Top 10 Reasons for Failed IVF Treatment

IVF Failure:- Starting an In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) journey is a very personal and frequently emotional undertaking. IVF offers a glimmer of hope for couples who are struggling with infertility in their quest for parenthood. But the road is not always easy, and it takes an unfathomable amount of perseverance to ride out the storms of failed attempts. We examine the intricacies of in vitro fertilization in this investigation, illuminating the various factors that lead to the procedure’s sporadic failures.

Reasons for IVF Failure

You may learn more about the main causes of IVF failure from this article:

1 Failure of Embryo Implantation

Embryo failure to implant into the uterine lining is one of the main causes of IVF failure. The precise causes of the failed attempt are yet unknown to the doctors. There are two possible causes for the attempt to fail: either an embryonic issue or an issue with the uterus. Finding the precise source of the issue is still challenging.

Embryos have no chance of surviving for more than five days. In the field of IVF, the cause of weak and unhealthy embryos is still unknown and is referred to as a “black box” question. The lady can choose to undergo PGS testing in conjunction with IVF, which can assist infertility experts in choosing healthy embryos for implantation and increase the likelihood of successful embryo implantation.

2. Egg Quality

For women under 35, the success rate for embryo implantation is 50%, but for those over 40, it is just 12%. It makes sense to go with IVF using donor eggs if the lady has a healthy uterus but her female egg quality is low. If the primary cause of an IVF failure is poor egg quality, then transferring the eggs to a surrogate will likewise fail. Reproductive difficulties in older women are primarily caused by poor-quality eggs rather than problems with the uterus.

3. Age Is Important

The biological clock, a constant factor in fertility, determines how well IVF treatment works out. The success of IVF procedures is significantly influenced by the ages of both partners. Growing older presents women with a variety of difficulties, such as decreased egg quality and a reduction in ovarian reserve. Just as the number of candles on a birthday cake rises, so too does the difficulty of getting pregnant with IVF.

Fertility is a dynamic variable rather than a timeless constant in biological reality. Age reduces both the quantity and quality of eggs, which impacts the likelihood of successful fertilization and implantation. Age-related infertility is still a major obstacle for couples, necessitating a complex dance between biology and time, even with advances in reproductive technologies.

4. Reduced Ovarian Reserves

Ovarian reserve is a key component in the complex dance of in vitro fertilization. The amount and calibre of a woman’s eggs are referred to as her ovarian reserve, and they play a crucial role in the outcome of in vitro fertilization. The quantity and quality of eggs available for fertilization decrease as women age due to ovarian reserve reduction.

Early detection and treatment of reduced ovarian reserve during the IVF process is a hurdle. Fertility doctors can adjust treatment strategies based on the assessment of ovarian reserve made possible by advanced diagnostic techniques including blood tests and antral follicle counts. Aggressive ovarian stimulation is one strategy that can be used to increase the likelihood of obtaining viable eggs.

5. Imbalances in Hormones

Any mistake in the intricate dance of hormones might have a cascading effect on the IVF procedure. Reaching a hormonal balance is not only necessary but also a delicate dance that must be coordinated with the cycle of reproductive therapies. The delicate balance between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries can be upset by hormonal abnormalities, affecting the outcome of in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles.

Hormonal imbalances can be exacerbated by disorders like irregular menstrual cycles or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Gonadotropins and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogues are among the drugs that must be carefully administered to control hormonal fluctuations and improve the environment for egg maturation and retrieval.

6. Aberrant sperm and poor-quality sperm

Sperm plays a role in the health of the developing embryo. Men with severe male factors, such as diabetes and azoospermia from genetic causes, may have low sperm quality and quantity.
The amount and quality of sperm can be impacted by chromosomal abnormalities. Hence, the embryo becomes aberrant both during and after fertilization.

It may have two or three times as many chromosomes as it does or fewer. Breaks in the sperm head’s DNA can result in DNA fragmentation, which can ultimately lead to unsuccessful implantation and miscarriage.

7 . The Ovarian Reaction

To enhance egg production, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), a fertility hormone, must be injected daily into the female during the initial stages of IVF treatment. Some women’s ovaries react incorrectly to this medicine, which prevents them from producing enough eggs for harvest. Because of their already lowered egg production, elderly women are particularly affected by this.

The IVF procedure doesn’t have to cease if there is a poor ovarian response. Changes to medicine and investigations might be able to improve the situation. The ovarian reserve is measured by a blood test for the Anti-Mullarian Hormone (AMH) and an ultrasound scan looking at the antral follicle count. The optimal hormonal regimen and dosage to stimulate your ovaries and generate a sufficient number of eggs would depend on your ovarian reserve.

8. Molecular Biology

Each spouse’s biological characteristics may have an impact on the health of the embryo. Chromosomal issues can be caused by genetic disorders that may impact the sperm or the egg, making it difficult for an embryo to take root or boosting the possibility of miscarriage. Genetic testing is one method that can be used to identify these defects in embryos before they are transplanted. The possibility of selecting healthy eggs can be increased by genetic testing such as PGT, which is especially important if there is a sign of genetic problems or repeated losses.

9. Failure of Implantation

Sometimes the embryo may not attach itself to the uterine lining sufficiently. Issues with the embryo or the uterine environment could bring this on. The uterine lining, or endometrium, needs to be appropriately prepared to receive the embryo. Inadequate endometrial thickness, hormonal abnormalities, or certain immunological conditions are among the causes of implant failure. To address these issues and raise the chance of successful implantation, hormonal treatments and techniques such as IUI (intrauterine insemination) may be used.

10. Endometriosis

Tissue that resembles the lining of the uterus develops out of the uterus in this condition. Given that it may result in oedema and scarring, it might affect the efficacy of IVF and conception. Patients with endometriosis may have lower-quality eggs, a decreased ovarian reserve, and a higher risk of unsuccessful implantation. For certain individuals, endometriotic tissue removal via laparoscopy surgery may be beneficial.

How to Identify IVF Failure Symptoms

Even though the emotional toll of an unsuccessful IVF cycle can be severe, being aware of the symptoms and possible causes can help you make proactive decisions. Unusual bleeding, pelvic pain, or abrupt mood swings are symptoms that should drive you to see a reproductive doctor right away.

Periods Following a Failed IVF Cycle

Going through a phase following unsuccessful IVF treatments can be emotionally taxing. It signals the end of an optimistic wait and frequently necessitates helping couples deal with disappointment. Planning the next steps and getting through this stage can be made easier by seeking open communication, emotional support, and advice from fertility specialists.

Managing IVF Failure

It can be depressing to experience the signs of IVF failure or to have an IVF cycle fail, but you must keep in mind that this does not mean the end of your journey to motherhood. After one or more failed efforts, many couples find success. During this phase, it’s important to have coping techniques, emotional support, and open communication with your healthcare team. Hope never wavers for couples who experience an unsuccessful IVF cycle.

A comprehensive assessment of the IVF cycle will result from speaking with your fertility doctor, making it possible to pinpoint the precise elements that contributed to the cycle’s failure. With this knowledge, a customized strategy can be created for your next tries, raising the likelihood of a favourable result.

In Summary for IVF Failure

IVF is a multifaceted, intricate process that depends on a wide range of variables to be successful. Couples and individuals can work together with their fertility doctors to address any potential concerns by being aware of the common reasons why IVF fails. Better results can be achieved by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, following prescription instructions, and getting emotional support, even though not all elements are under your control. Every fertility journey is different, and it’s critical to keep in mind that an IVF failure does not automatically rule out becoming a parent. For more information visit our blogs or consult our IVF specialist at Imprimis IVF & Fertility Centre in Srinagar.

Breaking Down Myths and Facts About IVF

Myths and Facts About IVF – Reproductive medicine has undergone a revolution thanks to in vitro fertilization (IVF), which has given hope to millions of infertile couples. IVF has been incredibly successful, but it has also given rise to many myths and misunderstandings. For those considering or undergoing IVF therapy, these beliefs can cause misconceptions and unwarranted anxiety. To empower people to make informed decisions about their reproductive journey, it is imperative that these beliefs are dispelled and that accurate information is provided.

Myths and Facts about IVF

Here are some of the following: 

1. Children receiving IVF are not typical. Either they have inherited genetic defects or are predisposed to certain diseases.

IVF is a procedure that helps the conception process happen faster and increases the chance of it happening. The development and growth of the fetus and newborn are identical to that of a naturally created child. The baby born through IVF does not have any genetic defects or health problems. If an IVF child is born with an illness or problem, it is not because of the IVF process; rather, he could have inherited it from one or both parents.

In fact, before implanting the embryo into the uterus during an IVF pregnancy, your fertility doctor may recommend pre-implantation genetic testing. This helps them understand if the baby is likely to suffer from future illnesses or problems caused by a genetic defect. To produce healthy embryos, the embryologist also selects the healthiest sperm and eggs from the batch.

2. The IVF Process is Painful.

There are no additional discomforts or difficulties related to the IVF procedure itself. You will not feel any severe pain after extraction and implantation, although you may feel slight discomfort. Each person has a different pain threshold. As a result, you may experience discomfort during treatment that is noticeably different from another person. These injections are usually given after the transfer. You should prepare for an equivalent level of discomfort with infertility if receiving regular injections in your arms causes you anxiety or discomfort. However, unpleasant injections are no longer necessary thanks to modern notions such as the natural cycle.

