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Top 10 Reasons for Failed IVF Treatment

IVF Failure:- Starting an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) journey is a very personal and frequently emotional undertaking. IVF offers a glimmer of hope for couples who are struggling with infertility in their quest for parenthood. But the road is not always easy, and it takes an unfathomable amount of perseverance to ride out the storms of failed attempts. We examine the intricacies of in vitro fertilization in this investigation, illuminating the various factors that lead to the procedure’s sporadic failures.

Reasons for IVF Failure

You may learn more about the main causes of IVF failure from this article:

Reasons for IVF Failure

1 Failure of Embryo Implantation

Embryo failure to implant into the uterine lining is one of the main causes of IVF failure. The precise causes of the failed attempt are yet unknown to the doctors. There are two possible causes for the attempt to fail: either an embryonic issue or an issue with the uterus. Finding the precise source of the issue is still challenging.

Embryos have no chance of surviving for more than five days. In the field of IVF, the cause of weak and unhealthy embryos is still unknown and is referred to as a “black box” question. The lady can choose to undergo PGS testing in conjunction with IVF, which can assist infertility experts in choosing healthy embryos for implantation and increase the likelihood of successful embryo implantation.

2. Egg Quality

For women under 35, the success rate for embryo implantation is 50%, but for those over 40, it is just 12%. It makes sense to go with IVF using donor eggs if the lady has a healthy uterus but her female egg quality is low. If the primary cause of an IVF failure is poor egg quality, then transferring the eggs to a surrogate will likewise fail. Reproductive difficulties in older women are primarily caused by poor-quality eggs rather than problems with the uterus.

3. Age Is Important

The biological clock, a constant factor in fertility, determines how well IVF treatment works out. The success of IVF procedures is significantly influenced by the ages of both partners. Growing older presents women with a variety of difficulties, such as decreased egg quality and a reduction in ovarian reserve. Just as the number of candles on a birthday cake rises, so too does the difficulty of getting pregnant with IVF.

Fertility is a dynamic variable rather than a timeless constant in biological reality. Age reduces both the quantity and quality of eggs, which impacts the likelihood of successful fertilization and implantation. Age-related infertility is still a major obstacle for couples, necessitating a complex dance between biology and time, even with advances in reproductive technologies.

4. Reduced Ovarian Reserves

Ovarian reserve is a key component in the complex dance of in vitro fertilization. The amount and calibre of a woman’s eggs are referred to as her ovarian reserve, and they play a crucial role in the outcome of in vitro fertilization. The quantity and quality of eggs available for fertilization decrease as women age due to ovarian reserve reduction.

Early detection and treatment of reduced ovarian reserve during the IVF process is a hurdle. Fertility doctors can adjust treatment strategies based on the assessment of ovarian reserve made possible by advanced diagnostic techniques including blood tests and antral follicle counts. Aggressive ovarian stimulation is one strategy that can be used to increase the likelihood of obtaining viable eggs.

5. Imbalances in Hormones

Any mistake in the intricate dance of hormones might have a cascading effect on the IVF procedure. Reaching a hormonal balance is not only necessary but also a delicate dance that must be coordinated with the cycle of reproductive therapies. The delicate balance between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries can be upset by hormonal abnormalities, affecting the outcome of in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles.

Hormonal imbalances can be exacerbated by disorders like irregular menstrual cycles or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Gonadotropins and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues are among the drugs that must be carefully administered to control hormonal fluctuations and improve the environment for egg maturation and retrieval.

IVF Failure Reasons

6. Aberrant sperm and poor-quality sperm

Sperm plays a role in the health of the developing embryo. Men with severe male factors, such as diabetes and azoospermia from genetic causes, may have low sperm quality and quantity.
The amount and quality of sperm can be impacted by chromosomal abnormalities. Hence, the embryo becomes aberrant both during and after fertilization.

It may have two or three times as many chromosomes as it does or fewer. Breaks in the sperm head’s DNA can result in DNA fragmentation, which can ultimately lead to unsuccessful implantation and miscarriage.

7 . The Ovarian Reaction

To enhance egg production, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), a fertility hormone, must be injected daily into the female during the initial stages of IVF treatment. Some women’s ovaries react incorrectly to this medicine, which prevents them from producing enough eggs for harvest. Because of their already lowered egg production, elderly women are particularly affected by this.

The IVF procedure doesn’t have to cease if there is a poor ovarian response. Changes to medicine and investigations might be able to improve the situation. The ovarian reserve is measured by a blood test for the Anti-Mullarian Hormone (AMH) and an ultrasound scan looking at the antral follicle count. The optimal hormonal regimen and dosage to stimulate your ovaries and generate a sufficient number of eggs would depend on your ovarian reserve.

