Tag Archive for: Ovarian Stimulation IVF

What does Lupron do for IVF?

Medications are an integral part of the IVF treatment. Depending on the medical condition and other factors certain injections are administered to set the base for healthy development of the eggs. Lupron Injection is one such medication that is frequently administered before ovarian stimulation medications are given for a successful IVF treatment. 

Another drug, hCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is also widely used for egg maturation. But Lupron tops the list as it is better tolerated by the body. 

Lupron, lupride, or leuprolide acetate is a synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a). It is given to a woman at the start of the IVF treatment especially when there is a need to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs in a controlled manner. Putting it simply, lupron helps control the development of eggs in the ovaries. 

Why is Lupron injection needed? 

Why is Lupron injection needed? 

To understand the need for Lupron injection we need to get down to the process of ovulation. 

  1. During menstruation, the hypothalamus which is a part of the brain releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone ie. GnRH. 
  2. This hormone sets the pituitary (another part of the brain) in motion to produce Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and the Follicle follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in the blood.
  3. These two pituitary hormones awaken the ovary every month to produce an egg for fertilization, secrete estrogen, and ovulate. 

So, when Lupron is injected into the body regularly it mimics the structure of GnRH and triggers the production of pituitary hormones FSH and LH. 

Initially, the pituitary glands fail to recognize the difference between GnRH and lupron (GnRH-a). However, with the regular administration of lupron, the pituitary glands become alert to this foreign element. As a result, the pituitary glands cap the production of both FSH and LH. The secretion of these hormones keeps on reducing as long as lupron injections are administered. This condition is termed pituitary down-regulation. In simple terms, it can be stated that Lupron helps reduce the secretion of these hormones

But why is it important to control the secretion of these hormones during IVF? Aren’t these hormones important for conception? 

Lupron is administered to the woman to limit the secretion of certain hormones to prevent early or premature ovulation during IVF. This helps in the development of multiple mature eggs in the ovaries. As soon as this condition is achieved the ovaries and the reproductive system are ready to respond positively to other medications that are administered for a successful IVF cycle. Ultimately, fertility experts gain more control over the ovulation timing, the egg retrieval process, and the implantation timing.

After embryo transfer, lupron ensures a healthy environment for its development free from any hormonal fluctuations. Hence, increasing the chances of success of the IVF cycle.

That’s just one part of the story of Lupron. It also has other significant roles to play in an IVF cycle like:
  • Leuprolide acetate is also administered to stimulate the ovaries. 
  • Also, it can be used as a trigger to assist with the complete maturation of the eggs for IVF. This is referred to as Lupron Trigger.
  • As the ovaries are also responsible for the production of estrogen and progesterone, Lupron indirectly helps regulate their secretion.
  • Lupron also finds application in the treatment of endometriosis, prostate cancer, and large uterine fibroids.
  • It plays a vital role in treating CPP which is central precocious (early) puberty in children.

The Lupron Protocol during IVF 

It is generally given daily for 2-3 weeks before the process of ovarian stimulation begins. However, the duration depends on your medical reports and your body’s requirements. The Lupron medication kit generally contains 14 injections (for 2 weeks) and 2.8 ml of Lupron in the form of Leuprolide acetate. Typically fertility specialists administer Lupron in three phases which are stated below: 

Phase 1

This phase generally starts one week before the ovarian stimulation process. The Lupron administration process begins as soon as the natural ovulation is completed. 

Phase 2

The administration of Leuprolide acetate will carry on. But in phase 2 the fertility experts cut down on the dosage in comparison with phase 1. 

Phase 3

This phase sets in 36 hours before the egg retrieval process. The dosage is discontinued before the hCG trigger shot is administered for final egg maturation. 

After some days of regular Lupron shots, FSH injections will also become a part of the IVF journey. You will have blood tests and ultrasound to monitor the entire process. 

