Freezing of Eggs, Embryos, and Sperms: All You Need to Know About Cryopreservation!

The ability to freeze embryos has emerged as a powerful tool. This process, known as cryopreservation, offers individuals and couples a chance to defy the traditional biological clock, allowing them to preserve their fertility for a future pregnancy. The chance to delay parenthood is a relatively new phenomenon.

Medical advances such as cryopreservation, freezing and storing gametes and embryos for later use, allow individuals and couples to control their family planning schedules. This article introduces the world of cryopreservation and explores its applications, benefits, and considerations.

Why is Cryopreservation an Emerging Trend?

Cryopreservation is no longer a futuristic concept but an established medical practice. Infertility centres in and around the world are interested in freezing eggs, sperm, and embryos.

Social factors such as higher education, career aspirations, or simply a desire to find the right partner lead people to preserve their fertility for a future pregnancy. The decision to freeze eggs, sperm, or embryos is quite, personal.

As a process, cryopreservation is an expensive process & medical insurance may not cover fertility treatments, so you must consider your goals & discuss them thoroughly with your partner, before making this decision.

Why Should You Opt for Cryopreservation?

Why Should You Opt for Cryopreservation

You must be wondering, why cryopreservation has been an emerging trend suddenly & why is everyone talking about it. Let’s dive into some reasons:

1. Body Clock

As we age, our fertility naturally declines. Think of eggs and sperm as superheroes because they’re the strongest when they’re young. Cryopreservation allows you to freeze eggs and sperm at their peak, giving you a better chance of getting pregnant later.

2. Medical struggles:

Cancer treatment can be hard on the body, including our reproductive system. Cryopreservation offers hope because it allows you to freeze whole eggs or sperm before treatment so you can have a family after recovery.

3. Finding Your True Self

Gender reassignment can affect fertility. Cryopreservation allows transgender people to preserve their ability to have children before hormone therapy or surgery.

4. Waiting for the right time

Maybe you’re busy building your career or haven’t found the perfect partner yet. Cryopreservation gives singles and couples the flexibility to freeze eggs, sperm, or even embryos so they can start a family when they are ready.

Does Freezing Damage Embryos?

A persistent question often arises: Does freezing harm embryos? The answer is that, like many things in science, it is not a simple yes or no.

Cryopreservation is a time- and temperature-sensitive process, and while the technology has continued to advance, there are inherent risks. Freezing can damage embryos, and thawing them later can also damage them. If multiple embryos are frozen, some or all may not survive the process, so choosing the right infertility centre is essential!

What is the Process of Cryopreservation?

Process of Cryopreservation

Imagine taking a break from planning your baby! This is what cold storage does. Here’s a simplified version:

1. Freezing Eggs

Think of it like putting eggs on ice. Doctors will give you medicine to make your ovaries produce more eggs. They then remove the eggs quickly and easily. Before storing them in a very cold freezer with a special antifreeze, they make sure they won’t be damaged by freezing.

2. Freezing sperm

It’s pretty simple. You provide a sperm sample and the clinic adds a special “antifreeze” to protect it. It then goes into the same ultra-cold freezer as the eggs.

3. Embryo freezing

It’s like putting in a little miracle. Doctors fertilize eggs with sperm in the laboratory and create embryos. These early embryos receive the same antifreeze treatment and super cryopreservation as eggs and sperm.

How Long Can Embryos Be Stored?

Imagine putting your family planning on hold for ten years! You can do this by freezing embryos. Most clinics recommend keeping them in the freezer during this time to give you flexibility. But here’s the great part: ten years is not a deadline. If you need more time, you can extend the storage.

If you want to preserve your eggs, sperm, or embryos, get in touch with Imprimis IVF Srinagar, our experienced doctors will guide you through the process in detail.

What can be Done in the Case of Separation from the Partner?

Embryos are created from sperm and egg. Therefore, sperm and egg providers must agree separately on the conditions of storage of embryos. Both the female as well as male partners (unless donor eggs or sperm are used) must complete a special consent form expressing their wishes regarding the use of the stored material.

