ivf success rate in india

What is the IVF Success Rate in Srinagar , India

With medical advancements, IVF has emerged as a boon for infertile couples. In-vitro Fertilisation has registered massive success rates around the globe. A plethora of factors influence the IVF success rate. A woman’s age is one of the predominant factors in deciding the IVF treatment success rates. So, naturally, every couple wants to dive into the depths of IVF success rates by ageImprimis IVF, the best IVF centre in Srinagar, is here to help you with your questions. 

IVF success rates by age and number of embryos

Our IVF experts in Srinagar have concluded that the best age for a woman to welcome a baby is between 24 and 30. The woman is physically and mentally armed to start a family during this age. However, there have been cases where a woman cannot conceive at an early age and has to turn to IVF. 

The IVF success rate lies between 30-40%.

IVF success rates revolve around the age of 35. Doctors divide the IVF success rate into two age groups. 

  • IVF success rates under 35
  • IVF success rates after 35 

Two important parameters describe IVF success rates. One is the “clinical pregnancy rate“, and the other is the “live pregnancy rate“. 

Clinical pregnancy rate means how many women successfully conceive a baby per IVF cycle. Meanwhile, the live birth rate refers to how many women give birth to a healthy baby with IVF. 

Now, let’s understand how these two parameters determine the IVF success rate with the help of two cases. 

IVF Success Rates Under 35

Suppose a 31-year-old woman is undergoing IVF treatment in Srinagar at Imprimis IVF. We can describe the success rate for 31-year-old women with the parameters mentioned above. The chances of conceiving a baby or clinical pregnancy rates are around 40%. But the live birth rate for this woman with IVF treatment is between 33-36%

IVF Success Rates Over 35

As a woman crosses the border at the age of 35, a steep decline is witnessed in clinical pregnancy and live birth rates. The clinical pregnancy rate declines from 40% to 25-30%. Meanwhile, the live birth rate for those over 35 is 20%.

IVF success rates over 40 

After hitting 40, there is a natural and consistent decrease in the quantity and quality of your eggs. As a result, the success rate of IVF at 40 decreases considerably. The clinical pregnancy, as well as the live birth rates, plummet further. The chances of pregnancy between 40-42 with a woman’s eggs are about 16%, and the live birth rate is around 10%

  • The chances for women between 43-44 are further reduced to 7%.
  • After clocking 45, the IVF success rate is 2-3%.

Women over 40 can consider taking the help of donor egg IVF treatment after consulting with their reproductive specialist. 

IVF Success Rate By Number Of Embryos.

The number of embryos and their quality can increase or decrease the distance between you and your baby. The uterus must produce many good-quality eggs that can be implanted in the uterus during IVF and help in conceiving. 

But this doesn’t mean implanting more embryos will increase your stakes of achieving pregnancy. Let’s understand how the number of embryos influences IVF success rates. 

Single vs. Multiple Embryos-

Single embryo transfer is preferred over multiple/double embryo transfer in IVF treatment. The most apparent reason is that multiple embryo transfers result in more complications and negative outcomes. Multiple embryo transfer increases the risk of twin pregnancy, which further impacts the baby’s health. The risk is higher when the woman is over 35. The efficacy rates of single embryo transfer stand at around 42%. 2 embryo success transfer rates are around 45%

Frozen Embryo Transfer Success Rates-

Frozen embryo transfer technology is on the rise these days in India. In some cases, excellent results are summoned with frozen embryo transfer instead of fresh egg transfer. 

The embryo transfer success rates lie between 50-60%

Why IVF Success Rate Decreases with Age

1. Diminishing Ovarian Reserve (Reduced Egg Quality and Quantity)-The ovarian reserve diminishes as a woman ages. Reduction in egg quality and quantity is natural and irreversible. 

The IVF treatment cost in Srinagar also increases accordingly. 

2. Poor Embryo Quality-There’s a difference between an embryo’s appearance (morphology) and quality. Defected/abnormal embryos fail to implant into the uterus after their transfer. 