8. Molecular Biology

Each spouse’s biological characteristics may have an impact on the health of the embryo. Chromosomal issues can be caused by genetic disorders that may impact the sperm or the egg, making it difficult for an embryo to take root or boosting the possibility of miscarriage. Genetic testing is one method that can be used to identify these defects in embryos before they are transplanted. The possibility of selecting healthy eggs can be increased by genetic testing such as PGT, which is especially important if there is a sign of genetic problems or repeated losses.

9. Failure of Implantation

Sometimes the embryo may not attach itself to the uterine lining sufficiently. Issues with the embryo or the uterine environment could bring this on. The uterine lining, or endometrium, needs to be appropriately prepared to receive the embryo. Inadequate endometrial thickness, hormonal abnormalities, or certain immunological conditions are among the causes of implant failure. To address these issues and raise the chance of successful implantation, hormonal treatments and techniques such as IUI (intrauterine insemination) may be used.

10. Endometriosis

Tissue that resembles the lining of the uterus develops out of the uterus in this condition. Given that it may result in oedema and scarring, it might affect the efficacy of IVF and conception. Patients with endometriosis may have lower-quality eggs, a decreased ovarian reserve, and a higher risk of unsuccessful implantation. For certain individuals, endometriotic tissue removal via laparoscopy surgery may be beneficial.

How to Identify IVF Failure Symptoms

Even though the emotional toll of an unsuccessful IVF cycle can be severe, being aware of the symptoms and possible causes can help you make proactive decisions. Unusual bleeding, pelvic pain, or abrupt mood swings are symptoms that should drive you to see a reproductive doctor right away.

Periods Following a Failed IVF Cycle

Going through a phase following unsuccessful IVF treatments can be emotionally taxing. It signals the end of an optimistic wait and frequently necessitates helping couples deal with disappointment. Planning the next steps and getting through this stage can be made easier by seeking open communication, emotional support, and advice from fertility specialists.

Managing IVF Failure

It can be depressing to experience the signs of IVF failure or to have an IVF cycle fail, but you must keep in mind that this does not mean the end of your journey to motherhood. After one or more failed efforts, many couples find success. During this phase, it’s important to have coping techniques, emotional support, and open communication with your healthcare team. Hope never wavers for couples who experience an unsuccessful IVF cycle.

A comprehensive assessment of the IVF cycle will result from speaking with your fertility doctor, making it possible to pinpoint the precise elements that contributed to the cycle’s failure. With this knowledge, a customized strategy can be created for your next tries, raising the likelihood of a favourable result.

In Summary for IVF Failure

IVF is a multifaceted, intricate process that depends on a wide range of variables to be successful. Couples and individuals can work together with their fertility doctors to address any potential concerns by being aware of the common reasons why IVF fails. Better results can be achieved by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, following prescription instructions, and getting emotional support, even though not all elements are under your control. Every fertility journey is different, and it’s critical to keep in mind that an IVF failure does not automatically rule out becoming a parent. For more information visit our blogs or consult our IVF specialist at Imprimis IVF & Fertility Centre in Srinagar.

Why does IVF Fail with Good Embryos

Why IVF Fail with Good Embryos – Good-quality embryos are necessary for a successful IVF cycle, but they alone can’t guarantee conception. You are not the only one who has failed to conceive, even with good embryos. Undoubtedly, IVF has proved to be a boon for couples with fertility problems. However, we must accept that IVF or other Assisted Reproductive Technology can not give you 100% success rates.  

The Actual Success Rate of IVF 

The success rate of IVF with good-quality embryos is between 35-40%. The success rate is also influenced by the fertility clinic you choose for your treatment. A good clinic backed by experienced fertility experts, a robust patient support system, the best laboratory, and infrastructure play a key role. 

After simplifying this data, we conclude that even with top-quality eggs, there is a 60% chance that you might still not get pregnant. Good quality embryos don’t mean you are destined to achieve pregnancy as soon as the embryo is transferred inside the uterus. 

This data is why couples undergo 2-3 IVF cycles before they can conceive and finally welcome a little one. 

Moreover, the IVF success rate is different for different age groups. Age may be the reason why IVF  fail with top-quality embryos.

1. Age and IVF Success Rates 

Understanding IVF success rates for different age groups can help understand why good-quality embryos don’t always promise pregnancy. 

IVF Success Rates in Women Under 35

Say a 32-year-old woman plans to undergo IVF treatment at Imprimis IVF, Srinagar. At this age, the chances of conception or clinical pregnancy rates are around 40%. However, the live birth rate with IVF treatment lies between 33-36%. 

IVF Success Rates in Women Older than 35

For the age group over 35, a sharp decline is observed in clinical pregnancy rates and live birth rates. Compared to women under 35, the clinical pregnancy rate for women over 35 declines from 40% to 25-30%. At the same time, the live birth rate is witnessed to be around 20%. 