Embryos can only be used if both male and female partners agree to the intended use. It’s also important to agree on what you want to do with the embryos if one of you faces mortality.

Going through these problems might be quite overwhelming, but don’t worry. The experienced team of professionals, counsellors, doctors, and staff at our infertility center will make you feel at ease. You can visit here to study the proper guidelines for the procedure.

Understanding the Risks & Benefits of Cryopreservation

Cryopreservation is like all medical procedures, It has its own considerations. Although freezing and thawing techniques have become increasingly successful, there is always the possibility that cells or embryos won’t survive the process. Also, cold storage and high costs could also be a major factor. However, the benefits often outweigh the risks.

Cryopreservation offers an opportunity to preserve fertility and give individuals and couples more control over their family planning decisions and choosing the right infertility centre is crucial. Pregnancy success rates with frozen eggs, sperm, and embryos continue to improve which makes it a viable option for many people.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is cryopreservation right for me?

A consultation with a fertility specialist at the Fertility Center is essential. You can also contact us at 7678556881 and we can assess your individual situation and discuss whether cryopreservation is compatible with your family planning goals or not.

2. What is the success rate of Cryopreservation?

Success rates depend on factors such as the age of freezing and the reason for cold storage. Your fertility specialist at Imprimis IVF can provide you with personalized statistics based on your circumstances.

3. What happens to unused frozen eggs, sperm, or embryos?

You always have the option to donate them to research or help another couple struggling with infertility.


Cryopreservation is a powerful technique that empowers individuals and couples to make informed choices about their reproductive future. By understanding the process, and its pros and cons, you can make decisions that align with your personal vision of parenting. We at, Imprimis IVF Srinagar, are dedicated to delivering exceptional results at our infertility centre and keeping the candle of hope burning for many people.

What are Uterine Polyps? What are the Treatments Available?

What are Uterine Polyps?

Uterine polyps are small tumours that form on the lining of the uterus, the place where a fertilized egg implants during pregnancy. Although they are usually harmless, they can cause discomfort and sometimes affect fertility. Uterine polyps occur when endometrial tissue grows excessively. Polyps are attached to the endometrium by thin stalks or broad bases that extend into the uterus.

Polyps are round or oval and range in size from a few millimetres (the size of a sesame seed) to several centimetres (the size of a golf ball) or more. You may have one or more polyps. Uterine polyps are usually not cancerous, but they can cause problems with menstruation, periods, or childbirth. This article explains everything you need to know about uterine polyps, including causes, symptoms, and treatment options. This is especially useful for women who are concerned about their reproductive health.

What Causes Uterine Polyps?

Doctors are not exactly sure what causes uterine polyps, but a few things may play an essential role. One is hormonal imbalance, especially excess estrogenNormally, estrogen helps the endometrium grow each month. Progesterone, another hormone, balances things out by preventing excessive growth of the lining. If there is not enough estrogen or progesterone, the lining can overgrow and form polyps.

Uterine polyps are sometimes asymptomatic, meaning they don’t cause symptoms. For this reason, many people with uterine polyps may never receive a diagnosis. Research does suggest that polyps are more common in certain populations. For instance, they’re more common in people who’ve gone through menopause than those who haven’t.

Certain diseases, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can also increase the risk of polyps. Other factors include ageing, being overweight, and using certain medications, such as tamoxifen, which is used to treat breast cancer.

What are the Symptoms of Uterine Polyps?

Uterine Polyps Symptoms

Uterine polyps don’t always cause problems, but some women experience symptoms that need attention. If you have any of these, it’s important to see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis.

Abnormal bleeding may be a sign of uterine polyps — especially if you’re postmenopausal. It can be alarming to have unusual bleeding, but most causes of bleeding like polyps are unrelated to uterine cancer. Early detection and treatment can help avoid complications, especially if you’re trying to get pregnant.