Lupron Injection Side Effects

Lupron Injection Side Effects

More than anything else, keeping your stress levels in check is the first step towards a successful IVF cycle. However, experiencing side effects at the start of your IVF journey can quickly switch on the panic button. So, it’s always better to know all the common side effects associated with a medication to stay calm during IVF. Lupron injection is accompanied by several short-term side effects mentioned below: 

  • Erratic mood swings
  • General body aches
  • Upset stomach
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Headache
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Hot flashes or night sweats
  • Edema
  • Weight gain
  • Body and face acne

The secretion of pituitary hormones is reduced to the same level as is witnessed during menopause (the time when a woman no longer has a monthly menstrual cycle). This means your body is pushed into a state of temporary menopause. So, you may have lighter or no periods during this phase. 

Other symptoms during the initial days include: 

  • Breast tenderness
  • Abnormal fluid retention
  • Joint pain
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Tingling
  • Itching or swelling at the injection site
  • Decreased libido

These symptoms vanish once Lupron usage is discontinued. 

In case, you suffer from excruciating pain or any other extreme side effect consult with your gynaecologist at the earliest. 

How is Lupron Injection Administered? 

Lupron injection is generally administered into the fatty tissue present just below the skin either in the form of daily injections or as monthly intramuscular depot injections using a small needle. It can be administered by the medical expert at your fertility clinic or you can also do it yourself at home by following the below-mentioned steps: 

  • Wash your hands thoroughly and properly sanitize the surface where you will lie down. 
  • Take a clean syringe and fill the Lupron medication into it. Always ensure that there is no air in the vial containing the medication.
  • Select a spot on the abdomen about two inches from your navel.
  • Hold the syringe at an angle of 45 degrees from the injection site.
  • Empty the contents of the syringe quickly.

Lupron injection can also be administered on the outer region of a woman’s thigh. As far as storage of Lupron injections is concerned, they generally don’t require refrigeration. However, it is for the best that you strictly follow your doctor’s guidelines. 

Imprimis IVF advises you to visit your fertility expert to get your Lupron injections. Once you feel confident enough go for self-administration. Do not miss out on any of the steps mentioned above every time you take your Lupron dose. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Does Lupron increase IVF success

Well not directly. IVF success rates depend on a plethora of factors. Some of them include the age of the woman, the quality of both the egg and the sperm, medical history, genetic conditions, and the expertise of your fertility specialist. However, proper and timely administration of Lupron will lay a robust foundation for other medications that play a vital role in IVF success rates. 

Is Lupron always given during IVF? 

No. Even though it is one of the best options available when it comes to ovulation regulation, Lupron is not always given during IVF. Doctors have a variety of options available in the form of agonists and antagonists to choose from and reduce the production of FSH and LH. hCG or human Chorionic Gonadotropin is seen as an alternative to Lupron. However, Lupron is seen as the better option because it is more tolerable than the former. 

Final Word 

IVF is a complex and delicate procedure in all dimensions. Not only the technology but also the medications administered before the treatment starts need to suit the woman’s body and meet some requirements for the treatment to proceed smoothly. 

Lupron is one such medication that doesn’t directly affect the success rate of IVF but sets the base for the treatment to proceed efficiently and offer promising success rates.

If you have any queries regarding Lupron, other medications or anything related to IVF treatment feel free to visit us at Imprimis IVF, Srinagar.

Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is an overstimulated reaction that often occurs in the ovaries of women who use injectable medications to increase hormone production. This problem leads to severe pain caused by inflammation of the ovaries.

Women undergoing IVF or ovulation stimulation by using injection medications may manifest this OHSS. This article will focus on better understanding what OHSS is, its causes, its symptoms, and how to treat it.

What is Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome?

OHSS, or Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, occurs when the ovaries swell and release fluid into the abdomen. This complication typically affects individuals undergoing fertility treatments that stimulate their ovaries to produce more eggs.

Usually, a woman who is menstruating only releases one egg monthly. Consequently, women who are going through fertility treatment might have to undergo hormone therapy for hyperovarian activity, especially during the egg retrieval process of IVF. Due to the ovaries’ hyper-response to those medications, it eventually leads to OHSS. This happens often with the medicines that are injected and activate the ovaries more frequently.

While OHSS used to be a common complication of IVF, new protocols have reduced its occurrence, although mild cases still arise occasionally.

OHSS is more prevalent in individuals undergoing fertility treatments who have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition characterized by hormonal imbalances. It’s also more common in those with a high egg supply.