3. IVF is Effective for Women of All Ages.

IVF is a viable option for women who have passed their peak fertility age and want to give conception one last chance, but it is not a guarantee. Compared to older women, women under 35 are significantly more likely to successfully conceive through IVF. Women’s egg reserves and quality begin to decline as they age. Women who have chosen to use in vitro fertilization (IVF) for their first or previous pregnancy can occasionally freeze their viable embryos for use in subsequent pregnancies. This way, people can still try IVF for successful conception even if their egg reserves decrease over time. However, given her current ovarian reserve and the quality of her eggs, the woman would be much less likely to conceive if she had not kept her embryos. Although women over 35 are less likely to conceive through IVF, those under 35 also do not have a 100% success rate. Attempts to conceive can also fail after IVF cycles, just as during natural conception. However, after consulting your IVF specialist, you will be able to determine the number of embryos to transplant.

4. IVF Results in Multiple Pregnancies.

Although many IVF treatments result in multiple pregnancies, this is not always the case. The concept is that when you turn to an IVF professional to help you get pregnant, the best eggs and sperm are selected to create embryos. Suppose you are lucky enough to have more than one viable embryo. In that case, you have two options: freeze the remaining embryos or attempt multiple pregnancies by implanting several embryos into your uterus. Multiple pregnancies occur when all the embryos implanted in the uterus successfully implant in the wall of the uterus.

5. The Only Treatment for Infertility is IVF.

No, IVF is only an option for same-sex couples who have tried another treatment. Otherwise, there are a variety of therapies that can improve your fertility health. After receiving treatment, you can try to conceive naturally and, in all honesty, you can even get pregnant naturally without the help of IVF. Many other options include in vitro fertilization. But it does the best job of informing us about the causes and treatments of infertility.

6. The Success Rate of IVF is 100%. IVF can Solve Any Problem related to Infertility.

If you’ve read the introductory paragraph on our homepage, you already know that IVF’s 100% success rate is a terrible deception. At best, a typical success rate is between 20% and 50%. Not all fertility problems can be solved by IVF. IVF is just one of many treatments used to help infertile couples get pregnant, including sperm mapping, ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), IUI (intrauterine insemination), ovulation induction, etc. Indeed, many problems and reasons can cause infertility in men.

In Summary

Myths and Facts About IVF – Finally, to ensure people have access to the correct information when considering fertility treatments, it is important to dispel myths and misconceptions associated with IVF. We can eliminate unnecessary worry and give people a clear idea of what to expect from the IVF process by dispelling these myths. Making informed decisions about fertility treatments requires speaking with fertility doctors and obtaining information from trusted sources. Ultimately, we can help people in their quest to start a family through assisted reproductive technologies like IVF, by separating fact from myth. Imprimis IVF is always there to help you at affordable prices if you need any help regarding this. 

Asherman Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Asherman Syndrome – An acquired illness known as Asherman’s syndrome causes adhesions, or scar tissue, to develop inside your uterus. There may be less room for expansion inside your uterus as a result of the accumulation of scar tissue. This illness may develop as a side effect of cancer therapy or medical procedures. Asherman’s syndrome can cause infertility, pelvic pain, or light or nonexistent periods in women.

What is Asherman’s Syndrome?

Scar tissue, sometimes known as adhesions or intrauterine adhesions, accumulates inside your uterus in a rare illness known as Asherman’s syndrome. Less space is created inside your uterus by this additional tissue.

Imagine a room where the walls grew thicker and thicker, thus reducing the amount of space in the middle. This illness may result in irregular uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, and problems conceiving. Treatment for Asherman’s syndrome frequently results in symptom relief.

IUDs and Asherman’s Syndrome: is it possible?

A kind of long-term birth control called an intrauterine device (IUD) is inserted into your uterus and left there for a certain amount of time, usually several years. There is always a chance of infection and scar tissue formation when this device is inserted into your body. IUDs and Asherman’s syndrome are not frequently associated with one another, while this is not the condition’s known aetiology.

How to identify Asherman Syndrome?

Asherman’s syndrome is usually diagnosed based on symptoms such as pelvic pain, irregular uterine flow, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), or difficulty becoming and maintaining pregnancy. Asherman’s syndrome may potentially be diagnosed based on your medical history. You might be evaluated for Asherman’s syndrome if you have undergone radiation treatment, a c-section, a dilatation and curettage (D&C) procedure, or a pelvic infection. Asherman’s syndrome can be brought on by any of these treatments or ailments.

 Your IVF experts will review your medical history when you book an appointment. Make sure to let your provider know if you have ever had any pelvic surgery that isn’t listed in your medical history. That data may be crucial for the diagnosis of Asherman’s syndrome. After that, your doctor will examine you physically, but first, they will do a sonohysterogram to look for scar tissue inside your uterus. Using a tiny catheter, your doctor will inject a small amount of saline solution into your uterus during a sonohysterogram. After that, transvaginal ultrasonography is used to check for tissue blockages in the cervix or cavity.

Which tests are appropriate for the diagnosis of Asherman Syndrome?

Your IVF specialist can view your interior organs thanks to imaging tests. Different tests offer varying levels of specificity. These tests can be simple procedures performed on top of your skin with little to no preparation, or they can be more involved.

The following imaging tests can be used to identify Asherman’s syndrome:

 1. Ultrasound

This kind of imaging exam makes an image of your interior organs by using sound waves. You can have an internal transvaginal ultrasound or an external ultrasound performed on your skin. This variation of the test involves inserting a thin wand into the vagina.

 2. Hysteroscopy

This procedure involves your doctor seeing inside your uterus with a thin tool that has a camera on the end. This is placed in your vagina and advanced into your uterus via your cervix. With a hysteroscopy, your doctor may look into your uterus in great detail. It can be applied to the management of Asherman’s syndrome.

 3. Saline Infusion Sonography

To get a clear image of the inside of your uterus, this imaging procedure combines ultrasound technology with a saline solution, which is a solution of salt and water. Your uterus expands as a result of the fluid, allowing your healthcare professional to observe the specifics of the structure and flaws in your uterus.

What Is The Impact of Asherman Syndrome on Fertility?

It could be difficult for you to become pregnant if you have Asherman syndrome. The likelihood of miscarriage is considerable if you do. Although there is no room for fetal growth due to adhesions in the uterine walls, it is possible to become pregnant despite suffering from the condition.

 This increases the likelihood of miscarriage or stillbirth compared to women without the disease. Pregnancy with Asherman syndrome also increases the chance of certain disorders, such as:

1. Placenta Accreta

The placenta adheres to the uterine wall too firmly. Pregnancy at high-risk results from this. The placenta stays connected after birth in whole or in part, which results in excessive bleeding.

 2. Previa Placenta

The cervix’s opening is blocked by the placenta, which can result in heavy bleeding during pregnancy and childbirth. Premature birth is another risk that is increased by it.

Symptoms of Asherman Syndrome 

Symptoms of Asherman Syndrome 

A rare disorder called Asherman Syndrome affects women’s reproductive systems and results in the development of scar tissue inside the uterus. Many symptoms, such as the following, may result from this scar tissue:

  •  Amenorrhea, or irregular menstruation
  • Consistently losing babies
  • Infertility
  • Light or absent menstruation
  • Pain in the pelvis
  • Trouble getting pregnant or repeated losses

 Women with Asherman Syndrome sometimes don’t show any symptoms at all, and their menstruation stays regular. On the other hand, the illness may cause problems that arise during pregnancy, including low birth weight, retained placenta, and placenta accreta. Asherman syndrome is typically diagnosed with imaging techniques such as saline sonography, hysteroscopy, or hysterosalpingography.

 These techniques can assist in determining whether and how much scar tissue is present inside the uterus. In more severe cases, a hysteroscopy or MRI may be required to assess the disease’s extent. Asherman Syndrome can be treated surgically by dilation and curettage (D&C), hysteroscopy, or in certain situations, a total hysterectomy, to remove the scar tissue. To ascertain the best course of action for their unique circumstances, people must speak with their healthcare providers.

Asherman Syndrome Causes

Asherman Syndrome Causes

Asherman Syndrome is a rare condition where scar tissue grows inside the uterus and/or cervix. It’s also called intrauterine adhesions or synechiae. The primary causes of Asherman Syndrome include:

1. Dilation and Curettage (D&C) Procedures

It most often happens after a D&C procedure done for voluntarily ending a pregnancy, late or not fully completed miscarriage, or to treat a placenta left over after having the baby.

2. Severe Pelvic Infection

A bad pelvic infection not connected to an operation could also cause Asherman Syndrome.

3. Other Factors

Stickiness in the uterus can also happen after getting sick with tuberculosis or schistosomiasis.

 This condition can cause problems like having light or no periods, pain in the lower body area and trouble getting pregnant. It may also lead to repeat losses of pregnancies and issues during childbirth. It can also mess with making babies, increasing the chances of a miscarriage or a baby not being born alive.