IVF Success Rates in Women Over 40 

If a woman is over 40, the quality of eggs, clinical pregnancy, and live birth rates will significantly decline. It might be impossible to conceive with eggs in your ovaries at this age, but the possibility is not zero. 

  • Between 40-42, the chances of conception for a woman with eggs are about 16%, and the live birth rate is 10%.
  • The chances for a woman in the age slot 43-44 are further reduced to 7%.
  • After a woman turns 45, the success rate of IVF is just 2-3%.

If a woman over 40 faces repeated IVF failures with her eggs, looking for a surrogate mother can help. 

2- Using Day 3 Embryos instead of Day 5 Embryos 

It is another reason why good embryos result in a failed IVF cycle. We must first go through the IVF process to understand what Day 3 and Day 5 embryos mean. 

What Happens during IVF? 

In-vitro Fertilisation is an assisted reproductive technology used by couples who cannot get pregnant naturally. During this process, various hormonal injections are administered to the women to stimulate the ovaries to produce more mature eggs. These mature eggs are collected on a petri dish by the embryologist. With the help of certain tools, the quality of these eggs is checked. Eggs are then fused with the sperm, resulting in the formation of embryos. 

Two types of embryos are generally used in IVF. One is formed after 72 hours of fertilization and is known as a day three embryo. The other embryo is formed after five days of fertilization, known as a blastocyst-stage embryo. Generally, day five embryos are preferred over day three embryos because:

  • It is more chromosomally normal
  • It has a higher implantation rate

Sometimes, there is no other option but to use Day 3 embryos. So, consult thoroughly with your embryologist about the health and quality of embryos. Always ask your embryologist for photos or videos of your embryos before saying yes to embryo transfer. 

3- Endometrial Receptivity

The process does not come to an end with embryo transfer. There is more to IVF than developing top-quality embryos for implantation

Successful implantation occurs when the embryo is competent and the endometrium is receptive. Endometrial receptivity means whether or not the endometrium is allowing the embryo to implant in the uterine lining. 

Imagine planting a good quality seed (embryo) in the soil. The seed will grow if the soil (endometrium) holds it in place and nourishes it. 

Failure of implantation takes place due to the following two reasons:

  • The embryo is genetically abnormal
  • The endometrium is not receptive

In your case, the embryo is genetically normal. However, the endometrium is causing problems with implantation, resulting in IVF failures. 

Why is Your Uterus Non-receptive? 

A bunch of reasons can lead to the non-receptivity of the uterus. Some of the most common issues related to problems in implantation are stated below: 

  • Fibroids, polyps, or adhesions in the uterus hinder implantation. 
  • Sometimes, the endometrial lining, about 7-9 mm long, is not receptive.
  • An infection in the uterine cavity can make the environment less receptive toward the embryo.
  • The presence of some blood clots in the uterus can also lead to the unsuccessful implantation of good embryos.
  • Other factors, like undiagnosed immunological issues, might also cause problems with implantation.

4- Embryo Implantation Rate

Just like there are fewer good-quality eggs in women over 35 years and 40 years of age, the embryo implantation rate is also less in such women. 

  • For women over 35, the embryo implantation rate is around 50%. 
  • For women over 40, the implantation rate further drops to 12%.

5- Undetected Chromosomal Abnormalities 

Before transferring to the uterus, the embryos undergo pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS). However, some chromosomal abnormalities sometimes go undetected and result in implantation failure. 

6- Mental and Emotional Health 

The value of good mental and emotional health during IVF can’t be emphasized enough. If you take too much stress about the outcome of your cycle, then it can disrupt your IVF treatment. Take utmost care of your mental and emotional health by engaging in your favourite activities, for example-

  • Talking to your loved ones
  • Reading novels
  • Taking a walk with a dear friend
  • Journaling
  • Cooking

Please reach out to someone or talk to your fertility expert if you cannot handle the stress that comes with the treatment. Don’t forget that doctors encounter such cases daily; even a small conversation with them can comfort you. 

7- Nature

IVF or any other Assisted Reproductive Technology can not go against nature. There is a natural selection behind what will get accepted and what will get rejected. It is why sometimes, even when everything works in your favour, the outcome is not positive. You are free from any genetic disorder; the egg and the sperm are good, and you don’t get pregnant. It happens in natural conception as well. So, it’s simple: When nature is involved, there is no logical reason why pregnancy is still out of reach. 

Final Word about Why IVF Fail with Good Embryos

Getting pregnant with IVF is one of the best options, with the most promising success rates. But IVF has its limitations. Please bear in mind that the success rate is less than 100%. It comprises several complex steps; anything can go wrong during treatment. An entirely natural lab fertilization process is no less than an achievement. 

Some couples conceive in their first cycle, while others undergo multiple IVF cycles. Several reasons lead to IVF failure; one is that the embryo is not implanted in the uterus. Talk to a fertility specialist to determine the cause of why IVF fail with good embryos.