Primary Causes of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

Causes of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

OHSS is primarily triggered by the hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which stimulates the ovaries. While ovaries typically release one egg, hormone treatments prompt them to produce multiple eggs simultaneously. During fertility treatments, individuals often receive an HCG “trigger” to help egg maturation before in vitro fertilization’s egg retrieval process. Excessive response to this medication can lead to OHSS.

In OHSS cases, fertility drugs cause blood vessels surrounding the ovaries to leak fluid. This fluid may enter the abdomen, resulting in symptoms like swelling and pain.

What are the Symptoms of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome?

Symptoms of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

Symptoms of OHSS typically appear within a week of using injectable ovulation-stimulating medications, although they may take longer to manifest. These symptoms vary in severity and can fluctuate over time.

OHSS presents in these categories, determined by symptom severity:

  • Mild (Grades 1–2): Characterized by abdominal distention and discomfort, nausea, and diarrhoea.
  • Moderate (Grade 3): Exhibits ultrasonographic evidence of ascites, excessive weight gain, increased abdominal girth, vomiting, and diarrhoea.
  • Severe (Grades 4–6): Shows clinical evidence of ascites, hydrothorax, and breathing difficulties.

Your healthcare provider assesses the type based on symptom severity. Most OHSS cases are mild, causing temporary discomfort. Severe instances are uncommon but can pose life-threatening risks.

If you’re undergoing fertility treatments and experience symptoms of OHSS, inform your healthcare provider. Even if your case of OHSS is mild, your provider will want to monitor you for sudden weight gain or worsening symptoms.

Diagnosis of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

If you are undergoing fertility treatment and notice symptoms that could indicate OHSS, it is important to contact your doctor promptly. They will want to examine you to determine if you are experiencing this condition. Some exams your doctor may perform to diagnose OHSS include:

  • Physical Tests:

During physical examination, doctors carefully check indicators like weight gain and belting. The daily scale measurement, the go-to step for diagnosis, will support the conclusion with the rate of weight gain. 

By doing so, it becomes apparent how far the severe swelling is going. Analysis of the sample results yields information that allows the doctors to reject or confirm the diagnosis that may be the reason for the observed changes.

  • Ultrasound:

Nowadays, doctors can use imaging equipment, like ultrasounds and X-rays, to find out whether there has been an accumulation of excess fluid inside the body. Patients with OHSS experience excessive water retention, which causes fluid to leak through their blood vessels into the abdominal cavity and the surrounding spaces, resulting in bloating and body aches. 

As the amount of fluid increases and starts leaking out of spaces where it was normally held, the symptoms of OHSS gradually worsen. Imaging tests give a doctor the chance to see how much the fluid is enlarging tissues and forcing someone to gain excessive weight.

  • Blood Tests:

Blood tests are often used together with ultrasounds for people undergoing fertility treatment. These medical exams analyze hormone levels, any abnormalities in the blood, and possible kidney problems caused by enlarged, leaking ovaries. If blood tests are part of your regular treatment, early identification of OHSS is more probable. Detecting OHSS sooner can help avoid serious issues. Blood tests measure several vital markers of hormone levels. 

Hormone levels indicate how ovaries react to medications designed to stimulate egg growth. Abnormalities in red or white blood cell counts may signal OHSS. Kidney function is also assessed since OHSS can lead to kidney strain if ovaries swell extensively. Together, ultrasounds and blood tests provide doctors with a fuller picture of ovarian health and response to treatment. This helps optimize care and reduce the risks of complications.

Treatment of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

Treatment of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

The treatment approach for OHSS depends on the severity of the condition. For mild cases, the primary focus is on ensuring proper fluid intake and monitoring symptoms for worsening.

Mild OHSS may commonly improve independently within around fourteen days. The care concentrates on relieving distress and forestalling issues. Here are some treatments to consider:

  • Keeping fluids and electrolytes in balance is crucial to avoid dehydration when the kidneys are damaged. Water or any other fluid intake of 1.5 to 2 litres daily is highly advisable to keep your kidneys in top condition and eliminate any unwanted toxins from your body. Consuming Gatorade or broth restores the right amount of fluids in your body. It is needed to get rid of the excess fluid in your body.
  • Adequate sleep plays a significant role in maintaining strong kidneys. To boost your daily activity, follow your doctor’s instructions and try walking, even if just short distances.
  • In case of headache or digestion problems, you can use any of the already existing pain relievers to feel more life-like.