Asherman Syndrome Treatment

Asherman Syndrome Treatment

Asherman’s syndrome can be treated in several ways. It’s a good idea to talk about your goals for future fertility as well as how this illness makes you feel, including any discomfort you may encounter, with your healthcare professional. Sometimes the best course of action for a woman who is symptom-free is to do nothing.

 On the other hand, there are therapy alternatives that can eliminate the scar tissue if your plan calls for more pregnancies. In addition, treatment may be beneficial if you have pelvic pain or cramps. Removing the scar tissue and getting your uterus back to its normal size and shape is the major objective of treatment. Help for Asherman’s syndrome treatment can include:

  •  Ease discomfort.
  • Return your menstrual cycle (periods) to normal.
  • If you are not yet menopausal, permit yourself to become pregnant.


may be used by your doctor to remove the adhesions inside your uterus. During a hysteroscopy, your doctor looks inside your uterus using a thin instrument called a hysteroscope. Scar tissue can also be eliminated with this instrument. The hysteroscope is passed via your cervix, into your uterus, and your vagina. During this process, scar tissue is removed with extreme caution. While the scar tissue is being removed, there is a chance that the surgery will damage good tissue inside your uterus.

Hormonal Therapy

For a few days following the hysteroscopy, a tiny intrauterine catheter may be left inside your uterus in addition to hormonal therapy (estrogen). This will lessen the possibility that scar tissue will regrow following the surgery. Estrogen encourages the healing of your endometrium, which is the inner lining of your cavity, and the catheter creates a physical barrier between your anterior and posterior uterine walls to prevent adhesions in the days that follow the scar tissue removal surgery. Antibiotics will be administered to you to avoid infection during the insertion of an intrauterine catheter.

In Summary

Scar tissue forms inside the uterus in Asherman Syndrome, a rare and acquired disorder that can cause light or nonexistent periods, pelvic pain, infertility, recurrent miscarriages, and irregular menstruation, among other symptoms. The illness is frequently contracted as a consequence of cancer therapies, infections, or surgical operations. It might be difficult to identify Asherman Syndrome because some people may not show any symptoms at all.

Surgery to remove adhesions or scar tissue is the main treatment for Asherman Syndrome; this is usually done using hysteroscopy. Estrogen therapy is frequently used in conjunction with this operation to aid in the uterine lining’s healing and regeneration. Preventive and restorative procedures, like implanting devices to stop scar formation, may be taken into consideration in more severe situations. Many hospitals like Imprimis IVF are suitable for these treatments. It is one of the best hospitals for this. If you need any help, Imprimis IVF can help you.

IVF After Tubal Ligation – Procedure, Recovery & Side Effects

Conceiving naturally after tubal ligation is quite uncommon. But you want to start your family and are worried if there is anything that can help you. In this situation, Assisted Reproductive Technology comes to the rescue. IVF is seen as a promising treatment option to get pregnant after tubal ligation. Also, if a woman conceives naturally, the risk of ectopic pregnancy is quite high. 

When the fertilized egg does not get implanted in the uterus but outside it, then this pregnancy is known as an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening and warrants urgent medical intervention. 

So, after tubal ligation, natural pregnancy is not the best option. The best thing to do is to schedule an appointment with a health provider to navigate through all the available options to conceive. 

Meanwhile, you can go through this article to understand how IVF after tubal ligation can be a good option. We are going to look at its procedure, recovery, and side effects, if any. 

What is Tubal Ligation? 

A tubal ligation is a surgical procedure in which the fallopian tubes are cut or tied off, rendering the woman sterile and preventing her from becoming pregnant. Fallopian tubes play a vital role during pregnancy because they transport the egg from the ovary to the uterus, where sperm may fertilize it to form a zygote. 

After a tubal ligation, the tubes are mechanically blocked, making it nearly impossible for the egg to become fertilized in the fallopian tube, get implanted in the uterus, and become pregnant.

You are not the only one who wants to have a baby after tubal ligation. Ten to fifteen per cent of women who had their tubes tied later wish to become pregnant again for various reasons, such as going through a miscarriage or marital problems like remarriage. 

Why IVF after Tubal Ligation? 

When tubal ligation, which involves the tying up of the fallopian tubes, is carried out, In vitro fertilization can be extremely beneficial. 

However, IVF after tubal ligation is not the only option. 

One of the most invasive procedures for fallopian tube tie-ups is reverse surgery. However, the fallopian tubes don’t need to be reconnected when using IVF for this purpose, and the procedures are non-invasive.

IVF Procedure after Tubal Ligation

IVF Procedure after Tubal Ligation

To fertilize in glass is the meaning of In vitro fertilization. Let us discuss in brief how using a specialized IVF procedure can help you get pregnant. 

  • The woman’s produced eggs are taken straight from her ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a carefully monitored laboratory setting. 
  • Following fertilization, the patient is consulted regarding the results of the embryos before they are ultimately placed inside the woman’s uterus.
  • In this manner, the fallopian tube blockage issue can be resolved, and a healthy pregnancy can be achieved.

Tubal Ligation Reversing V/S IVF

The highly invasive procedure known as tubal ligation reversal necessitates hospitalization and a protracted recuperation period. Depending on the type of tubal ligation that was performed, the recovery period following these procedures can range from one to two weeks. This phase typically calls for a great deal of pain tolerance, prolonged post-operative care, and patience.

Surgery is not required for IVF treatments in 99 per cent of cases. These treatments seldom leave scars on your reproductive organs and cannot harm them thanks to less invasive methods and drugs. Following IVF, recovery takes less than two days.

Premenstrual symptoms are typically the procedure’s side effects, and they are easily assisted.

Success Rates of Tubal Reversal

Tubal reversal success rates are lower

Many factors affect the success rates of tubal ligation reversal. 

Suppose there are no other infertility concerns for the woman. Tubal ligation is unable to address additional fertility problems if the lady is under 40. According to statistics, the success rates of reversed tubal ligation are twice as low for women over 40 as they are for IVF patients. The success rates of the two methods are comparable for 100% fertile women between the ages of 35 and 40. 42–69% of women who undergo reversal surgery go on to become pregnant. However, the success rate of IVF is more promising. Several factors, including general health, fertility history, and the particular tubal ligation technique employed, influence IVF success rates

In some circumstances, the cost of reversing a tubal ligation may be more than that of an IVF procedure. For instance, a reverse tubal ligation procedure may be more expensive for women over 40 than an IVF procedure.

Ectopic Pregnancy Risk

One possible reason why a reversed tubal ligation pregnancy is not safe is because of the development of an ectopic pregnancy. Up to 3% of women who underwent reverse tubal ligation were reported to have experienced ectopic pregnancy. Indicates that the fertilized egg implants, typically in a fallopian tube, outside the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies can be dangerous, and treatment must start right away. Fainting may occur from internal bleeding, and the fallopian tube may also rupture because of an ectopic pregnancy. Such an incident is not prevalent in IVF. 

IVF treatments can be combined in a variety of ways. These are the following:

  • The sperm and eggs of the woman’s partner
  • Donor sperm and woman’s eggs
  • IVF using the partner’s sperm, donor eggs, and the woman’s eggs
  • The sperm of the woman’s partner and donor eggs
  • Both donor sperm and donor eggs

The fertility examination is the stage at which, typically, the best course of action is suggested in light of the findings. The next step is ovarian stimulation with the right medications if all the examinations that are part of this evaluation are routine.

The most crucial step in treating tubal ligation is retrieving the eggs and sperm. During the retrieval of a woman’s reproductive material, she is lightly sedated and remains unconscious during the entire process. With the use of ultrasound-guided aspiration, the physician extracts the eggs from the ovaries. It takes roughly 20 minutes to complete this process, and it can successfully collect multiple eggs.

Fertilization takes place in a carefully monitored laboratory setting using intracytoplasmic sperm injection external to the woman’s body. Following fertilization, the embryos are allowed to mature to a specific point before their quality is closely assessed. The patient is consulted regarding the number and types of embryos to be transferred before the final transfer.

Potential Risks

Side Effects of Tubal Ligation

Embryos that successfully implant into two or more pregnancies present unique risks and challenges. Furthermore, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a possible side effect that has to be closely watched for and managed. Knowing about these possible obstacles enables you to approach the process with preparedness and reasonable expectations.

The likelihood of a tubal ligation reversal operation failing increases with shorter remaining fallopian tube length, advanced maternal age, thermal injury to the tubes, scarred tubal tissue, and inexperienced surgeons. IVF is ultimately the best and last option for these patients whose reversal operation failed.

The decision to undergo tubal ligation reversal surgery or pursue IVF following tubal removal ultimately comes down to personal preferences, medical advice, and circumstances.

Final Words

It is important to see a fertility specialist and obtain medical advice before starting the IVF process after tubal ligation. They will assess your particular situation and offer tailored advice. We’ll perform tests and medical examinations to evaluate your general health, hormone levels, and reproductive health. The fertility team can create a treatment plan that is appropriate and customized to meet your individual needs, thanks to this comprehensive evaluation.

