them endlessly, you end up being stressed. And my dear ladies, stress is the enemy of your reproductive health. 

Is a healthy diet and lifestyle significant during IVF Stimulation? 

The success rate of IVF treatment is somewhere between 35 to 40%. It is the highest success rate when everything goes right. So, if you want to make the best out of your IVF cycle, prepare your body well.

Final Word

You might have noticed that there is nothing extraordinary that you have to do during IVF stimulation to increase your chances of getting pregnant. The full article can be aptly summarised in one line: Eat good and take proper care of your health and wellness. Apart from this, the clinic that you choose for IVF plays a more important role than you might think. A clinic like Imprimis IVF can be your best option. 

Every decision, big or small, should be made thoughtfully by keeping the bigger picture in mind.