Usually, hospitalization or major treatments are not required as long as the patients are stable or their symptoms do not become worse. Nevertheless, in severe cases, an OHSS might have to be hospitalized so that comprehensive medical care can be administered to avoid more serious complications arising. You can resolve these issues with immediate medical consultation.

Plausible and Feasible Treatments may include:

  • IV fluids may be administered to replenish fluids and important electrolytes lost through vomiting or diarrhoea.
  • If your abdomen has accumulated a sizable amount of fluid, doctors may drain it manually using a syringe, which can potentially provide comfort.
  • Other medication will be provided to reduce the activity in the ovary.


OHSS has become the most alarming problem for people with fertility treatments and those using injectable medications for the stimulation of egg production. Appreciating causes, signs, and therapy of OHSS is important as it relates to patients and healthcare providers.

Huge ovarian and abdominal swelling and fluid collection occur because of the over-reproduction of hormonal medications. The impact of that intensive may be mild discomfort or life-threatening complications. Prompt diagnosis using physical exams, ultrasounds, or blood tests is essential to enable the right course of treatment.

Treatment approaches are based on symptom alleviation, which could include fluid intake, adequate rest, pain relief, hospitalization, and intravenous fluid drainage of excess fluid when the case is severe. Close monitoring, communication, and relationships between patients and healthcare professionals mitigate negative outcomes and guarantee the best outcomes during fertility treatment.

Insider’s Perspective: What to Expect During IVF Procedures at Imprimis IVF

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is famous for infertility treatment and gives hope to couples who cannot conceive. During IVF, eggs are carefully collected from a woman’s ovaries and combined with sperm outside her body to overcome many fertility barriers. Imprimis IVF Centre Srinagar is a beacon of excellence in infertility treatment across Srinagar. Imprimis IVF has a sympathetic group of doctors and employees. They guide couples throughout their journey toward becoming parents through infertility treatment. This article aims to give an insider view of how Imprimis IVF Srinagar conducts its IVF procedures.

Understanding IVF Procedures

When a couple is considering infertility treatment, they must understand what IVF entails. It starts with a first appointment at Imprimis IVF Srinagar, an IVF centre. Then comes the rest of the journey, which happens in several stages. The first step is Ovarian stimulation, whereby medicines are given to cause ovaries to produce several eggs. Subsequently, these eggs are collected via surgery, albeit minor. After egg retrieval, sperm is added to the eggs, forming an embryo in a laboratory. These embryos are then carefully monitored and cultured to stimulate their growth under controlled conditions. Finally, some selected embryos that seem most promising are transferred into the uterus, hoping they will implant there and can lead to pregnancy if successful.

IVF Procedures

Original Consultation and Appraisal

Imprimis IVF Centre Srinagar begins the in vitro fertilization approach with a comprehensive review. This initial assessment comprises of:

  1. Medical history
  2. Fertility status
  3. Overall health

This evaluation is vital because it helps develop a personalized infertility treatment plan that will maximize chances for success while minimizing associated risks.

 Ovarian Stimulation

In the IVF process at Imprimis IVF Centre Srinagar, ovarian stimulation is a significant step. It is a process that involves the use of drugs to induce ovulation of several eggs and hence increase the chances of successful fertilization and implantation. These medications for ovarian stimulation include:

  1. Gonadotropins
  2. GnRH agonists.
  3. GnRH antagonists

At Imprimis IVF Center Srinagar, the medical team will monitor your response to these medications through frequent ultrasounds and blood tests to ensure that your ovaries are responding well and minimize the risk of OHSS.