Visit Imprimis IVF for the best IVF treatment. Our committed team of infertility experts is here to offer you thorough information, individualized counselling, and sympathetic support.

Ectopic Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Ectopic Pregnancy – The uterus, or the womb, is the place where the baby grows for 9 months. The ovaries release an egg, which waits in the fallopian tube for the sperm. When the sperm fertilizes the egg, a zygote is formed. This zygote moves through the fallopian tube, reaches the womb (uterus), and gets implanted in the uterine lining. It is what happens in a normal pregnancy.

This entire process highlights the specific function of all the reproductive parts, namely the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, and the uterus. If the location of fertilization (fallopian tube) or implantation (uterus) changes due to some complications, then the pregnancy cannot be carried to term.

What is Ectopic Pregnancy? 

When the fertilized egg then the pregnancy is known as ectopic pregnancy. When this happens, the fertilized egg develops outside the uterus.

More than 90% of ectopic pregnancies are witnessed in the fallopian tube. In other cases, it is found in the cervix, ovary, or somewhere in the abdomen.

An ectopic pregnancy can never result in a healthy baby. If not treated timely, it can pose a threat to the life of the pregnant woman. Only when the growing embryo gets implanted in the uterus results in a viable and healthy pregnancy.

So, it becomes important to know why it happens in the first place. Then, we need to understand the associated symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy

The symptoms , like a missed period, nausea or upset stomach, and breast soreness, are similar to those of uterine pregnancies.

However, various symptoms are typically associated with it that warrants medical intervention. These include:

  • Heavy vaginal bleeding or spotting
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Severe pain in the abdomen, shoulder, neck, or pelvic region
  • Sudden and sharp pain on one side of the abdominal region
  • Tenderness in the cervix
  • High level of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
  • Rectal pressure

Causes of Ectopic Pregnancy

1. Getting stuck in the fallopian tube-:

As already mentioned, the majority of ectopic pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tubes. It happens because, due to some conditions, the movement of the fertilized egg through the blocked fallopian tube or is slowed down.

Now, because the fertilized egg cannot reach the uterus, it starts to grow in the fallopian tube.

The fallopian tube is not meant to support a growing embryo, so urgent medical attention is required. If not treated timely, it may rupture the fallopian tube.

But why does the growing embryo slow down or get stuck in the tube? 

There are various reasons for this like:

  • A previous pelvic surgery or infection that resulted in scar tissues, adhesions, or inflammations in the fallopian tube.
  • Fallopian tubes are damaged because of sexually transmitted infections (STI) like chlamydia or gonorrhea.
  • Fallopian tubes are irregularly shaped since birth which makes it difficult for the fertilised egg to move forward.
  • A growth or fibroid is blocking the fallopian tube.

2. Excessive smoking-

Fine hair-like structures known as cilia are present inside the fallopian tube. Excessive smoking damages the cilia, which can hinder the smooth movement of the fertilized egg through the fallopian tube and result in an ectopic pregnancy. 

3. Age factor-:

Women lying in the age group of 35 to 44 years are at a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy. 

4. A previous ectopic pregnancy-

If you have had an ectopic pregnancy earlier, then there is a possibility of future pregnancies also resulting in an ectopic pregnancy.  

5. Endometriosis

It is a medical condition in which the uterus lining grows outside it, like in the pelvic region. It can also be a reason for an ectopic pregnancy. 

6. Intrauterine device (IUD)

IUD is a small device that is placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. But sometimes, the pregnancy can occur with IUD or tubal ligation in place. Such a pregnancy is often an ectopic pregnancy. In rare cases, IVF treatment can also result in an ectopic pregnancy. 

7. Emergency oral contraception

Sometimes oral contraception fails to prevent pregnancy. In this situation, there is a possibility that the woman can conceive in the same cycle. It may result in an extrauterine pregnancy. 

8. If a woman has pelvic endometrial or genital tuberculosis and she gets pregnant, then chances are that it is an ectopic pregnancy. 

9. Certain medical conditions can affect the shape and functioning of the fallopian tubes and other reproductive organs, which can result in an ectopic pregnancy. 

10 Abdominal surgery

If you have had an abdominal surgery like appendectomy or cesarean section. 

The best thing to do if you have abnormal vaginal bleeding, unexplained severe pain, or notice any unusual symptom is to visit a gynecologist without any further delay.

Diagnosis of an Ectopic Pregnancy

The first thing your doctor does is perform a transvaginal ultrasound to trace the location of the developing embryo. An ultrasound cannot help show the pregnancy until the fetus is more than 5 or 6 weeks because, at this time, it is too small to be located.

So a special band-like instrument makes its way into the vagina to provide images of the gestational sac in the womb.

Along with this, the doctor can perform a blood test to determine hCG and progesterone levels in your body. If the level of these two hormones has decreased or is constant over a few days and a gestational sac is absent in the ultrasound, the pregnancy is likely to be ectopic.

In case you are experiencing severe pain or heavy bleeding, all these steps might not be necessary. In extreme cases, the fallopian tube can rupture if not treated timely, which can cause severe internal bleeding. In this situation, the doctor will have to perform an emergency surgery to save the woman’s life.

Treatment of an Ectopic Pregnancy

Once it is confirmed, a treatment to remove the embryo without delay is necessary for the mother’s health and life. The line of treatment will depend on the size and location of the ectopic pregnancy.


In the early stages, it can be treated with an injection of methotrexate. This drug helps stop the growth of the developing embryo, and after that, the body absorbs this tissue. Surgery is usually performed when the pregnancy is further along.

To check how well this treatment is working and if you need more doses, another hCG test is performed.

Laparoscopic Surgery

When the laparoscopic surgery, a small cut is made in or near the navel. Then a thin tube connected with a camera lens and light makes its way through this incision to examine the tubal area.

Two laparoscopic surgeries to treat an ectopic pregnancy are salpingostomy and salpingectomy.

The main difference between these two treatments is that in salpingostomy, the ectopic pregnancy is removed, and the fallopian tube is left to heal on its own. But in salpingectomy, the ectopic pregnancy, as well as the tube, is removed.

Abdominal Surgery

In case you are having heavy bleeding due to this, emergency surgery has to be performed. The doctor can go for laparoscopy or laparotomy (abdominal incision). If the fallopian tube is not damaged, then it can be saved, but if the tube is ruptured, it must be removed.

Future Pregnancy

It is possible to have a normal pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy. However, the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy after a previous one is higher. So, it is best to consult with a gynecologist before planning a pregnancy.

How Imprimis IVF Srinagar can help? 

The diagnosis and treatment of an ectopic pregnancy needs meticulous examination and experience. We at Imprimis IVF can help you remove ectopic pregnancy and plan your future pregnancy.

Bottom line 

Pregnancy is a magical and extremely delicate process. All the reproductive organs involved in pregnancy should be in perfect condition. It is not a very common phenomenon, but it can happen if you have a history of previous ectopic pregnancy, STI, or pelvic surgery. If you face any serious symptoms, you must consult a gynecologist.

Remember, every second matters. If diagnosed timely, your fallopian tube can be saved from rupturing, and the ectopic pregnancy can be removed using medications only. Do not panic if your symptoms are severe; book an appointment with a trusted IVF specialist as soon as possible.

IUI Failure: Symptoms, Reasons & Causes

Intrauterine Insemination is a promising procedure to fulfill your dreams of pregnancy. But like any other fertility treatment, IUI also can fail. Let’s try to understand the symptoms, reasons, and causes of IUI failure in the simplest way possible.

What is IUI?

Intrauterine means inside the uterus or the womb. Insemination means injecting seminal fluid or semen which contains sperm cells in the uterus. The semen sample contains sperm cells as well as impurities. So the sample is processed and these impurities are removed. In this way, we are left with good quality, healthy, and motile sperm. Then with the help of a catheter, these sperm cells are injected into the uterine cavity. IUI is a painless procedure and it hardly takes around 5-10 minutes to place the sperm cells in the uterus. The success rates lie between 12 to 15% per cycle.

IUI is the Most Suitable option if

  • Both the fallopian tubes are open and are functioning normally.
  • Both the quality and the quantity of the eggs in the ovaries are normal. For this, the AMH should be more than 1.5.
  • The man has mild oligospermia with good sperm motility.

Also, it is a helpful treatment option in cases of unexplained infertility and for single mothers who wish to have a baby of their own.

What happens when you have unprotected sexual intercourse?

The sperm are ejaculated in the vagina. Then they swim forward to enter the uterus through the cervix also known as the mouth of the uterus. Around 90% of the sperm get destroyed naturally during this phase. The remaining 10%, somewhere around 3 million sperm reach the uterus. For natural pregnancy, it is an important parameter that at least 1.5 to 2 million sperm reach the uterus.

But in some men, the sperm count is around 12 to 15 million per semen sample. So in this situation, only 0.5 to 0.7 million sperm can make their way into the vagina. This makes natural conception a difficult dream. IUI procedure helps couples stuck in this situation.

In IUI the motile sperm cells are directly injected into the uterus. In this way, the distance that the sperm needs to cover to reach the fallopian tube is decreased. This helps increase the chances of conception if all the other parameters related to pregnancy go well.

