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Enlarged Uterus: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Introduction to Enlarged Uterus

Enlarged Uterus – The uterus is a hollow organ in the pelvis and comprises two parts: the endometrium, which thickens during pregnancy, and the myometrium, which supports the uterus internally. Three layers comprise the uterus: the innermost layer is called the glandular or functional layer; this portion of the uterine wall secretes mucus and blood vessels that feed the endometrium.

The middle layer is called the serous or storage layer; this portion of the uterine wall stores blood in case of anemia. Finally, there is an outermost layer called muscular or adventitial; this portion of the uterine wall helps support and shape the uterus. A woman’s reproductive organs comprise her cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes, and ovaries (the ovary).

The term “enlarged uterus” describes a condition in which the size of the endometrium (uterine lining) increases beyond normal limits. The syndrome may start after menopause or present at birth and last for the rest of one’s life. Significant uterus syndrome is sometimes called leiomyomata.

The most common cause of significant uterus syndrome is an inherited disorder called uterine leiomyoma (unlike fibroids, leiomyomas are not cancerous). Leiomyomas are usually benign tumors composed of smooth muscle cells which frequently line the uterus’ interior. They can grow and increase over time, resulting in a larger uterus with an enlarged endometrium.

The most common cause of infertility is an enlarged uterus (endometriosis). An enlarged uterus can occur due to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), endometriosis, or adenomyosis (a condition in which endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus). 

Causes of Enlarged Uterus

Causes of Enlarged Uterus

The common causes of an enlarged uterus may be medical illnesses in the background, like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). However, other factors, such as excessive weight gain or breastfeeding, can play a role occasionally.

1. Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids are benign tumors that usually occur in the uterus, although they can sometimes be found elsewhere in the body. The fibroid may be a single tumor, or it may consist of several smaller tumors. Fibroids can cause pain at the time of menstruation, as well as abnormal bleeding and other problems. If a woman thinks she has fibroids, she should see her doctor to get checked out.

2. Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis is when the muscle layer around your uterus becomes thick and lumpy instead of smooth and elastic like normal muscle tissue. This can cause problems with your periods and make them irregular or heavy, possibly leading to anemia or blood clots that may cause a stroke or a heart attack.

If you have adenomyosis, you may also experience painful cramps or bleeding between periods or irregular intervals during your cycle. Your doctor will check for adenomyosis based on the symptoms you report, your medical History, and any physical exam findings he observes during an exam of your cervix (the lower part of your uterus).

3. Endometrial Hyperplasia

Endometrial hyperplasia can develop if a woman has multiple risk factors for endometrial cancer, such as:

  1. Women after 35 years of age.
  2. Previous History of breast cancer
  3. History of blood clots in your veins (deep-vein thrombosis)
  4. Family history of endometrial cancer
  5. A family history of uterine polyps

Symptoms and Impact on Fertility

Symptoms of Enlarged Uterus

1. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding can be a sign of an enlarged uterus. This is also known as menorrhagia. It occurs because the blood flow to the uterus is restricted due to an enlarged uterus. In most cases, it happens due to pregnancy and childbirth. An enlarged uterus may be to blame for lower back or abdomen pain and bleeding between periods.

2. Pelvic Pain and Discomfort

If your uterus has grown too large for its good, it may press against other organs in your pelvis (it comprises two bones: ilium and pubic bone). This pressure can cause pelvic pain, back pain, and lower abdominal discomfort. Another symptom is constipation due to pressure on the rectum from the enlarged uterus pressing against it during childbirth or periods (for example, during menopause).

3. Pelvic Area Pressure or Fullness

Pelvic pain and discomfort are common complaints of women with enlarged uteri. This can be due to pressure or fullness in the pelvis and may also result in spasms or cramping that can be uncomfortable for both you and your doctor to deal with. 

4. Urinary and Bowel Symptoms

Urinary and bowel symptoms such as urgency, frequency, incontinence (leakage) of urine or stool, constipation, painful urination; sexual dysfunction including vaginal dryness or pain during intercourse

Diagnosing an Enlarged Uterus

1. Medical History and Examination

The medical history and physical examination should focus on ruling out pregnancy, fibroids, and cancer. Medical History includes:

  • History of recent illnesses, injuries, or surgeries that may have affected the uterus.
  • Any current or past health conditions may affect fertility or pregnancy, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • The woman’s age, race, and medical History should be considered when diagnosing a possible enlarged uterus since the condition is more common in older women than in young women.