Egg Retrieval

It is an essential milestone in the process of IVF at Imprimis IVF Centre Srinagar when the transvaginal oocyte retrieval procedure is conducted. It involves taking out fully developed eggs from ovaries to be fertilized. This process, which does not require any cutting through the skin, is usually done with sedation or anaesthesia for the comfort and safety of the patient. The doctor will guide a thin needle using ultrasound scanning into each follicle and then suck out fluid containing the eggs by aspiration, which takes approximately 30 minutes only. After this step of infertility treatment, all recovered eggs are transferred into a laboratory for further processing.

Sperm Collection and Preparation

From all forms of procedures performed at Imprimis IVF Center Srinagar, sperm collection and preparation stand out as crucial during an IVF process. The spouse gives his semen sample, which is later treated to separate the best sperm that can fertilize an egg cell collected from a woman’s ovary after extraction. It can be done through sperm washing, where sperm isolated from the seminal fluid becomes ready to create embryos by being implanted in recovered eggs. It affects how successful the whole IVF infertility treatment may be.

Process of IVF

Fertilization and Embryo Development

Once the eggs are collected and sperm is prepared, the next phase of the Imprimis IVF Center Srinagar IVF infertility treatment process involves the fertilization of these eggs by processed sperm in labs. It usually happens either through insemination or intracytoplasmic sperm injection method (ICSI), where a single sperm is directly injected into an egg. After this, the produced embryos are observed for a few days to check if they can be implanted successfully in the womb.

Embryo Transfer

The most viable embryos that have been developed well enough are selected for being transferred into the uterus in the process of infertility treatment. Under ultrasound guidance, this gentle procedure is done to place them in a position that would facilitate implantation and establish pregnancy successfully. The number of embryos that will be transferred takes into account several factors, including quality and age of the patient, to increase the chances of successful pregnancy without increasing chances for multiple gestation.

Pregnancy Test and Follow-Up

About a fortnight later, the embryo transfer process will have to be followed by a pregnancy test done to ascertain the efficacy of the procedure. If it is positive, then the patient will go on with check-ups that are supervised during her pregnancy period for the best outcomes ever. Typically, this entails consistent ultrasound testing, blood analysis, and other evaluations meant to ensure the growth and well-being of both mother and infant. Imprimis IVF Center Srinagar provides complete care and support for patients throughout their journey in IVF infertility treatment, including early pregnancy stages.

Support and Resources

Imprimis IVF Centre Srinagar recognizes that the journey to parenthood can be difficult, so we provides a full range of support services to help couples at every step. The Center’s committed team conducts counselling where couples express their concerns, dreads, and wishes in a non-judgmental atmosphere. Moreover, Imprimis arranges group therapy sessions for couples who can interact with others sharing similar experiences, offering mutual comfort and empathy. From emotional support to practical advice to educational materials, there is always something here for each couple in need during this challenging period.

Success Rates in Imprimis IVF Srinagar

Imprimis IVF Centre Srinagar feels proud of its high success rates, showing its commitment to excellence in fertility care. Through its robust IVF procedure, Imprimis attains its success through a combination of modern technology, experienced medical staff with compassion for the patients, and an individualized patient approach. Every couple is unique, so This IVF Center customizes its infertility treatment plans to address specific needs and circumstances. Imprimis’ patients are guaranteed success since it combines advanced techniques with personalized care.


We have covered all the necessary information about this article. Ultimately, the goal of IVF infertility treatment is to help people achieve their dream of starting or expanding their family, and understanding the costs involved is a crucial step in that process. You can also visit our IVF Center’s official website for more information about IVF procedures.

Is ovary size important to get pregnant?

Ovaries are the backbone of the female reproductive system. You might ask why ovary size matters. We all know that the journey of pregnancy starts with the fertilization of the egg. So, the first condition to get pregnant is that the ovaries should release a mature and healthy egg for fertilization to take place. After fertilization, an embryo is formed. When this embryo gets successfully implanted in the uterine lining, you become pregnant. 

Ovaries are the egg-producing factories. The importance of the production of mature eggs by the ovaries is talked about a lot. For instance, for conception, the eggs should be mature and of good quality. But do you know that the size of the ovaries also has a massive importance in pregnancy? 

In this article, we are going to have a look at why ovary size is important to get pregnant. We will also talk about the various steps you can take to maintain the health of your ovaries. 

What are the Functions of an Ovary? 

