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Top 10 Factors that Influence the Cost of IVF Procedures

Factors that Influence the Cost of IVF Procedures – IVF, In vitro fertilization, is a way or solution for couples who want a baby but are facing infertility. In vitro fertilization is a way or solution for couples who want a baby but are having trouble. Infertility treatment helps these couples to make their dream come true.

However, IVF can be high in price and complicated. Its cost may vary on different factors. Knowing about all these factors plays a vital role. In this article, you will learn about the top 10 factors that influence the cost of IVF procedures.

We’ll cover where the clinic is, the treatment plan, and how complicated things are. We’ll also give some ideas on how to handle the cost of IVF and ways to get help paying for it.

Here are some factors that influence the cost of IVF procedures:

factors that influence the cost of IVF procedures

Location of the Clinic

The geographical location of the IVF clinic considerably influences the cost of IVF infertility treatment. IVF centres are in well-populated areas where the cost of living is higher. They pass high operational costs to patients, making treatment services more expensive.

In urban areas, the demand for quality IVF treatment is typically higher than availability so that treatment providers can dictate prices. Treatment centres in rural areas – where the cost of living is lower – charge less for services. IVF patients should incorporate the cost and quality of care in their review of IVF centres. The clinic’s location is a vital factor influencing the cost of IVF procedures.

Treatment Plan

The cost of IVF infertility treatment may vary as per the treatment plans of the patients, which generally includes the number of cycles needed and additional tests like genetic testing or egg freezing.

Price may be higher if the treatment is more complex because it increases the required medications, doctor visits, and resources. Additionally, the need for multiple cycles or additional procedures adds to the increase in the price of the patient’s IVF infertility treatment.

Success Rates of the Treatment

IVF centres with higher success rates often command higher fees for their IVF procedures. Patients are also willing to pay more to ensure higher chances of successful conception and pregnancy. Therefore, a clinic’s success rate can influence its pricing structure, with higher success rates typically correlating with higher fees.

Age of the Woman

The age of the Woman is a vital factor that influences the price of IVF infertility treatment. The older the Woman, the more the treatment is needed, and it may have lower success rates. All these causes lead to the price of the treatment. As women get older, they might need some extra care and medications to have a baby through IVF infertility treatment. It means they might need extra treatments and might have to try IVF infertility treatment more than once. Because of this, the total cost of IVF can be higher for older women.

some factors that influence the cost of IVF procedures

Cycle’s Number

The number of IVF infertility treatment cycles that are required for a successful and safe delivery may affect the overall cost. Multiple times, treatment cycles may be needed to achieve pregnancy, and each cycle adds the price to the overall bill. Therefore, the number of cycles necessary for success is a critical factor in determining the cost of IVF procedures.

Non-Medical Expenses

Non-medical expenses are also a main factor influencing the price of the IVF procedure, including travel, accommodations, food, and more. These additional expenses also add a lot to the overall bill for the IVF procedure. So, it is said to be financially good before planning for IVF infertility treatment.


The cost of IVF infertility treatment medicines is the main expense of this treatment. Medication is one of the main factors in the overall expense of IVF infertility treatment. Different IVF protocols require varying types and amounts of medication, each with its own associated cost. Therefore, medication costs play a significant role in determining the total expenses incurred by patients undergoing IVF infertility treatment.


Insurance Coverage is a vital factor influencing the cost of IVF procedures. The extent of insurance coverage and the clinic’s acceptance of specific insurance plans can influence out-of-pocket costs for IVF infertility treatment. Patients with comprehensive insurance coverage may have lower expenses, as their insurance plan may cover some or all IVF procedure costs. Conversely, patients without adequate insurance coverage may face higher out-of-pocket expenses for IVF infertility treatment. Therefore, understanding insurance coverage and the accepted insurance plans is essential when considering the financial aspects of IVF infertility treatment.

Lab Fees

Laboratory services, appointments, and embryo storage are important components contributing to the overall expense of IVF infertility treatment. The cost of all these facilities is very high. The cost of handling and analysis of the samples may also be high. The cost of storing embryos may also increase the price of the IVF. Patients should be ready to bear some extra expenses while undergoing IVF infertility treatment.