2. Imaging Tests

The diagnosis is usually benign if an ultrasound shows an enlarged uterus with a thin wall. However, if there is no evidence of pregnancy (e.g., vaginal bleeding or missed period), the diagnosis may be more likely to be uterine fibroids or endometriosis. In this case, a laparoscopy may be performed to confirm the diagnosis and remove any fibroids if they are found during surgery. An MRI may also help assess the embryo’s viability so that it can be frozen for future use if needed.

3. Biopsy or Sampling

A biopsy sample can be obtained with laparoscopy; however, there are risks involved in obtaining this type of tissue (invasive surgery).

Treatment Options for Enlarged Uterus and Infertility

Treatment of Enlarged Uterus

1. Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that grow in the fibrous lining of the uterus. Numerous symptoms, such as painful or irregular periods, heavy menstrual flow, pain during sex, or bowel motions, might be brought on by them. If fibroids push on the Fallopian tubes and prevent them from carrying eggs from the ovary to the uterus, this can also result in infertility.

2. Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis is when the lining of the uterus becomes thicker than usual and grows into adjacent tissues. The condition may cause infertility, abdominal pain, and urinary symptoms such as an increased need to urinate and blood in the urine.

3. Endometrial Hyperplasia

Endometrial hyperplasia is a disorder when the lining of the uterus experiences an increase in cells, thickening and expanding abnormally. Women with endometrial hyperplasia may have irregular periods or heavy bleeding. 

4. Uterine Polyps

Uterine polyps are growths on the villi or fingerlike projections that line the end of the fallopian tubes — structures that carry eggs from ovaries to the uterus — or other body areas such as the cervix (neck of the womb). Polyps can cause cervical cancer if they become large enough to block the cervical opening (birth canal).

Fertility Treatment Planning and Considerations

An enlarged uterus is a common medical condition, which is more common in women of childbearing age. The uterus is the organ that holds and nourishes the developing fetus during pregnancy.

Although the exact etiology of this ailment is unknown, it could be brought on by hormone imbalances, pregnancy, tumors, growth hormones, or other factors. It usually affects women after the age of 35 and is more common in those with children.

1. Individualized Approach

For mild cases, there are no special considerations for fertility treatment. However, IVF Treatment may be considered if there is no chance of conceiving naturally. If there is a possibility of having problems conceiving later on, egg donation may be an option.

2. Collaboration with Fertility Specialists

In the case of a large size of uterus, Fertility specialists recommend surgical treatment for the removal of extra tissue or organ from the body or removing part of an organ from the body with minimized damage to surrounding tissues. The procedure has been successfully performed using laparoscopy(minimally invasive surgical technique), which provides several advantages like minimized pain during surgery, no open abdomen surgery required, and less risk of infection compared to open abdomen surgery like laparotomy.


It would be best to see a doctor to find the underlying cause of your enlarged uterus. Making an appointment with your gynecologist is an intelligent approach to accomplish this. Calling their office and making an appointment over the phone is an option if you cannot visit them in person.

A regular doctor will check your health history and ask questions about your menstrual cycle, fertility, family history, and other relevant information. They will also conduct a physical exam and ask you questions about your health. This way, they can look at all possible causes of your enlarged uterus and find suitable treatment options.

Why Choose Imprimis IVF for Enlarged Uterus Treatment

Imprimis IVF is ideal for enlarged uterus treatment due to its specialized expertise, advanced technology, comprehensive approach, diverse treatment options, and supportive care. Their team of experienced fertility specialists focuses exclusively on reproductive medicine, ensuring personalized and effective treatment for an enlarged uterus. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, Imprimis IVF provides accurate diagnosis and utilizes cutting-edge technology for optimal treatment outcomes. 

Their holistic approach considers various factors contributing to the condition, addressing underlying causes and developing individualized treatment plans. Imprimis IVF ensures that patients receive the most appropriate and effective care with a wide range of treatment options available, including medications, minimally invasive procedures, and fertility preservation techniques.