The ovaries are tiny oval-shaped organs that are responsible for carrying out multiple functions in reproduction. These functions include: 

  • Producing, storing, and releasing eggs for fertilization. 
  • Producing and releasing female sex hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone.
  • Producing hormones to regulate the menstrual cycle as well as pregnancy.

These functions have a determining role in a woman’s fertility. 

Size of a Healthy Ovary for High Chances of Conception

The shape and size of an ovary are like that of an almond. Doctors measure the size of an ovary in three dimensions: length, breadth, and height. 

The normal size of an ovary is typically 3 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, and 1.5 cm thick. Normal ovary size in millimetres is 30 mm in length, 25 mm in breadth, and 15 mm in thickness. 

Small Ovaries

If the size of the ovary is small, it means the number of eggs that the ovary will produces will be less. 

Small ovaries impact follicular development, which hinders the process of ovulation. 

Large Ovaries

Large ovaries don’t mean a large number of eggs. If the size of the ovary is large, it implies that there is some underlying condition, like the presence of cysts, tumours, or hormonal imbalance, that is impacting conception. 

Both small and large ovaries impact fertility, so it is important to get in touch with a fertility expert to determine your ovarian size. He will help identify the root cause and will undertake surgery if required. 

Factors Affecting the Size of the Ovary

The size of the ovary changes throughout a woman’s life. Several factors govern and affect the ovary size. Let’s understand these factors one by one. 

1. Age

A woman has a fixed number of eggs in her ovaries, which is known as the ovarian reserve. When a girl child is born, the size of her ovaries is 1 cm in diameter, each weighing somewhere between 250 to 350 mg. 

At the onset of puberty, an egg is released every month for fertilization. When fertilization does not take place, a woman gets her monthly menstrual cycle. As a woman ages, the ovarian reserve decreases, and the ovaries get smaller. 

After menopause, the size of the ovaries becomes less than 2 cm. 

2. Ovarian Stimulation

During certain medical procedures like IVF, some medications are injected into a woman to stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs. This stimulation can affect the size of the ovaries. 

3.Reproductive Issues-

Reproductive issues like PCOS, ie. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, ovarian cysts, fibroids, and tumours tend to change the size of the ovaries. 

The presence of ovarian cysts can enlarge the size of the ovaries. 

If a woman is having problems conceiving a baby, then these underlying reproductive issues should be identified and treated subsequently with the help of meditation or surgery. 

4. Previous Pregnancies-

During pregnancy, the ovaries attain maximum size. It is because the ovaries secrete pregnancy hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone. An imbalance in hormones can affect the size of the ovaries. 

Some other reasons include:
  • Laparoscopic Ovarian Drilling
  • Ovarian cyst removal
  • Emergency Laparotomy
  • Emergency removal of the fallopian tube

What is the Procedure to determine the Size of Ovaries?

To determine the size of your ovaries, the doctor will ask you to undertake some laboratory tests and procedures to analyze the overall health, functioning, and size of the ovaries. 

  • Ultrasound Scans– Autrasonography is done to gather important information about ovary size and the presence of cysts or fibroids. 
  • Blood Tests-: Blood tests help determine hormone levels associated with ovaries and pregnancy. One such hormone is anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), which plays a vital role in pregnancy.

How to Take Care of Your Ovaries? 

Certain factors like age and changes in ovarian size due to previous pregnancy can’t be overturned. But it doesn’t mean you can not do anything for your ovarian health. 

Lifestyle is the key to healthy ovaries. Here are certain lifestyle changes that you can stick to and improve the health of your ovaries. 

1. Say no to alcohol and tobacco-: 

It is a non-negotiable measure. A healthy body and healthy ovaries come with putting an end to drinking and smoking. 

2. Healthy BMI

Healthy body weight improves fertility and ovarian health. If you are underweight or overweight, it can affect pregnancy. So please keep your BMI in check. 

3. Balanced Diet

Nutrient-rich diet will nourish your reproductive system and make it ready for conception. Green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits are a rich source of vitamins and minerals that can help improve fertility. 

4. Exercising Regularly

Keeping your body active by indulging in a physical activity of your choice is vital for healthy ovaries. 