Financing Options

Many clinics offer help to their patients for IVF. They allow the patients to pay the fees in monthly instalments or any other preferred payment option. The financing programs offer a loan or credit card for IVF infertility treatment fees. These financing options are available in all the clinics, and these programs help the patients to conceive their babies whether they are financially stable.

Planning for IVF treatment? Make an informed decision with Imprimis IVF.

Above, we have covered all the factors that influence the cost of IVF procedures. Understanding these factors is important for those who will consider this treatment. By being aware of these factors, individuals and couples can make informed decisions and better prepare for the financial aspects of their fertility journey.

Ultimately, IVF aims to help people achieve their dream of starting or expanding their family, and understanding the costs involved is a crucial step in that process. You can also visit our official website for more information, and you can search for other topics as well.

Ectopic Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Ectopic Pregnancy – The uterus, or the womb, is the place where the baby grows for 9 months. The ovaries release an egg, which waits in the fallopian tube for the sperm. When the sperm fertilizes the egg, a zygote is formed. This zygote moves through the fallopian tube, reaches the womb (uterus), and gets implanted in the uterine lining. It is what happens in a normal pregnancy.

This entire process highlights the specific function of all the reproductive parts, namely the fallopian tubes, the ovaries, and the uterus. If the location of fertilization (fallopian tube) or implantation (uterus) changes due to some complications, then the pregnancy cannot be carried to term.

What is Ectopic Pregnancy? 

When the fertilized egg then the pregnancy is known as ectopic pregnancy. When this happens, the fertilized egg develops outside the uterus.

More than 90% of ectopic pregnancies are witnessed in the fallopian tube. In other cases, it is found in the cervix, ovary, or somewhere in the abdomen.

An ectopic pregnancy can never result in a healthy baby. If not treated timely, it can pose a threat to the life of the pregnant woman. Only when the growing embryo gets implanted in the uterus results in a viable and healthy pregnancy.

So, it becomes important to know why it happens in the first place. Then, we need to understand the associated symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy

Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy

The symptoms, like a missed period, nausea or upset stomach, and breast soreness, are similar to those of uterine pregnancies.

However, various symptoms are typically associated with it that warrant medical intervention. These include:

  • Heavy vaginal bleeding or spotting
  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Severe pain in the abdomen, shoulder, neck, or pelvic region
  • Sudden and sharp pain on one side of the abdominal region
  • Tenderness in the cervix
  • High level of human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
  • Rectal pressure

Causes of Ectopic Pregnancy

Causes of Ectopic Pregnancy

1. Getting stuck in the fallopian tube-:

As already mentioned, the majority of ectopic pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tubes. It happens because, due to some conditions, the movement of the fertilized egg through the blocked fallopian tube or is slowed down.

Now, because the fertilized egg cannot reach the uterus, it starts to grow in the fallopian tube.

The fallopian tube is not meant to support a growing embryo, so urgent medical attention is required. If not treated timely, it may rupture the fallopian tube.

But why does the growing embryo slow down or get stuck in the tube? 

There are various reasons for this like:

  • A previous pelvic surgery or infection that resulted in scar tissues, adhesions, or inflammations in the fallopian tube.
  • Fallopian tubes are damaged because of sexually transmitted infections (STI) like chlamydia or gonorrhea.
  • Fallopian tubes are irregularly shaped since birth which makes it difficult for the fertilised egg to move forward.
  • A growth or fibroid is blocking the fallopian tube.

2. Excessive smoking-

Fine hair-like structures known as cilia are present inside the fallopian tube. Excessive smoking damages the cilia, which can hinder the smooth movement of the fertilized egg through the fallopian tube and result in an ectopic pregnancy. 

3. Age factor-:

Women lying in the age group of 35 to 44 years are at a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy. 

4. A previous ectopic pregnancy-

If you have had an ectopic pregnancy earlier, then there is a possibility of future pregnancies also resulting in an ectopic pregnancy.  