IUI procedure should only be opted for a maximum of 4 to 6 times. Other infertility treatments are available that can help increase your chances of achieving pregnancy.

 Factors Influencing IUI Success Rates

The success rate of IUI is maximum when the following parameters are kept in check:

  • The woman should be of fertile age
  • Good ovarian reserve
  • Healthy and motile sperm
  • Proper drug administration when needed
  • The root cause of infertility is suitably treated
  • Choosing the Right Fertility Clinic

IUI failure symptoms

There are no specific symptoms associated with the failure of the IUI procedure. If pregnancy does not occur, you might witness the following signs:

  • Return of Menstrual Cycle-: If you get your monthly cycle after IUI it is a clear indication of failure of this procedure.
  • Negative Pregnancy Test-: In case your monthly cycle is delayed but the pregnancy test comes out to be negative then the IUI cycle is unsuccessful.
  • Absence of Implantation Bleeding-: If the IUI procedure is successful then after 2 weeks you will have implantation bleeding. You will witness spotting on your underwear. If you don’t it means the IUI cycle failed.

In case you experience severe cramping or have sudden vaginal discharge consult your medical expert without any delay.

 IUI failure reasons

Going back to the IUI procedure we learned that the sperm cells are injected into the uterus so they can reach the eggs lying in the fallopian tubes. However, leaving the sperm in the uterus does not ensure pregnancy. The journey of the sperm got shorter but it has so many hurdles to cross.

 The rest of the things we allow to happen naturally. There can be many things that can go wrong before, during, or after fertilization. There might be some problem with the sperm, egg, or both.

IUI Failure Causes

As already mentioned the success rate of the IUI procedure is 12 to 18%. This means if 100 couples opted for IUI only 12 or 18 of them will end up conceiving. This is a harsh reality of IUI that we have to accept. Experts say the success rate increases with every IUI cycle.

Following is the list of IUI failure causes:

  • Fallopian Tubes are not Working Properly-:

Open fallopian tubes do not guarantee fertilization as these two tubes have multiple roles to play in pregnancy.This includes collecting the egg from the ovaries, providing ground for the fusion of sperm and egg, and carrying the embryo to the uterus for implantation.

If the fallopian tubes fail to perform any of these functions it can result in IUI failure.

  • Poor Egg Quality-:

Imagine wanting a healthy apple tree with poor quality seeds. In the same way, poor-quality eggs will not lead to a successful conception.

Poor egg quality leads to the formation of weak and abnormal embryos, is associated with chromosomal abnormalities, and will lead to problems in implantation or cause frequent miscarriages. This proves how poor egg quality can result in IUI failure.

  • Defective Sperm-:

IUI procedure revolves around sperm motility. IUI can only provide a ladder to reach the eggs. The sperm cells should be healthy and strong enough to reach the eggs waiting in the fallopian tubes.

Also, the sperm can get destroyed in the uterus due to several reasons. These circumstances will lead to IUI failure.

  • Using Frozen Sperm with Impurities-:

Sometimes when using frozen sperm in IUI there is a slight possibility that some impurities are present that can lead to unsuccessful fertilization.

  • Timing of Ovulation-:

For IUI to be successful the sperm should fertilize the egg within the fertile window. But even after injecting the sperm into the uterus with the help of IUI, it may fail to reach the egg. If this happens the egg will disintegrate and will no longer be available for fertilization if the sperm comes later.

Another scenario can be the sperm reaching the fallopian tubes before ovulation. In this situation, pregnancy will not occur. The timing should be perfect for IUI to be successful.

  • Advanced Age of the Woman:

Age plays a vital role in pregnancy. No matter if you are trying naturally or taking the help of a fertility treatment. IUI fails when the woman is of advanced age.

The best age for a woman to have IUI is below 35 years of age. The success rate is witnessed to be maximum in this age group as her reproductive organs are functioning well.

After 35 years of age IUI success rates further fall to 8 to 10% per cycle.

IUI is not the right option for women over 40. The success rate of IUI for this age group is around 2% per cycle. So if a woman decides to choose IUI after 35 the chances of conception are not promising.

  • Ectopic pregnancy-:

The sperm fertilizes the egg and forms an embryo. Now the embryo will take shelter in the fallopian tube for 5 days. Then the fallopian tubes should transfer the egg to the uterus or womb for implantation.

A healthy pregnancy can occur only when the embryo gets implanted in the uterine cavity.

But if the embryo gets stuck in the fallopian tube it will have no source of oxygen and nutrients to grow into a baby. This condition is called ectopic pregnancy. It can be a reason for IUI failure. Also, it can put the woman’s health at risk if not treated timely.

  • Implantation Failure-:

Endometrial lining decides the success or failure of implantation of the embryo. This lining is responsible for supplying oxygen to the embryo, nourishing it with nutrients, and protecting it from any harm in the womb. The thickness of the endometrial lining should be between 8 to 15 mm.

If this lining is not thick enough implantation is not possible. This will result in IUI failure.

  • Deficiency of Pregnancy Hormones-:

The ovaries are responsible for secreting pregnancy hormones namely estrogen and progesterone to support a healthy pregnancy. Various complications can arise if there is a deficiency of these hormones in the body. This can also lead to the failure of the IUI cycle.

Medical Conditions-:

Polycystic Ovarian Symptoms commonly known as PCOS or PCOD, diabetes, endometriosis, and cervical cancer can reduce IUI success rates.

  • Nature-:

Imagine both the egg and the sperm can be healthy. They fused and formed a healthy embryo but still, IUI failed. This can’t be explained with any scientific evidence. All we can say is that nature did not allow the pregnancy to occur.

So what are the alternatives that can bring positive pregnancy results?

  • IVF-:

In-vitro fertilization can be the right option for you if you are over 35 years of age, have poor ovarian reserve, PCOS, fallopian tube failure, endometriosis, or unexplained infertility.

It offers a success rate of 35-40% for women below 35. For women over 35, the success rate lies between 25-30%.

  • ICSI-:

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection can be a suitable treatment for you if the male partner has severe infertility issues. These include low sperm count, poor motility, poor morphology, and PGD.

It offers a success rate of 80 to 85% when performed with zero errors.

The most important step after IUI failure

A good clinic like Imprimis IVF Srinagar ensures the maximum success rate of this ART procedure. Only a good clinic can ensure success with ICSI or IVF. You can look at any success story after multiple failures or ask a medical expert about the importance of the fertility center you choose. It can either turn your dreams into reality or shatter them.

Final Words

Fertility treatments can be mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially draining. Please do not decide on the most suitable infertility treatment option by yourself. Acknowledging the importance of an expert is the right thing to do. If you have had multiple IUI failures do extensive research about the best fertility centers and consult with their expert. Then only take the final decision regarding the treatment.

What Is TESE & Its Success Rate

TESE – Male infertility is common today and can be attributed to various underlying factors. The working of the male reproductive system is highly complex. Any malfunctioning tissue or blood vessel can lead to hurdles in the pregnancy journey. 

Luckily, medical advancements have made it possible to treat the cause of male infertility. One of the most successful procedures is TESE. 

But who is eligible to take help with this procedure? 

In this article, we will talk about TESE and its success rate. We will discuss in detail the procedure of TESE, its side effects, and the complications associated with TESE. 

Semen is not Sperm.

During sexual intercourse or masturbation, when a man has an orgasm, he ejaculates semen. A semen sample contains sperm cells responsible for fertilising the egg. Sperm cells are not visible to the naked eye. There is a possibility that the sperm cells are absent. Another reason can be poor sperm morphology or low sperm count in the semen sample. It is where the TESE procedure comes to your rescue. 

What is TESE?

TESE stands for testicular sperm extraction. It is a medical procedure to collect sperm cells directly from your testicles when, for some reason, they do not come out when you ejaculate. 

Other procedures that fall under the category of sperm retrieval processes are

  • Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA)
  • TESA with mapping
  • Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)
  • Micro Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA)
  • Microdissection TESE (microTESE)

These are also known as sperm harvesting procedures. Each of them helps solve different problems related to infertility

But this article focuses on TESE, so let’s understand the need for this sperm retrieval process. 

What is the Need for TESE? 

TESE is needed to solve the problem of both obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia (zero sperm in the semen). These two factors are responsible for a large number of male infertility cases.  

Obstructive Azoospermia

It is a condition in which testicles function normally and produce sperm, but they are absent in the semen due to some blockage. 

Obstructive azoospermia can be caused by primary testicular failure, non-reconstructed vasectomy, or the blockage is there by birth. 

Non-obstructive Azoospermia

This is a condition in which no sperm cells are produced due to the abnormal functioning of the testicles. 

So, we can say that testicular sperm extraction proves to be a boon when

  • The testosterone levels are normal, but the testes cannot produce sperm cells. 
  • An obstruction or blockage in the reproductive tract due to injury or infection prevents sperm from entering the penis.
  • Even after treating azoospermia, the sperm count has not improved significantly.

The sperm cells that are retrieved from the TESE procedure will be frozen. Then, whenever the doctor needs them for fertility treatment, they can use the frozen sperm cells to fertilise the egg. The TESE procedure has significantly reduced the need for donor sperm. 