You can perform simple yoga asanas, go for a morning walk, or swim. 

5. No Stress

If you take a lot of stress, then not only your overall health but your reproductive health is also compromised.

Even if you are following a healthy diet, exercise regularly and do not smoke or drink.  

Sometimes, even sticking to a healthy lifestyle doesn’t seem to help. If you feel like you are stuck in such a situation, then consider consulting with a fertility expert. 

If you happen to live near or in Srinagar, then we invite you to Imprimis IVF, Srinagar. 

Why Imprimis IVF? 

Everything might appear fine on the surface, like you have a healthy BMI and no medical conditions. However, it is not possible to identify the root cause of infertility without medical expertise. 

Our IVF experts at Imprimis IVF will help you thoroughly evaluate the health of your reproductive organs. Then, based on the underlying condition, we will develop a treatment option for you. On top of that, we provide affordable treatment without compromising on the service. 

Final Words about Ovary Size

The reproductive system is highly delicate. Even a small problem with any of the organs can hamper fertility. Ovary size is one such important aspect that goes unnoticed but can affect pregnancy. So, get in touch with a fertility specialist to figure out the cause of infertility. 

Also, it is vital to take care of your reproductive health by following a healthy and stress-free lifestyle. 

How do you feel during IVF Stimulation? – Do’s and Don’t

IVF Stimulation – It’s no hidden fact that In-vitro fertilization treatment is no less than a roller coaster ride. So whenever IVF treatment is recommended to a couple, their mind is bombarded with hundreds of questions about what they should and shouldn’t do to make their treatment successful.

So, in this article, Imprimis IVF Srinagar will help you find answers to all your questions and clear the air around some common misconceptions related to IVF. However, we advise you to consult your fertility expert before unquestioningly believing anything you see on the internet. It is because we cannot run away from the fact that not everybody has the same medical condition or the same reason for undergoing IVF treatment

Is IVF Painful? 

The most common question that couples have regarding IVF is whether the treatment is painful. Well no. The answer can be explained by the fact that IVF treatment is not a surgical operation

Please read that line again! 

The only time a woman can feel a slight pain is during IVF stimulation. Now, you might be wondering what ovarian stimulation is. It is the process of preparing (stimulating) the ovaries to produce more mature eggs with the help of injectable medications. And this slight pain entirely depends on your sensitivity towards injections. If you are over-sensitive, you might feel more pain as compared to someone who is not injection-sensitive. 

Some Women Might Also Show the Following Symptoms: 

  • Breast discomfort
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating

The best part is there’s nothing to worry about these symptoms as they vanish once you are done with the ovarian stimulation stage. 

The egg retrieval process is generally carried out under anesthesia so you don’t feel any pain. All in all, it can be declared that IVF is an almost painless procedure

Don’ts of IVF Treatment

People always make a conscious effort to do everything that they can to make their IVF cycle successful. However, they sometimes miss out on the things that must be avoided during this journey. So here is the list of things that you should not practice if you are undergoing IVF treatment. 

Part Ways with Alcohol

No alcohol before, during, or after the IVF treatment. Alcohol is not only bad for your health in general, but it is the worst if you are undergoing or planning to undergo IVF treatment in the near future. 

Smoking is Off the Table.

Smoking and alcohol go hand in hand; if alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited during, before, or after IVF stimulation, so is smoking. 

Stop Being Best Friends with Caffeine.

It might be surprising to you, but caffeine can do more harm than good for your IVF treatment. Do not cross the mark of 200 mg of coffee per day. 

Say bye to Processed and Packaged Food.

It is important to bear in mind that a healthy body will support a healthy and successful IVF cycle. Highly processed and packaged contain high amounts of sugars and unsaturated fats, which are not good for your health. 

Keep Stress at Bay.

It’s a big thing to ask of you since IVF is a highly exhausting and stressful journey. Keeping stress at bay is a challenge in itself. The mind is always thinking of the result of the treatment. 