5. Endometriosis

It is a medical condition in which the uterus lining grows outside it, like in the pelvic region. It can also be a reason for an ectopic pregnancy. 

6. Intrauterine device (IUD)

IUD is a small device that is placed in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. But sometimes, the pregnancy can occur with IUD or tubal ligation in place. Such a pregnancy is often an ectopic pregnancy. In rare cases, IVF treatment can also result in an ectopic pregnancy. 

7. Emergency oral contraception

Sometimes oral contraception fails to prevent pregnancy. In this situation, there is a possibility that the woman can conceive in the same cycle. It may result in an extrauterine pregnancy. 

8. If a woman has pelvic endometrial or genital tuberculosis and she gets pregnant, then chances are that it is an ectopic pregnancy. 

9. Certain medical conditions can affect the shape and functioning of the fallopian tubes and other reproductive organs, which can result in an ectopic pregnancy. 

10 Abdominal surgery

If you have had an abdominal surgery like appendectomy or cesarean section. 

The best thing to do if you have abnormal vaginal bleeding, unexplained severe pain, or notice any unusual symptom is to visit a gynecologist without any further delay.

Diagnosis of an Ectopic Pregnancy

The first thing your doctor does is perform a transvaginal ultrasound to trace the location of the developing embryo. An ultrasound cannot help show the pregnancy until the fetus is more than 5 or 6 weeks because, at this time, it is too small to be located.

So a special band-like instrument makes its way into the vagina to provide images of the gestational sac in the womb.

Along with this, the doctor can perform a blood test to determine hCG and progesterone levels in your body. If the level of these two hormones has decreased or is constant over a few days and a gestational sac is absent in the ultrasound, the pregnancy is likely to be ectopic.

In case you are experiencing severe pain or heavy bleeding, all these steps might not be necessary. In extreme cases, the fallopian tube can rupture if not treated timely, which can cause severe internal bleeding. In this situation, the doctor will have to perform an emergency surgery to save the woman’s life.

Treatment of an Ectopic Pregnancy

Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy

Once it is confirmed, a treatment to remove the embryo without delay is necessary for the mother’s health and life. The line of treatment will depend on the size and location of the ectopic pregnancy.


In the early stages, it can be treated with an injection of methotrexate. This drug helps stop the growth of the developing embryo, and after that, the body absorbs this tissue. Surgery is usually performed when the pregnancy is further along.

To check how well this treatment is working and if you need more doses, another hCG test is performed.

Laparoscopic Surgery

When the laparoscopic surgery, a small cut is made in or near the navel. Then a thin tube connected with a camera lens and light makes its way through this incision to examine the tubal area.

Two laparoscopic surgeries to treat an ectopic pregnancy are salpingostomy and salpingectomy.

The main difference between these two treatments is that in salpingostomy, the ectopic pregnancy is removed, and the fallopian tube is left to heal on its own. But in salpingectomy, the ectopic pregnancy, as well as the tube, is removed.

Abdominal Surgery

In case you are having heavy bleeding due to this, emergency surgery has to be performed. The doctor can go for laparoscopy or laparotomy (abdominal incision). If the fallopian tube is not damaged, then it can be saved, but if the tube is ruptured, it must be removed.

Future Pregnancy

It is possible to have a normal pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy. However, the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy after a previous one is higher. So, it is best to consult with a gynecologist before planning a pregnancy.

How Imprimis IVF Srinagar can help? 

The diagnosis and treatment of an ectopic pregnancy needs meticulous examination and experience. We at Imprimis IVF can help you remove ectopic pregnancy and plan your future pregnancy.

Bottom line 

Pregnancy is a magical and extremely delicate process. All the reproductive organs involved in pregnancy should be in perfect condition. It is not a very common phenomenon, but it can happen if you have a history of previous ectopic pregnancy, STI, or pelvic surgery. If you face any serious symptoms, you must consult a gynecologist.

Remember, every second matters. If diagnosed timely, your fallopian tube can be saved from rupturing, and the ectopic pregnancy can be removed using medications only. Do not panic if your symptoms are severe; book an appointment with a trusted IVF specialist as soon as possible.