Using Retrieved Sperm for Normal Conception 

The important thing to note here is that these retrieved sperm cells can’t be used for normal conception. 

When the sperm cells are collected directly from the testes, they can’t swim through the vagina. So, when placed inside the uterus, they won’t be able to reach the fallopian tube to fertilise the egg. 

These sperm cells can only be used in fertility treatment where fertilisation occurs on a petri dish in a laboratory. 

Preparation for TESE 

You may want to know what precautions to take before the TESE procedure. Here are a few suggestions from the doctors: 

  • Don’t take blood-thinning medications 5 days before the TESE procedure. These include Aspirin, Advil, Motrin, etc.
  • Nicely shave your genital area to minimise the chances of infection.
  • Shower with an antibacterial soap on the day of the TESE procedure or the night before.

TESE Procedure 

This delicate procedure is carried out under general anaesthesia so that the patient does not have a painful experience. 

With the help of a biopsy, active areas of sperm will be located. Then, one or two incisions (cuts) will be made in the scrotum. After that, a small portion of tissue is removed from the testes. This sample portion will be dissected to separate the sperm from the sample to store it and be used to fertilise the egg. The incision during the TESE procedure is closed with the help of sutures. 

It takes around 20 to 30 minutes to carry out the TESE procedure. 

Post-TESE Care

After TESE, your doctor will ask you to wear a special type of underwear called scrotal support for 2 weeks. You can also use tight-fitting underwear.

  • Bear in mind that a tissue was collected through incision from your testicles. So, rest is mandatory! 

But how much rest do you need post-TESE?

  • Resting for at least 2 to 3 days at home after the procedure is completed is best.
  • Don’t push yourself if you still feel discomfort or pain while doing something.
  • You are advised to shower the next day after the TESE procedure.
  • But be careful; the wound should not come in contact with water. It is because the wound is closed with the help of absorbable sutures and should not be removed. Also, the chances of testicular infection might increase.
  • A healthy, balanced diet will help fast recover the scrotal wound.
  • Lay an extra focus on consuming fluids during the recovery period.
  • Don’t engage in activities like jogging, swimming, or weight lifting for at least 2 weeks after the TESE procedure.
  • Medications will be prescribed to alleviate pain and prevent infection.
  • It is safe to place ice packs on the scrotum every few hours for the first 2 days.
  • Consider joining back at work after 2 weeks post TESE. Contact your IVF experts immediately if you feel discomfort after 14-15 days.

Rigorous activities can be taken up after 10 to 14 days, depending on your recovery rate. 

Post-TESE Complications

You might face the following complications after the TESE procedure: 

  • Normal bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Slight discolouration of the scrotal skin
  • A thin, clear, and pink-coloured discharge from the incision for the first few days

There is nothing to worry about these post-TESE symptoms. They will gradually fade away as the incision spot heals. 

Risk Factors Associated with TESE 

A highly experienced specialist does this treatment. Even though this procedure is quite safe, you may encounter severe symptoms after the treatment. Some of the risk factors associated with this sperm retrieval process are: 

  • Skin infection
  • Side effects related to anaesthesia
  • Testicle infection following biopsy
  • Damage to testicle
  • No sperm retrieval in the semen
  • Sperm does not react well when stored frozen for the ICSI procedure.

The good news is that risks like testicular damage are rare, but there is always a chance. So, make sure to follow all the post-TESE recovery guidelines religiously. 

Success Rates of TESE

The success rates of the TESE procedure depend on some important factors, namely.

  • Amount of sperm that was retrieved during TESE
  • Whether the retrieved sperm is alive
  • The quality of the sperm in terms of the shape and size of the sperm cell should be optimal.

To fertilise the egg, the shape and size of the head, midpiece, and tail of the sperm should be normal. 

The success rate also depends on the man’s medical history.

Fertility experts claim that the sperm retrieval rate is higher in men with obstructive azoospermia. The retrieval rate is more than 70 to 80%. 

This high success rate means the testes function normally and can produce sperm. There is some obstruction that is preventing the sperm from coming out. 

Once the underlying cause is treated or TESE is carried out, fertilisation can occur successfully. Provided that the sperm is alive and has normal sperm morphology.

However, in men with non-obstructive azoospermia, the retrieval rate is between 20 to 50%. Because the testes are unable to produce sperm or produce less sperm than required, in this situation, the complexities increase, and TESE success rates decrease. 

Another contributing factor is the man’s genetic background. The success rate for men with genetic conditions like Klinefelter syndrome is 10% to 20%. 

The success rate of the sperm retrieved during TESE in helping couples achieve pregnancy with an ICSI procedure is around 55%. 

Other factors that affect Success Rates 

● TESE success rates also consider the surgical specialists’ skills and expertise.

● Many times, the role of lifestyle is neglected when discussing infertility treatment options. 

But the truth is your diet, managing stress levels, and involvement in physical activities also impact the success of the TESE procedure. 

TESE Costs in Srinagar, India 

The cost of the TESE procedure varies based on the location of the clinic, the complexity of the underlying condition, available facilities, and the expertise of the medical specialists. 

The TESE cost in Srinagar, India, is between 50,000 and 60,000 INR

However, some fertility centres like Imprimis IVF and Srinagar offer affordable treatment options. 

Why Choose Imprimis IVF? 

TESE procedure warrants experience and skills. Imprimis IVF Srinagar offers even more than that.

Offering the TESE procedure at an affordable price means we maintain the quality of our services. We at Imprimis IVF are a team of skilled and highly experienced professionals. A round-the-clock support system for our patients in need. Equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and machinery, we turn dreams into realities. 

Final Words

Infertility among couples is becoming more and more common these days. Fingers are typically pointed at women for not being able to conceive. But now we know that men, too, can be responsible for infertility. All the information on the internet can only give you an overview of the entire process of TESE. For more information, visit a trusted fertility specialist.

What is the HSG Test for Infertility – Procedure, Recovery & Results

HSG Test – Many delicate organs and tissues are involved in the process of reproduction. Female infertility can be caused by even the slight functioning of the reproductive system. One of them is a blocked fallopian tube. A fallopian tube plays a vital role in pregnancy. It is the location where the sperm meets the egg for fertilisation. If this tube is blocked, the sperm can not reach the egg for fertilisation and form an embryo.

There can be several reasons why your fallopian tubes are blocked. For instance, endometriosis, fibroids, past surgeries, ectopic pregnancy, and pelvic inflammatory disease can lead to blockage of one or both fallopian tubes. 

However, medical advancements have made it possible to overcome this issue of blocked fallopian tubes. A test called the HSG helps with the diagnosis of the underlying condition. 

In this article, we are going to discuss all about the HSG test for infertility. The entire procedure, recovery, and results that follow.

What is the HSG Test for Infertility?

Hysterosalpingography, or HSG, takes the help of a specialised X-ray test to see the internal shape of the uterine cavity and confirm whether one or both of the fallopian tubes are blocked. 

Hysterosalpingography can help identify the root cause behind infertility, abnormal vaginal bleeding, or recurrent miscarriage. It is also known as uterosalpingography and is carried out by a radiologist. 

Uterosalpingography test is also taken in the following cases:

  • Tubal ligation-Tubal ligation is a medical surgery to close the fallopian tubes. HSG is recommended to check whether the fallopian tubes have closed properly.
  • Reversal of Tubal ligation-: HSG test is also recommended to check if the fallopian tubes were reopened successfully.

What is the Need to Take the HSG Test?

The HSG test is often recommended for women with fertility issues as

  • It helps to analyse if both the fallopian tubes are open so that the egg and sperm can meet for fertilisation.
  • This test helps see if the uterus has a normal shape. 
  • Hysterosalpingography helps confirm the presence or absence of polyps, fibroids, or scar tissue in the uterine cavity. 

When is the HSG Test done? 

It is carried out 5-7 days after your periods are over but before ovulation. The ideal time will be during the first half of your menstrual cycle, i.e. between days 1 and 14. 

The reason for this is that after periods, the chances of conceiving are quite low. The first condition for the HSG test is that you should not be pregnant. Also, the risk of infection post-periods is lower.  

Who Should Not Take the HSG Test? 

Hysterosalpingography is a great treatment option to identify the reason behind infertility. However, HSG is not for everyone. 

  • If you are already pregnant, inform the doctor before undergoing HSG treatment, as it can be dangerous for the fetus. 
  • If you have pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), avoid having this test. 
  • If you have unexplained vaginal bleeding, HSG treatment should be avoided. 

Is the HSG Test Painful?

Yes, HSG can be slightly painful. But you will be given a painkiller like ibuprofen an hour before the procedure. A sedative or narcotic drug will also be prescribed if you are feeling anxious. An antibiotic before and after the HSG procedure helps prevent infection. 

If you were asked to take narcotics, it would be risky to drive home by yourself. So it’ll be better if you ask a loved one to accompany you for your HSG test. 

The nurse will ask you to remove any metal accessories you are wearing before the test. The reason behind this is that metal can interfere with the proper functioning of the X-ray machine.