What is Recurrent Abortion – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Recurrent Abortion: A miscarriage is a common mishappening. Around 15 to 20% of couples have had a miscarriage in their journey to parenthood. However, if you have a miscarriage every time you try to carry your pregnancy to term, you may need to seek timely medical guidance from an obstetrician.

Miscarriage is an age-dependent event. The risk of miscarriage in women below 30 is lower than in women over 35.

What is Recurrent Abortion?

Suppose a woman has two or more consecutive miscarriages before 20 weeks of pregnancy or the first trimester due to some complications. In that case, it is termed recurrent abortion or recurrent pregnancy loss.

Around 2-5% of couples around the globe are affected by recurrent pregnancy loss.

Recurrent Abortion Causes

Recurrent Abortion Causes

The root cause of recurrent abortion is complications in the embryo, the uterus, or the environment. Some of the recurrent abortion causes are stated below:

Genetic Abnormalities-:

The most common cause of recurrent abortion or recurrent miscarriage is genetic dysfunction. Twenty-three pairs of chromosomes are found in both men and women. 22 of the chromosomes are the same, but the last one decides the gender of the embryo.

The embryo takes half of the chromosomes from both parents. But sometimes, the chromosomes inherited by the embryo are abnormal. Due to these abnormal chromosomes, the woman has a recurrent abortion. The inheritance of abnormal chromosomes takes place naturally. However, this problem must be addressed by a fertility expert.

Uterine Anomalies-:

The uterus, or the womb, is the home of the growing fetus for nine months. Any problem associated with the shape of the uterus is bound to affect the embryo’s growth and may lead to recurrent miscarriage.

Uterine anomalies that lead to recurrent abortion are witnessed to affect 10-15% of women worldwide.

An abnormally shaped uterus in which only one side is fully developed, uterine fibroids, polyps, uterine septum, and double uterus in which the uterus is divided from the centre are some of the most common uterine anomalies.

Uterine anomalies are detected by running the following tests to determine the root cause and proceed with further diagnosis.

  • Ultrasound
  • Hysterosalpingography
  • Sonohysterography
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Magnetic Resonance
  • Laparoscopy

Antiphospholipid Syndrome-:

Antiphospholipid syndrome is a medical condition in which a person’s body starts producing antiphospholipid antibodies that attack the body’s internal system, resulting in the formation of clots and affecting pregnancy. The most common complications due to antiphospholipid syndrome that affect 3-15% of women include recurrent early abortion, late miscarriages, early preeclampsia, and stillbirths.

Hormonal and Metabolic Diseases-:

Metabolic and hormonal diseases like uncontrolled diabetes, PCOS, obesity, insulin resistance or insulin sensitivity, and untreated thyroid problems can be the causes of recurrent abortion. Also, if the female hormone responsible for a healthy pregnancy, progesterone, is not produced timely and in healthy amounts, this may lead to recurrent abortion.

Uterine Infections-:

Uterine and other bacterial infections like rubella, listeria, toxoplasmosis, and certain genital infections may contribute to miscarriages.

Apart from these, there are other less common causes of recurrent abortion, including stress, immunological causes that may treat the fetus as a foreign body and attack it, and cervical insufficiency.

Studies and research are still going on to identify the root cause of recurrent abortion and diagnose it accordingly.

Recurrent Abortion Symptoms

Recurrent Abortion Symptoms

Recurrent abortion may or may not be accompanied by any symptoms. However, if you are doubtful about your pregnancy, there are specific recurrent abortion symptoms that you can watch out for, like-as:

  • Bleeding or spotting
  • Frequent and excruciating contractions
  • Pain in the belly or back (mild to severe)
  • Discharge of pinkish-white mucus from the vagina
  • A clot-like tissue coming out from the vagina
  • Visible and sudden vanishing of signs of pregnancy
  • A constant feeling of grief

Preventive Measures to Avoid

If you want to increase your chances of delivering a baby by decreasing the risk of another miscarriage, there are certain precautions you can adopt for a positive outcome.

Experts state that the expecting couple can undertake the below-mentioned measures.

Plan Your Pregnancy at the Right Age-:

The risk of miscarriage increases with age. The rate of miscarriages witnesses a sharp increase once a woman crosses 30 years of age. This sharp increase is due to the increase in chromosomal abnormalities in the eggs produced by the ovaries. The most fertile age for women to become a mother is between 24 to 30. So, to reduce your risk of recurrent abortion, planning pregnancy at the right age is vital.