Other Factors Impacting IVF Success Rates- 

1. No Ovarian Response -There are five stages of IVF; during the first stage, a woman is on medications to increase the production of eggs. In women with low levels of AMH, the ovaries will not respond to these medications, and IVF treatment will not yield success. 

2. Sperm Quality: Fertilization involves the fusion of eggs with sperm. Poor quality sperm is bound to impact IVF success rates.

3. Lifestyle – Consumption of alcohol, smoking, and being underweight or overweight directly impact IVF success rates. 

How do you make IVF successful the first time?

No IVF centre in Srinagar can guarantee 100% success rates. However, there are certain precautionary steps that you can take to reduce your number of IVF cycles.

  • Choosing the right IVF clinic- IVF is a complex Assisted Reproductive Technology. Choosing the right clinic armed with excellent IVF expertise and state-of-the-art lab fertility technology like Imprimis IVF, which delivers the best IVF treatment in Srinagar, can increase your chances of having your little human by a good percentage. The right IVF clinic in Srinagar can be a game-changer! 
  • Keep your dosage and medication timing in check-: Don’t risk skipping your IVF medications. Take your daily dose of IVF medications at the proper time without fail. 
  • A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet-: After the embryo implantation, the woman should consume a diet rich in fruits and green leafy vegetables. IVF doctors in Srinagar recommend consuming small and frequent balanced diets. Adequate water intake is a must. Refrain from consuming bakery products that contain excess sugar. Abstain from smoking and drinking to increase the efficacy of the IVF treatment. 
  • No strict bed rest-: It might come as a shock, but it can be an enemy. As a woman is constantly dreaded with thoughts about conceiving, what if it fails? If strict bed rest is followed, then these negative thoughts thrive. This increases the secretion of stress hormones, which contract the uterus.
  • Positivity and belief are important-: Staying positive and believing that your IVF journey will push you toward your baby is vital. 

Donor Egg IVF Success Rates-

As we’ve already learned, the number and quality of eggs decrease sharply once a woman crosses 35. It means the chances of conceiving with one’s eggs also decrease. But that doesn’t mark the end of the road to pregnancy. Donor egg IVF treatment has summoned a promising live birth rate of around 19% in older women. 

IVF success rate by age with PGS.

IVF Success rate

One of the pronounced reasons IVF treatment fails is genetic abnormalities in the embryo. Either this abnormal embryo will not implant in the uterus lining or will result in miscarriage. The genetic abnormalities in the embryo increase with age. It significantly hampers the IVF success rates amongst women over 35.

PGS or PGD, or PGT, stands for Preimplantation Genetic Testing. This Infertility test involves genetic testing of the blastocyst (day 5) embryos before implantation. PGS removes the hurdle of chromosome abnormalities and increases success rates. However, PGS is prescribed in special cases only:

Shedding light on the success rate of IVF treatment with PGS, positive results are summoned amongst older women. 

IVF Success Rate by Age and AMH 

IVF Success rate

AMH, which stands for Anti-Mullerian hormone, is secreted by primordial follicles in your ovaries. Why do AMH levels play a vital role in determining IVF success rates? AMH is a predictive biomarker that predicts/indicates a woman’s ovarian reserve. 

Normal AMH levels for healthy pregnancy range between 1.0 and 4.0ng/ml. The anti-Mullerian hormone is an age-dependent parameter. Studies have shown that the ovarian reserve or the AMH level is reduced by 10% yearly. As a woman ages, the number of primordial follicles decreases. So, the AMH level decreases. AMH levels for different ages decrease in the following order: 

  • At 25 – 3ng/ml
  • At 30 – 2.5ng/ml
  • At 35 – 1.5ng/ml
  • At 40– 1ng/ml
  • At 45 – 0.5ng/ml

The AMH level varies and provides crucial data about ovarian reserve to predict success rates. 


Before choosing IVF, researching IVF success rates by age proves helpful. But nothing can beat talking to a reproductive specialist to chalk out a plan for your age. For example, if you are at 25, discuss the IVF success rates at 25, medical requirements, and everything that concerns you. Make sure you visit the best IVF centre in Srinagar, like Imprimis IVF and Fertility Centre, take your medications religiously and stay super positive!