Procedure for HSG

You will be asked to lie down in a frog leg position with your knees bent and feet spread under an X-ray imager known as a fluoroscope. Instead of creating still pictures, fluoroscopy helps produce a real-time video image. That’s the reason why fluoroscopy is also called live X-ray. It helps the radiologist check the movement of the dye in the reproductive system. 

A speculum will be inserted into your vagina to keep it open, and the cervix will be cleaned thoroughly with an antiseptic solution. You may feel a little discomfort or period-like cramps during this step. 

The cervix is the small canal or passage that connects your vagina with your uterus. 

After this, the speculum will be removed, and a thin tube known as a cannula will be inserted into the cervix. Then, a contrast liquid dye containing iodine is filled into the uterus and fallopian tubes.

What is a Contrast Dye?

Contrast dye is a substance that, when injected into your body, helps to highlight desired organs and tissues on the X-ray imager for examination. This dye will appear white on the machine. 

It will help the fertility specialist see the images of the uterus and the fallopian tube. If your fallopian tubes are blocked, this liquid dye won’t be able to enter inside the tubes. It also helps determine the location of the blockage. But if the tubes are open, then the dye will spill into your pelvis. 

You will be asked to move a little or change positions to capture different sides and angles of the uterus and fallopian tubes. 

After the fertility expert has got clear images, the cannula will be removed, and the procedure will be completed. This contrast dye will come out with your urine. 

The whole procedure of HSG takes about 5 to 10 minutes. 

The X-ray images are produced within a few minutes and highlight the presence of 

  • congenital uterine anomalies
  • polyps
  • tumours
  • fibroids 
  • uterine scar tissue in the uterine cavity. 

Apart from showing whether or not the fallopian tubes are blocked, the HSG also detects pelvic scar tissue in the abdominal region near the fallopian tubes. 

What can’t be analysed during HSG? 

The HSG can’t analyse the ovaries or treat endometriosis. Also, it won’t be able to highlight fibroids present outside the endometrial cavity, i.e. in the muscular or the outer part of the uterus. 

Some common signs of discomfort 

After the procedure is completed, you might feel some discomfort in your abdomen. You might also have the following side effects: 

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Cramps
  • Spotting

Risks involved in HSG test

The HSG test does not have major risk factors. But some risks that can be witnessed after the HSG procedure are: 

  • Allergic response towards the dye 
  • Injury to the uterine cavity, like perforation 
  • Fallopian tube or uterine lining infection

What happens after the HSG procedure

HSG is a relatively safe procedure; however, sometimes, there is a possibility that a woman can have an allergic response towards the dye. In such a situation, you must keep an eye on the following symptoms: 

  • Slight vaginal bleeding-: After HSG, you will have light vaginal discharge or bleeding for a few days. 
  • No tampons-After the HSG procedure, do not use tampons for at least 48 hours. Sanitary pads help prevent infection and will be a comfortable option. 
  • According to some doctors, vaginal intercourse and douching should also be avoided after HSG for 48 hours. 
  • Abdominal cramps or pain- Having cramps for a few hours after HSG is fine, and the pain will go away after some time. 

Visit an IVF Specialist if you have the following symptoms: 

  • Heavy Bleeding-Seek medical guidance if you have heavy bleeding or if it lasts longer than a couple of days.
  • High Fever– If you have a fever that is accompanied by constant pain, then this indicates an early infection. This situation warrants urgent medical attention. 
  • Foul-smelling Vaginal discharge-: Vaginal discharge after HSG is normal, but if your discharge has a foul smell, please pay a visit to the doctor. 
  • Frequent Vomiting– If you are constantly vomiting, connect with your doctor without delay. 
  • Severe Abdominal Cramps– Consult with your doctor if the pain becomes unbearable or doesn’t go away on its own after some time. 
  • Fainting– If you are fainting every time you try to get up, it’s best to visit a doctor. 

Alternatives to HSG 

Sonohysterograms, laparoscopy, and hysteroscopy are the alternate procedures for HSG that help gather similar results. However, the HSG test is preferred more as sonohysterograms can’t help determine if the fallopian tubes are blocked. 

Saline contrast ultrasound can also be performed to gather information about the uterus. 

The Results of the HSG Test

Based on your HSG test results, the doctor may advise you to take some other tests and develop a treatment plan for you. 

If scar tissue is present in or around the fallopian tube, the fertility specialist can perform surgery to remove it. 

Depending on the extent and type of blockage in the fallopian tubes, surgery can be performed to open them and improve the chances of fertilisation. 

The doctor will advise a suitable Assisted Reproductive Technology treatment like IVF after thoroughly analysing the test reports. 

Does HSG Increase the Chances of Conception? 

The HSG test is mainly recommended for diagnostic purposes and perform surgery to improve fertility. However, some studies highlight a slight improvement in fertility after HSG. 

Final Word

Conceiving has become challenging for millions of women. However, medical advancements have led to tests like HSG that can help get to the root cause of infertility and assist with diagnosis. These types of improvements help design surgical operations and fertility treatments that best suit the medical condition of the couple. For more information about this test, visit a trusted medical expert. 

If you are looking for medical expertise in Srinagar to help develop the best fertility treatment option for you, then do visit us at Imprimis IVF, Srinagar. A fertility centre where shattered dreams of pregnancy are turned into positive pregnancy test results. Hope to see you soon at Imprimis!

Is ovary size important to get pregnant?

Ovaries are the backbone of the female reproductive system. You might ask why ovary size matters. We all know that the journey of pregnancy starts with the fertilization of the egg. So, the first condition to get pregnant is that the ovaries should release a mature and healthy egg for fertilization to take place. After fertilization, an embryo is formed. When this embryo gets successfully implanted in the uterine lining, you become pregnant. 

Ovaries are the egg-producing factories. The importance of the production of mature eggs by the ovaries is talked about a lot. For instance, for conception, the eggs should be mature and of good quality. But do you know that the size of the ovaries also has a massive importance in pregnancy? 

In this article, we are going to have a look at why ovary size is important to get pregnant. We will also talk about the various steps you can take to maintain the health of your ovaries. 

What are the Functions of an Ovary? 

The ovaries are tiny oval-shaped organs that are responsible for carrying out multiple functions in reproduction. These functions include: 

  • Producing, storing, and releasing eggs for fertilization. 
  • Producing and releasing female sex hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone.
  • Producing hormones to regulate the menstrual cycle as well as pregnancy.

These functions have a determining role in a woman’s fertility. 

Size of a Healthy Ovary for High Chances of Conception

The shape and size of an ovary are like that of an almond. Doctors measure the size of an ovary in three dimensions: length, breadth, and height. 

The normal size of an ovary is typically 3 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, and 1.5 cm thick. Normal ovary size in millimetres is 30 mm in length, 25 mm in breadth, and 15 mm in thickness. 

Small Ovaries

If the size of the ovary is small, it means the number of eggs that the ovary will produces will be less. 

Small ovaries impact follicular development, which hinders the process of ovulation. 

Large Ovaries

Large ovaries don’t mean a large number of eggs. If the size of the ovary is large, it implies that there is some underlying condition, like the presence of cysts, tumours, or hormonal imbalance, that is impacting conception. 

Both small and large ovaries impact fertility, so it is important to get in touch with a fertility expert to determine your ovarian size. He will help identify the root cause and will undertake surgery if required. 

Factors Affecting the Size of the Ovary

The size of the ovary changes throughout a woman’s life. Several factors govern and affect the ovary size. Let’s understand these factors one by one. 

1. Age

A woman has a fixed number of eggs in her ovaries, which is known as the ovarian reserve. When a girl child is born, the size of her ovaries is 1 cm in diameter, each weighing somewhere between 250 to 350 mg. 

At the onset of puberty, an egg is released every month for fertilization. When fertilization does not take place, a woman gets her monthly menstrual cycle. As a woman ages, the ovarian reserve decreases, and the ovaries get smaller. 

After menopause, the size of the ovaries becomes less than 2 cm. 

2. Ovarian Stimulation

During certain medical procedures like IVF, some medications are injected into a woman to stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs. This stimulation can affect the size of the ovaries. 

3.Reproductive Issues-

Reproductive issues like PCOS, ie. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, ovarian cysts, fibroids, and tumours tend to change the size of the ovaries. 

The presence of ovarian cysts can enlarge the size of the ovaries. 

If a woman is having problems conceiving a baby, then these underlying reproductive issues should be identified and treated subsequently with the help of meditation or surgery. 

4. Previous Pregnancies-

During pregnancy, the ovaries attain maximum size. It is because the ovaries secrete pregnancy hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone. An imbalance in hormones can affect the size of the ovaries. 

Some other reasons include:
  • Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling
  • Ovarian cyst removal
  • Emergency Laparotomy
  • Emergency removal of the fallopian tube

What is the Procedure to determine the Size of Ovaries?

To determine the size of your ovaries, the doctor will ask you to undertake some laboratory tests and procedures to analyze the overall health, functioning, and size of the ovaries. 

  • Ultrasound Scans– Autrasonography is done to gather important information about ovary size and the presence of cysts or fibroids. 
  • Blood Tests-: Blood tests help determine hormone levels associated with ovaries and pregnancy. One such hormone is anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), which plays a vital role in pregnancy.