Let’s understand all the symptoms in detail:

1. Unusual bleeding

This is the most common symptom. You might have periods that last longer than usual and are heavier or bleeding between periods. Most periods last four to seven days. Normal menstrual cycles usually occur every 28 days but can range from 21 days to 35 days. Many people with uterine polyps have irregular periods.

2. Trouble getting pregnant

Polyps can make it harder for a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus lining.

3. Pelvic pain

Some women experience pain or discomfort in their lower abdomen, especially during their period or sex. This can be concerning and may lead to anxiety and uncertainty about the underlying cause.

4. Bleeding after menopause

If you’ve gone through menopause or stopped having periods and experienced any bleeding, it’s important to see a doctor right away.

How are Uterine Polyps Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of Uterine Polyps

Your fertility centre will review your medical history and ask about your symptoms. They may ask if you’ve ever had trouble getting pregnant. They might also run some pregnancy tests, including a pelvic exam. Additional tests and procedures may be needed to determine if the tumour is a polyp.

Doctors usually use several different methods to diagnose uterine polyps, including:

  • Review of your medical history: They will ask about your symptoms, illnesses, and medications you are taking.
  • Physical exam: This may include the pelvic area. where your doctor checks your uterus for possible abnormalities
  • Hysterosonography: During Hysterosonography, a care provider uses a thin, flexible tube (catheter) to inject salt water (saline) into the hollow part of the uterus. An ultrasound probe gets images of the inside of the uterus to check for anything unusual.
  • Imaging tests: A transvaginal ultrasound uses sound waves to create a picture of your uterus and ovaries.
  • Hysteroscopy: It is a procedure in which a thin, lighted tube is inserted into the uterus to see the lining directly.

Treatment of Uterine Polyps Options Available

Uterine Polyps treatment

The best home treatment for polyps depends on several factors, including their size, location, and whether they have symptoms. Your desire to have children is also important, so choosing an experienced fertility expert is crucial.

Here are some treatment options that can be beneficial-

1. Observation

For small, asymptomatic polyps, doctors may recommend waiting and watching them, especially in women who are menopausal or have no major problems.

2. Medications

Hormonal medications, such as progestins, can help shrink them. or prevent polyps from growing, often the preferred approach before surgery.

3. Uterine polypectomy

Your provider will likely be able to remove the polyp during a hysteroscopy. A hysteroscope allows your provider to insert tools that can be used to cut and remove polyps. The advantage of the hysteroscope is its accuracy. Your provider can see the polyp and remove it at the same time. They may then send the tissue to a lab to check for signs of cancer.

If the polyp is cancerous, you may need additional surgery. A hysterectomy, or surgery that involves removing the uterus, may be necessary in cases where the polyps contain cancer cells.

4. Surgery

If polyps are large or cause symptoms, surgery may be necessary. Procedures such as dilation and curettage (D and C) can remove polyps while preserving fertility. Choosing a qualified surgeon and a reputable fertility centre is crucial for such procedures.

Imprimis IVF Fertility Centre: Your Partner in Overcoming Challenges

Uterine polyps can affect fertility, but with early detection and proper treatment, you can overcome these obstacles and achieve. Healthy Pregnancy If you are experiencing infertility or symptoms of uterine polyps, Imprimis IVF Fertility Centre can provide care and effective solutions tailored to your unique situation.

We understand the emotional challenges of infertility and are committed to providing compassionate care and personalized treatment plans. helps you achieve your dream of parenthood.

Our experienced fertility specialists can diagnose and treat a wide range of reproductive health problems, including uterine polyps. With advanced diagnostic tools and multiple treatment options, we can create a plan that meets your specific needs and increases your chances of success.

Whether you are experiencing infertility, recurrent miscarriages, or other reproductive health issues, we are here to support youevery step of the way. You don’t have to walk this journey alone. Let Imprimis IVF fertility centre help you realize your dream of starting a family. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a brighter future.