How to Confirm Whether Sperm Went Inside

How to confirm whether sperm went inside – Everybody learned in school that pregnancy happens when the egg gets fertilized by the sperm. For fertilization to take place, the first step is that the sperm must reach the egg.

Trying to get pregnant? Or are you someone who is trying not to get pregnant? Either way, curiosity got the best of you, and now you want to know whether the sperm reached your egg and what your chances are. 

Worry not; We at Imprimis IVF will try to satisfy your curious mind with the help of this article. More than that, we are going to provide you with some ways by which you can check whether the sperm really met your egg. 

What Happens during Unprotected Sexual Intercourse? 

During unprotected intercourse, when the man has his orgasm, he ejaculates semen. The ejaculated semen contains millions of sperms. These sperm cells swim through the vagina to reach the fallopian tube, where the ovaries are present. Ovaries are responsible for producing mature eggs every month. If the sperm fertilizes this mature egg, it will result in conception. If fertilization does not take place, then you will have your monthly menstruation cycle. 

So whenever you indulge in unprotected sex, and your partner ejaculates, it is 100% confirmed that the sperm has entered your body. 

Whether or not fertilization has taken place can be checked using a pregnancy kit. 

How to Avoid Pregnancy? 

If getting pregnant is not on your radar, then the best way to avoid it is to live by the rule: practice safe sex. Contraceptives for both males and females are available in the market. The contraceptive market is huge, offering numerous options ranging from flavoured to non-flavoured condoms. Always use a fresh and good quality condom along with a water lube to avoid accidents like tearing of condoms during ejaculation. 

  • Because folks, there is an old saying that precaution is always better than cure! 
  • So this brings us to our first way to confirm whether
  • the sperm has entered your body.

A Broken Contraceptive

A broken contraceptive or condom is a loud confirmation that sperm has found its way into your body, even if it happens all by accident due to increased friction or coming across a sharp edge inside the vagina. Once the condom breaks during ejaculation and even if a single drop of semen is released out of that condom, the chances of getting pregnant are high. 

In case you want to avoid pregnancy in such a situation when the contraceptive breaks, you can take the morning-after pill within a certain time frame to decrease the chances of conceiving. But the best way to handle this ride of pregnancy is to visit a doctor instead of indulging in self-prescription or, worse, consuming the wrong medication.  

Exchanged Sex Toys 

It might sound like a weird argument, but yes, sex toys can give sperm cells a chance to enter your body. 

How exactly do sex toys do that? Let’s say your male partner used a sex toy, and some amount of semen is present on it. When you use this same-sex toy, there is a great possibility that the semen has entered your vagina and can reach the fallopian tube to fertilize the egg

Missed Menstrual Cycle 

Every month, the uterus prepares itself for pregnancy by creating an environment for the implantation of the embryo. But when fertilization does not take place, the blood that was to be used to nurture the embryo comes out in the form of periods. In simple terms, you get your menstrual cycle when you are not pregnant. A missed monthly cycle is a hint to take a pregnancy test.  

Mood Swings 

One of the most common symptoms of pregnancy is mood swings. Mood swings are largely caused by the hormonal changes that take place inside a woman’s body. The pregnancy hormones estrogen and progesterone play a vital role in deciding your mood. 

A lot of women have mood swings during their periods because of these pregnancy hormones. 

The hormone estrogen is associated with irritability, anxiety, and depression. At the same time, the hormone progesterone is responsible for fatigue, sluggishness, and sadness. 


Another common sign associated with fertilization of the egg by the presence of sperm inside the fallopian tube is tiredness. You are not compromising on 8 hours of deep sleep. You have not made any significant change in your routine that may cause a lot of tiredness, but due to conception, you will feel drained from the moment you wake up till the time you sleep again. 

Breast Tenderness 

You might feel that your breasts are tingly, heavy, sore, or swollen. It is also a very vivid sign of pregnancy, confirming that sperm entered your body during sexual intercourse with your partner. It generally starts a week or 2 after getting conceiving. These symptoms, however, are likely to go away as your body adjusts itself to the hormonal changes in the body.