Maintain a healthy Body Mass Index-:

Medical experts believe a healthy body weight is essential for a healthy pregnancy. If the BMI is too low or too high, it may lead to complications in conceiving and sometimes may result in a miscarriage.

Proper and Timely Correction of Uterine Anomalies-:

Suppose the home of the growing embryo is not of the appropriate shape or has any other complication. In that case, it must be corrected timely under an experienced expert with the help of state-of-the-art technology available at fertility clinics like Imprimis IVF, Srinagar.

Check for any Antiphospholipid Syndrome Symptoms-:

Antiphospholipid syndrome must be checked for and diagnosed properly to end recurrent abortion.

Removal of Uterine Polyps and Uterine Fibroids-:

Uterine polyps and uterine fibroids should be removed if detected as the reason behind recurrent abortion.

Diabetes, Thyroid, and Kidney Problems must be addressed-:

Before thinking about conceiving, it is for the best that issues related to thyroid, kidney, and insulin production must be addressed to reduce the chances of recurrent abortion.

Addressing Hypertension Before Pregnancy-:

There is not much data to support the link between hypertension and pregnancy. However, experts believe that high blood pressure before conceiving may result in a miscarriage. So, it would help if you tried to bring your blood pressure under control to ensure a healthy and stress-free pregnancy.

Monitor Your Caffeine intake-:

It might be astonishing, but excessive caffeine consumption directly hampers your chances of carrying your pregnancy to term. Overconsumption of caffeine increases your heart rate as well as blood pressure. So, it is advised to cap your caffeine consumption to 150-200 milligrams per day to increase your chances of success in welcoming a healthy newborn.

Lifestyle Plays a Key Role-:

Following a healthy lifestyle can significantly help with a healthy pregnancy. The woman should avoid alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy to avoid any chances of miscarriage.

Recurrent Abortion Treatment

Recurrent Abortion Treatment

Recurrent abortion treatment is carried out after thoroughly examining the couple to identify the root cause. Based on the root cause, various treatment options are available to help prevent further miscarriages in women.

Some of the most trusted treatment options for recurrent abortion are stated below-:

In-vitro fertilization (IVF)-:

IVF treatment is a reliable option for couples with recurrent abortions. During this process, fertilization that naturally takes place in a woman’s vagina is carried out on a petri dish in a laboratory. Then after the successful fertilization of the egg, it is implanted in the woman’s uterus, where it grows for nine months.

Surgeries to fix Uterine Anomalies-:

After detecting the uterine anomaly, proper surgeries are undertaken by the reproductive specialist.

Treating other Medical Ailments-:

Diabetes, thyroid, and kidney problems are treated to increase the chances of a healthy nine months of pregnancy.

Medications to Prevent Blood Thinning and Clot Formation-:

Medications like Aspirin and Heparin are administered to the woman to avoid blood thinning and clotting.

The first step to diagnosing the problem of recurrent abortion is to consult an expert and avoid indulging in self-medication, as it may do more harm than good. Always remember stress-free lifestyle and a positive mindset are necessary for a healthy pregnancy.


We at Imprimis IVF understand that recurrent abortion can shatter hopes and bring sadness into your life. But the good news is recurrent abortion can be reversed with the proper treatment. The problem should be handled under the supervision and guidance of a good and experienced obstetrician. If you cannot carry a pregnancy to term, it is your calling to pay a visit to an obstetrician.

Bulky Uterus – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Sometimes vaginal ultrasounds or internal sonography reports bulky uterus. You may be someone who has never come across the term bulky uterus. And it’s completely understandable if this unknown term, the bulky uterus, makes you shiver with panic. Before you arrive at any disastrous conclusions, let Imprimis IVF, The best IVF centre in Srinagar, walk you through the ins and outs of a bulky uterus.

What is a Bulky Uterus?

The uterus or womb is around the size of your clenched fist. You may also compare the size of your uterus with a small apple or pear. On average, the uterus is about 7-8 centimetres long, 4 centimetres broad, and 3 centimetres thick. Slight variations in these measurements do occur from woman to woman.