But it’s vital to fight this enemy, and the best way to do that is to talk to your partner, friends, family members, and your fertility expert. Let it out, go for a walk, do some exercise, or engage in some hobbies like:

  1. Cooking
  2.  Journaling
  3. Painting
  4. Swimming
  5. Photography
  6. Meditation
  7. Breathing exercises 

Taking Drugs is a big no

Saying do not take drugs before, during, or after IVF is a no-brainer. Apart from drugs like opium, heroin, and marijuana, you must not take any medication without consulting with your gynecologist. 

Steer Clear of Soft Drinks

Carbonated drinks should be avoided at all costs during IVF. Consumption of such drinks not only hampers your health in general but also your reproductive health

In a nutshell, the don’ts of IVF treatment largely focus on the things you consume. So, make mindful choices and chalk out a diet plan with the help of your fertility specialist

Do’s of IVF 

When it comes to what to do during IVF, the list might never come to an end. But some things are always going to be more important than others, according to fertility specialists around the globe. So here’s a checklist for you: 

Do not cut down on Your Resting and Sleeping Hours

Follow the 8-hour principle when it comes to sleep. Also, deep sleep is the key to a not-so-exhausting IVF cycle. So make sure you make space for proper rest and sleep. 

Follow Your Doctor’s Advice Religiously.

Don’t just nod your head to what your fertility specialist says. Do what he says because he knows all about the IVF treatment, and you don’t. So listen carefully and follow closely.

 A Balanced Diet for a Balanced IVF Cycle

It would help if you consumed a colourful bowl of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables in your meals. Most importantly, don’t skip meals at any cost. Also, it is advised by doctors to break down one meal into smaller meals for better digestion and absorption of vitamins and minerals. 

When the Doctor Calls, You Always Go.

The IVF treatment revolves around a lot of blood tests and ultrasound monitoring to closely observe the development of eggs and the overall reproductive health. Moreover, IVF is a highly complex treatment. So whenever there is an appointment with your IVF specialist, show up every single time. 

Stay Active with a Lightweight Exercise Routine. 

There are multiple benefits of exercising regularly. A stress-free IVF journey and a healthy BMI are some of them. You can engage in activities like walking, jogging, and practicing fertility yoga asanas can help you immensely. 

But one thing must be kept in mind: rigorous exercise must be avoided. 

Take Your Medications Timely.

These days, ovarian stimulation injections can be self-administered. It should be your priority to administer the IVF injections in a timely. Also, make sure you wash your hands properly and sanitize the place where you lie down. Please don’t compromise on the importance of cleanliness. 

If you don’t want to go for self-administration, you can ask your doctor for regular appointments so that the fertility specialist can do this job for you. 

Put Aside Your Weight-loss Goals. 

Your only fitness goal during IVF should be to nourish your body with all the essential vitamins and minerals without having a calorie deficit. Weight loss generally warrants intense exercise routines that you cannot engage in during or after your IVF treatment. 

The pro tip here would be if you are underweight or overweight, then you should take care of your BMI before starting your IVF journey. 

Develop a Robust Support System.

Having people who care for you in your tough times is extremely important during IVF since it is a very demanding journey. There is a reason why people call it the IVF journey. Quality relations are going to help you immensely to cope with the stressful days. 

Another common question that couples undergoing IVF stimulation have is whether or not they should continue with their routine after embryo transfer. The answer might surprise you, but taking complete bed rest after embryo transfer is strictly prohibited by the doctors. 

The science behind this is that when your brain is not involved in any work, it will always go back to the million questions that are running inside your head. When you think about them endlessly, you end up being stressed. And my dear ladies, stress is the enemy of your reproductive health. 

Is a healthy diet and lifestyle significant during IVF Stimulation? 

The success rate of IVF treatment is somewhere between 35 to 40%. It is the highest success rate when everything goes right. So, if you want to make the best out of your IVF cycle, prepare your body well.

Final Word

You might have noticed that there is nothing extraordinary that you have to do during IVF stimulation to increase your chances of getting pregnant. The full article can be aptly summarised in one line: Eat good and take proper care of your health and wellness. Apart from this, the clinic that you choose for IVF plays a more important role than you might think. A clinic like Imprimis IVF can be your best option. 

Every decision, big or small, should be made thoughtfully by keeping the bigger picture in mind.