Morning Sickness 

If you wake up to a sense of vomiting or nausea within 8-10 days of sperm entering your body and ending up fertilizing the egg, it is a clear sign that sperm went inside and has done its job. Morning sickness usually happens in the initial stage of pregnancy. 

What to do when it is confirmed that sperm has indeed entered your body? 

Take a deep breath, and do not panic if pregnancy feels like a nightmare to you. Or you wanted to get pregnant for a very long time, and now a positive pregnancy test makes you feel overwhelmed. 

Pregnancy Test 

Get a pregnancy test kit from the nearby market and take a home pregnancy test before jumping to conclusions. A conventional pregnancy kit would indicate two lines for a positive pregnancy result and a single line for a negative result. 

Visit a Doctor to Know More about How to Confirm Whether Sperm Went Inside

If your mind is whirling with endless thoughts and you do not know how to go about this whole thing related to pregnancy, it’s best to seek medical expertise. 

If you live in Srinagar or nearby areas, feel free to pay a visit to Imprimis IVF, the best IVF treatment centre in Srinagar, to get an answer to all your queries related to pregnancy, IUI, ICSI, etc., from our IVF experts. 

FAQ about How to Confirm Whether Sperm Went Inside

How do you feel When the Sperm enters Your Body through the Vagina? 

Well, you won’t feel anything when the sperm enters your body or when it meets the egg and fertilizes it. A sperm cell is incredibly small; that’s why you can’t feel it moving inside your reproductive tract

Some women might have cramps or light bleeding 5-6 days after the fertilization has taken place. These signs are known as implantation bleeding or cramps. 

How much time does it take for the sperm cell to enter the Fallopian Tube and Reach the Egg? 

According to IVF experts, it takes around 45 minutes to 12 hours for the sperm to swim through the vagina and meet the egg, patiently waiting in the fallopian tube. And if you are ovulating, there are good chances that you can get pregnant. But fertilization can take place at any time during your ovulation phase because the sperm can stay alive inside your vagina for about 5 to 7 days. 

Can a little bit of Sperm Result in Pregnancy? 

The truth is you don’t even need a little bit of sperm to get pregnant. Millions of sperm cells are ejaculated during an orgasm, and just a single sperm cell is needed for the job. 

Even though millions of sperm are ejaculated, only a small fraction of them are genetically and morphologically healthy enough to carry on the journey to reach the egg for fertilization. 

Is it Possible to Still get Pregnant if You Pee Right after Intercourse? 

Yes, you can. The science behind it says during ejaculation, the sperm cells are released into the vaginal canal. At the same time, the urine comes out through the urethra. Both of these are entirely different openings and are not interconnected. So, peeing has nothing to do with the journey of sperm cells. 

Final Word about How to Confirm Whether Sperm Went Inside

Pregnancy is a magical natural process that consists of many delicate steps. Nobody knows which sperm is going to win the race and fertilize the egg. It just happens, and you only get to know about it through some visible changes in your body and overall health.That’s all about How to confirm whether sperm went Inside. To know more book a consultation with our IVF specialist now.

How to improve egg quality for pregnancy & IVF

I. Understanding Egg Quality Importance

The commencement of the 9-month-long pregnancy journey depends not only on the release of an egg by the ovaries but also on its quality. Egg quality is the ability of an egg to transform into an embryo after fertilization. A good quality or regular egg has the proper number of chromosomes and adequate energy source to develop into a full-grown baby in the womb. 

If the egg does not meet any of these conditions, then phenomena like frequent miscarriages, failed IVF cycles, and several other problems in conceiving are likely to occur. Poor quality or abnormal eggs are one of the major causes of female infertility.

A. Impact on Pregnancy and IVF 

A successful pregnancy is directly related to egg quality.

Think of it this way, say you want to plant an apple tree. You have a garden with fertile soil, a good water supply, and favourable weather conditions. You have two groups of seeds that are of different quality. The first group contains good-quality seeds, and the other contains poor-quality seeds. But there is a condition that you can’t change the seeds. 