If your uterus is larger than the average size of 7cm×4cm×3cm (around 3-4 inches by 2-2.5 inches) due to some medical reasons or abnormalities, it is referred to as a bulky uterus. 

It is a common misconception that a bulky uterus is always associated with infertility treatment or any other abnormality/disease. However, data shows that uterus-related problems comprise only 3-5% of infertility issues.

To better understand, let’s get down to bulky uterus causes.

Causes of the Bulky Uterus:-

Causes of Bulky Uterus

Previous Pregnancy-

During pregnancy, the uterus naturally gets enlarged as the baby grows. The apple-sized uterus attains the size of a watermelon with the development of the fetus. After the baby’s delivery, the uterus tries to regain its standard size. However, sometimes, it is unable to recover its original size fully. IVF Doctors have witnessed an increase of 1-2 inches in the uterus size after pregnancy.

For instance, if the size of your uterus before pregnancy was 7 centimetres. After delivery, your uterus’s size may be between 8-10 centimetres.

This increase is also reported as a bulky uterus if you undergo internal sonography.

But this increase in the size or bulky uterus in pregnancy is standard and is not a matter of concern.

If your uterus is about 12 centimetres long, it’s completely normal. However, if the uterus size is more than that, it is categorized as a bulky uterus that may warrant a medical checkup.

Apart from a history of childbirth, a woman may have a bulky uterus due to the following reasons-:

Uterine Fibroids-:

A bulky uterus with fibroid is quite prevalent among women in their childbearing age. Fibroids are witnessed in about 20% of childbearing women.

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous tumours in the form of lumps or growths found along the uterine lining and in the uterine cavity.  

These noncancerous fibroids vary in size. Small uterine fibroids may be asymptomatic. At the same time, the larger fibroids, which weigh several pounds, may enlarge the uterus.

Uterine fibroids may be hereditary. A woman has two sex or steroid hormones, namely estrogen and Progesterone. The condition of uterine fibroids is majorly caused due to the imbalance of the hormones mentioned above.  


The uterus is coated by endometrial tissue. This uterine lining, or the endometrial tissue, is responsible for menstruation. Normally, this endometrial tissue lines the uterus. But due to certain factors, sometimes this tissue may grow into the uterus wall.

Adenomyosis is a noncancerous condition in which the uterine lining attaches itself to the muscular uterine wall. As a result, the tissues thicken, leading to the uterus’s expansion, known as a bulky uterus.

Research shows that 1 in 10 women of reproductive age is affected by Adenomyosis. It can enlarge the uterus up to three times its original size. The root cause of Adenomyosis is still undetected. However, doctors have concluded that the risk of Adenomyosis is higher in women who have had any uterine surgery. Also, Adenomyosis may be hereditaryAgeing also contributes to this noncancerous condition.

These two are the most common causes of a bulky or enlarged uterus. However, other factors also may contribute to a bulky uterus. Let’s dive into these bulky uterus causes.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome-: 

The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone. But in some cases, the ovaries produce an excess of male hormones and androgens. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is a medical condition caused by hormonal imbalance due to the production of androgens that results in the shedding of the endometrial lining and disrupts a regular menstrual cycle.

PCOS is a common factor that contributes to infertility in women as it disrupts menstruation and results in the formation of cysts. PCOS may also lead to an enlarged/bulky uterus.


Menopause and Perimenopause are two different terms. Perimenopause is that stage of a woman’s life before menopause strikes. 

Perimenopause or menopausal transition occurs with reproductive ageing when the levels of estrogen and other hormones fluctuate. These hormonal fluctuations may result in a bulky uterus.

Reports witness that the uterus gains its original size once a woman hits menopause. But in some cases, it may be unable to do so and warrant a diagnosis.

  • Ovarian Cysts – The fluid-filled sac in or on the ovaries is termed an ovarian cyst. These are normal during pregnancy and go unnoticed. However, in some instances, ovarian cysts may lead to reproductive complications such as abnormal enlargement of the uterus. 
  • Endometrial Cancer – Uterus cancer leads to the development of tumours. These tumours with varying sizes are witnessed to be one of the factors that lead to uterine enlargement. The most common uterine cancer is endometrial cancer which may also spread to other parts of the vagina.

In addition to endometrial cancer, cancer in other pelvic regions, such as the cervix, can lead to a bulky uterus.