How to Take Care of Your Ovaries? 

Certain factors like age and changes in ovarian size due to previous pregnancy can’t be overturned. But it doesn’t mean you can not do anything for your ovarian health. 

Lifestyle is the key to healthy ovaries. Here are certain lifestyle changes that you can stick to and improve the health of your ovaries. 

1. Say no to alcohol and tobacco-: 

It is a non-negotiable measure. A healthy body and healthy ovaries come with putting an end to drinking and smoking. 

2. Healthy BMI

Healthy body weight improves fertility and ovarian health. If you are underweight or overweight, it can affect pregnancy. So please keep your BMI in check. 

3. Balanced Diet

Nutrient-rich diet will nourish your reproductive system and make it ready for conception. Green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits are a rich source of vitamins and minerals that can help improve fertility. 

4. Exercising Regularly

Keeping your body active by indulging in a physical activity of your choice is vital for healthy ovaries. 

You can perform simple yoga asanas, go for a morning walk, or swim. 

5. No Stress

If you take a lot of stress, then not only your overall health but your reproductive health is also compromised.

Even if you are following a healthy diet, exercise regularly and do not smoke or drink.  

Sometimes, even sticking to a healthy lifestyle doesn’t seem to help. If you feel like you are stuck in such a situation, then consider consulting with a fertility expert. 

If you happen to live near or in Srinagar, then we invite you to Imprimis IVF, Srinagar. 

Why Imprimis IVF? 

Everything might appear fine on the surface, like you have a healthy BMI and no medical conditions. However, it is not possible to identify the root cause of infertility without medical expertise. 

Our IVF experts at Imprimis IVF will help you thoroughly evaluate the health of your reproductive organs. Then, based on the underlying condition, we will develop a treatment option for you. On top of that, we provide affordable treatment without compromising on the service. 

Final Words about Ovary Size

The reproductive system is highly delicate. Even a small problem with any of the organs can hamper fertility. Ovary size is one such important aspect that goes unnoticed but can affect pregnancy. So, get in touch with a fertility specialist to figure out the cause of infertility. 

Also, it is vital to take care of your reproductive health by following a healthy and stress-free lifestyle. 

How to Confirm Whether Sperm Went Inside

How to confirm whether sperm went inside – Everybody learned in school that pregnancy happens when the egg gets fertilized by the sperm. For fertilization to take place, the first step is that the sperm must reach the egg.

Trying to get pregnant? Or are you someone who is trying not to get pregnant? Either way, curiosity got the best of you, and now you want to know whether the sperm reached your egg and what your chances are. 

Worry not; We at Imprimis IVF will try to satisfy your curious mind with the help of this article. More than that, we are going to provide you with some ways by which you can check whether the sperm really met your egg. 

What Happens during Unprotected Sexual Intercourse? 

During unprotected intercourse, when the man has his orgasm, he ejaculates semen. The ejaculated semen contains millions of sperms. These sperm cells swim through the vagina to reach the fallopian tube, where the ovaries are present. Ovaries are responsible for producing mature eggs every month. If the sperm fertilizes this mature egg, it will result in conception. If fertilization does not take place, then you will have your monthly menstruation cycle. 

So whenever you indulge in unprotected sex, and your partner ejaculates, it is 100% confirmed that the sperm has entered your body. 

Whether or not fertilization has taken place can be checked using a pregnancy kit. 

How to Avoid Pregnancy? 

If getting pregnant is not on your radar, then the best way to avoid it is to live by the rule: practice safe sex. Contraceptives for both males and females are available in the market. The contraceptive market is huge, offering numerous options ranging from flavoured to non-flavoured condoms. Always use a fresh and good quality condom along with a water lube to avoid accidents like tearing of condoms during ejaculation. 

  • Because folks, there is an old saying that precaution is always better than cure! 
  • So this brings us to our first way to confirm whether
  • the sperm has entered your body.

A Broken Contraceptive

A broken contraceptive or condom is a loud confirmation that sperm has found its way into your body, even if it happens all by accident due to increased friction or coming across a sharp edge inside the vagina. Once the condom breaks during ejaculation and even if a single drop of semen is released out of that condom, the chances of getting pregnant are high. 

In case you want to avoid pregnancy in such a situation when the contraceptive breaks, you can take the morning-after pill within a certain time frame to decrease the chances of conceiving. But the best way to handle this ride of pregnancy is to visit a doctor instead of indulging in self-prescription or, worse, consuming the wrong medication.  

Exchanged Sex Toys 

It might sound like a weird argument, but yes, sex toys can give sperm cells a chance to enter your body. 

How exactly do sex toys do that? Let’s say your male partner used a sex toy, and some amount of semen is present on it. When you use this same-sex toy, there is a great possibility that the semen has entered your vagina and can reach the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg

Missed Menstrual Cycle 

Every month, the uterus prepares itself for pregnancy by creating an environment for the implantation of the embryo. But when fertilization does not take place, the blood that was to be used to nurture the embryo comes out in the form of periods. In simple terms, you get your menstrual cycle when you are not pregnant. A missed monthly cycle is a hint to take a pregnancy test.  

Mood Swings 

One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy is mood swings. Mood swings are largely caused by the hormonal changes that take place inside a woman’s body. The pregnancy hormones estrogen and progesterone play a vital role in deciding your mood. 

A lot of women have mood swings during their periods because of these pregnancy hormones. 

The hormone estrogen is associated with irritability, anxiety, and depression. At the same time, the hormone progesterone is responsible for fatigue, sluggishness, and sadness. 


Another common sign associated with fertilization of the egg by the presence of sperm inside the fallopian tube is tiredness. You are not compromising on 8 hours of deep sleep. You have not made any significant change in your routine that may cause a lot of tiredness, but due to conception, you will feel drained from the moment you wake up till the time you sleep again. 

Breast Tenderness 

You might feel that your breasts are tingly, heavy, sore, or swollen. It is also a very vivid sign of pregnancy, confirming that sperm entered your body during sexual intercourse with your partner. It generally starts a week or 2 after getting conceiving. These symptoms, however, are likely to go away as your body adjusts itself to the hormonal changes in the body.

Morning Sickness 

If you wake up to a sense of vomiting or nausea within 8-10 days of sperm entering your body and ending up fertilizing the egg, it is a clear sign that sperm went inside and has done its job. Morning sickness usually happens in the initial stage of pregnancy. 

What to do when it is confirmed that sperm has indeed entered your body? 

Take a deep breath, and do not panic if pregnancy feels like a nightmare to you. Or you wanted to get pregnant for a very long time, and now a positive pregnancy test makes you feel overwhelmed. 

Pregnancy Test 

Get a pregnancy test kit from the nearby market and take a home pregnancy test before jumping to conclusions. A conventional pregnancy kit would indicate two lines for a positive pregnancy result and a single line for a negative result. 

Visit a Doctor to Know More about How to Confirm Whether Sperm Went Inside

If your mind is whirling with endless thoughts and you do not know how to go about this whole thing related to pregnancy, it’s best to seek medical expertise. 

If you live in Srinagar or nearby areas, feel free to pay a visit to Imprimis IVF, the best IVF treatment centre in Srinagar, to get an answer to all your queries related to pregnancy, IUI, ICSI, etc., from our IVF experts. 

FAQ about How to Confirm Whether Sperm Went Inside

How do you feel When the Sperm enters Your Body through the Vagina? 

Well, you won’t feel anything when the sperm enters your body or when it meets the egg and fertilizes it. A sperm cell is incredibly small; that’s why you can’t feel it moving inside your reproductive tract

Some women might have cramps or light bleeding 5-6 days after the fertilization has taken place. These signs are known as implantation bleeding or cramps. 

How much time does it take for the sperm cell to enter the Fallopian Tube and Reach the Egg? 

According to IVF experts, it takes around 45 minutes to 12 hours for the sperm to swim through the vagina and meet the egg, patiently waiting in the fallopian tube. And if you are ovulating, there are good chances that you can get pregnant. But fertilization can take place at any time during your ovulation phase because the sperm can stay alive inside your vagina for about 5 to 7 days. 

Can a little bit of Sperm Result in Pregnancy? 

The truth is you don’t even need a little bit of sperm to get pregnant. Millions of sperm cells are ejaculated during an orgasm, and just a single sperm cell is needed for the job. 

Even though millions of sperm are ejaculated, only a small fraction of them are genetically and morphologically healthy enough to carry on the journey to reach the egg for fertilization. 

Is it Possible to Still get Pregnant if You Pee Right after Intercourse? 

Yes, you can. The science behind it says during ejaculation, the sperm cells are released into the vaginal canal. At the same time, the urine comes out through the urethra. Both of these are entirely different openings and are not interconnected. So, peeing has nothing to do with the journey of sperm cells. 

Final Word about How to Confirm Whether Sperm Went Inside

Pregnancy is a magical natural process that consists of many delicate steps. Nobody knows which sperm is going to win the race and fertilize the egg. It just happens, and you only get to know about it through some visible changes in your body and overall health.That’s all about How to confirm whether sperm went Inside. To know more book a consultation with our IVF specialist now.