Over a while, good-quality seed will grow into a healthy plant and finally become a large tree. At the same time, the other plant may die out in the initial stages due to the poor quality of the seeds. 

Likewise, good-quality eggs will result in good-quality embryos. Further, these healthy embryos will get implanted in the uterus and carry your pregnancy to term. 

Can you change or reverse the quality of the eggs in your ovaries? The answer is a plain No. Is there something you can do about the quality of your eggs? Look out for ways to enhance the health of your existing eggs. 

II. Factors Influencing Egg Quality

Fertility experts have argued that egg quality is majorly dependent on a woman’s age, genetics, and environmental factors. Nobody can control factors like age and genetics. That is why it is impossible to change the egg quality or replace the damaged eggs, but one can work to keep the existing ones. 

A. Age and Lifestyle

As a woman ages, the number, as well as the egg quality, witnesses a decline. There is no method or treatment to stop this natural phenomenon. 

The decline in egg quality becomes even more pronounced around age 35. Another significant decline in ovarian reserve is witnessed around age 45. 

It is a scientifically cemented fact that lifestyle does hamper your fertility. However, lifestyle should be addressed by couples in their fertility journey. Following is a list of lifestyle choices that might be causing hurdles in your not-so-smooth conception journey. 

  • No or less physical activity
  • Smoking
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Too much stress
  • Disturbed sleep cycle
  • Wrong diet
  • Excessive caffeine intake

B. Environmental Considerations-: 

It might shock some people, but pollution can hinder the quality of a woman’s eggs. Some experts say that medicines used to cure illness also have the potential to decline egg quality. Apart from these, exposure to chemicals like lead can also hamper egg quality. 

III. Enhancing Egg Quality Strategies

You can stick to specific strategies to enhance egg quality and embark on your parental journey as soon as possible. 

A. Healthy Lifestyle Choices-: 

A healthy lifestyle paves the way for a healthy pregnancy. It goes a long way in keeping your reproductive system healthy. 

Healthy lifestyle choices, according to fertility specialists, can be summed up in the following checklist-:

  • Quit smoking
  • Say no to alcohol
  • Stay active
  • Keep stress at bay
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Maintain a healthy BMI
  • Say bye to drugs
  • Consume a balanced and nutritious diet
  • Have a robust support system

B. Nutritional Supplements-: 

Depending on the couple’s specific needs, various nutritional supplements can be taken to prepare the body for conception. 

  • Folic acid 

This B vitamin has a significant positive impact on conception. Moreover, folic acid helps prevent congenital disabilities of the brain and spine. 

Natural Sources of Folic Acid-:

  1. Whole grains
  2. Green Leafy
  3. Vegetables and legumes.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids 

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats that help strike a balance between reproductive hormones. Besides this, these fats help regulate menstruation and implantation.

Natural Sources of Omega-3

  1. Salmon
  2. Tuna or sardines
  3. Fish Oil and Algal Oil. 


CoQ10 is a powerful natural antioxidant that improves ovarian response. It also prevents the eggs from oxidative damage. 

Natural Sources of CoQ10-: 

  1. Fish and Meat. 

Avoid self-prescription, as it may do more harm than good. 

It is a sincere request that you always consult a fertility expert before taking nutritional supplements to boost fertility

C. Mind-Body Practices-:

Understanding the connection between mind and body leads to a more profound sense of self-awareness and mindfulness. It helps deal with the changes you undergo before and during pregnancy. The best mind-body practices include massage therapy, meditation, deep breathing techniques, yoga, and general relaxation body movements. 

D. Fertility Treatments-: 

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) has helped millions of infertile couples around the globe to welcome home their little bundle of happiness. Many options are available for people struggling with infertility based on their issues and medical conditions. 

  • In-vitro Fertilisation (IVF)– In this medical procedure, the eggs are taken out on a petri dish, and the quality can be tested. The good-quality eggs are then fertilized and implanted in the uterus.
  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)– In this procedure, the sperm is directly injected into the egg. With the help of ICSI, the number of fertilized eggs can be increased. It can only be performed when the male partner has no fertility issues.