Problems in conceiving are witnessed when a bulky uterus is backed with the right symptoms. Instead of panicking about it, seek medical guidance from a trusted IVF expert.

Infertility can only be confirmed after running a series of medical tests.

Now that you have skimmed through the possible causes of a bulky uterus, it’s essential to know its associated symptoms.

Symptoms of the bulky uterus:-

Symptoms of Bulky Uterus

Many cases of the bulky uterus are asymptomatic. But some symptoms are so evident that it might become an uphill task to not panic about your reproductive health.

Bulky uterus symptoms are stated as follows:

  •  Heavy bleeding with blood clots during the menstrual cycle (Menorrhagia)
  •  Prolonged and irregular bleeding
  •  Severe cramps before, during, or after periods
  •  Intolerable pain during sexual intercourse
  •  Miscarriage
  •  Premature delivery
  •  Bloating during periods
  •  Pain in and around the lower abdomen, legs, lower back, and pelvis
  •  Swelling of the abdominal region
  •  Visible Anaemic symptoms due to heavy bleeding  
  •  Breast tenderness
  •  Excessive hair growth, especially around the sexual organs 
  •  Acne
  •  Frequent constipation and gas
  •  Frequent urination
  •  Paleness and weakness in the body
  •  Abnormal weight gain
  •  Accumulation of fat around the belly

If you encounter the symptoms mentioned above daily, don’t disregard them. Its symptoms indicate that you must consult a doctor. Early detection of vaginal abnormalities can help avoid serious problems like infertility.

It is advised that a woman of childbearing age undergo yearly vaginal examinations at a trusted clinic like Imprimis IVF, Srinagar, the best IVF centre in Srinagar.

Treatment of Bulky Uterus:-

Treatment of Bulky Uterus

A bulky uterus may or may not warrant a diagnosis. The treatment revolves around the severity of the condition. Vaginal ultrasounds and imaging tests are conducted and gauged under the supervision of an experienced IVF expert.

Diagnosis of Uterine Fibroids:- 

The treatment option is decided based on the fibroids’ number, location, and size. These are detected with the help of a pelvic examination and abdominal ultrasound. It is followed by transvaginal ultrasound (TVS). 

Certain medications are given to regulate hormonal levels and alleviate the pain during menstruation.

Intrauterine Device (IUD) is inserted to help regulate heavy bleeding and pain.

Suppose the problem is a bulky uterus with multiple fibroids or a large fibroid, which can lead to further complications. In that case, medical experts opt for the following endoscopic surgeries:

  •  Hysterectomy (surgery to remove the uterus)
  •  Myomectomy (removal of fibroids through surgery)

Diagnosis of Adenomyosis-:

Detection of the root cause and diagnosis of Adenomyosis is difficult to confirm. Proper tests such as MRI, transvaginal ultrasounds, and endometrial biopsy are conducted to verify Adenomyosis. 

Surgical treatment is only recommended in severe conditions which may deteriorate the chances of conceiving or are life-threatening. Several therapies that are used to control Adenomyosis are stated below:

  •  Anti-inflammatory medicines
  •  Treatments to stabilize the hormones
  •  Uterine artery embolization
  •  Endometrial ablation
  •  Ultrasound surgery

Diagnosis of Ovarian cysts-:

A series of infertility tests, namely a blood test, pelvic ultrasound, and a pregnancy test, is conducted. Depending on the condition of the woman, birth control pills are prescribed. In cases of extreme complexity, surgical removal of ovarian cysts is performed.

Healthy Diet and Exercise-: 

A healthy and balanced IVF diet chart can help cure any medical condition, and a bulky uterus is no exception. A diet loaded with fresh and raw fruits with green leafy vegetables will help manage the symptoms of a bulky uterus. Refrain from eating processed foods that contain excessive sugar and salt.  

Proper exercise, such as yoga asanas, can help alleviate the pain during menstruation and improve the quality of life.


The bulky uterus is a household term these days. After finding out that a woman has a bulky uterus, she starts to worry about all sorts of possible medical issues. But in certain situations, such as a mild bulky uterus, it may not warrant immediate medical attention. However, if you are anxious about the complications it would cause in conceiving or any other medical ailment, please visit an IVF expert. No article or video can replace an experienced doctor. Have a nice day!