IV. Nutritional Support for Egg Quality

The role of nutrition in fertility can’t be emphasized enough. The food you put inside your body can make or break your pregnancy dream. 

A. Superfoods and Antioxidants-: Taking plenty of fertility superfoods and dietary antioxidants can help boost egg quality. 

The Best Superfoods to Take Care of Egg Quality are: 

  • Asparagus
  • Beans and lentils
  • Spinach
  • Egg yolks
  • Walnuts
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Berries

Are you looking for the best antioxidants for fertility? Well, eat that fruit! 

Apples, oranges, pomegranates, grapes, kiwi, and grapefruit are loaded with the goodness of antioxidant properties. 

B. Anti-Inflammatory Diet-:

It might look like a fancy word for an expensive diet, but it’s not! All vegetables and fruits have pro-anti-inflammatory properties. 

You can design your anti-inflammatory diet with a colourful bowl of grains, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables. Here’s what you can include: 

  • Vegetables like garlic (rich in selenium), spinach, carrot, onions, mushrooms, radish, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage.
  • Be friends with berries like blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries.
  • Treat yourself to a tropical fruit like banana, pineapple, and mango.
  • Citrus fruits like orange and grapefruit work wonders.
  • Dates, nuts, and seeds, including almonds, walnuts, chestnuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.
  • Whole grains range from barley, wheat, oats, whole rye, brown rice, and millet.
  • Avocados, coconut oil, and cold-pressed olive oil are rich sources of healthy fats.
  • Don’t forget to drink adequate glasses of water

Foods containing excessive sugars, saturated fats, junk food, and highly processed food trigger inflammation in the body. The body releases a hormone called cortisol which hampers fertility. So, make sure you avoid such foods to maintain the health of your eggs and improve your chances of getting pregnant. 

V. Wellness for Improved Egg Quality

A healthy mind supports a healthy body. Reread this line! The nutritious diet you are consuming, all the supplements you are taking, and the treatment you are undergoing will work more efficiently if your mind is at peace. 

A. Stress Management-: Stress is one of the biggest enemies of ovulation. Too much stress can trigger the production of cortisol and prolactin. These stress hormones delay egg production by the ovaries, disrupting ovulation and fertilization. So, it becomes vital to manage mental strain. 

Some of the best ways to keep your stress levels in check include meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, journaling, and listening to music. 

Some of the yoga asanas that assist with managing stress and conception include -: 

  • Surya Namaskar 
  • Nadi Shodhan Pranayama
  • Janu Shirasana
  • Baddha Konasana
  • Bhramari Pranayama
  • Balasana
  • Paschimottanasana

Regular practice of these asanas helps tackle mental and emotional strain but also helps stimulate the ovaries. There is an increase in the blood flow to the pelvic region. Also, these fertility asanas prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy.

B. Sleep and Exercise Benefits-:

It is proven that sleep is the best medicine. Trillions of body cells repair when you are sleeping. When this medicine is armed with the right exercises, it can bring promising transformation in your journey. Exercises like fertility yoga asanas, walking, swimming, pilates, or strength training can be incorporated into your daily routine. 

These will help with stress and a good night’s sleep and help maintain a healthy BMI. If you are obese, then chances are it is going to hinder your fertility in some or the other way. 

VII. Conclusion: Your Path to Enhanced Egg Quality

Take it with a pinch of salt, but you can not stop the decline of your egg count and the quality of your eggs. However, you can implement particular lifestyle and dietary changes that can be a game changer for your journey to achieve a healthy pregnancy. Remember to stay positive while trying to get those two pink lines on the pregnancy test kit.

We at Imprimis IVF never recommend taking supplements to boost fertility without consulting an IVF doctor. Seek medical expertise before making any changes in your diet or lifestyle to enhance egg quality.

Why Imprimis IVF for infertility treatment? 

Our clients and we know what we at Imprimis can offer, from state-of-the-art facilities to affordable treatment with promising outcomes. Our results speak for us! Please pay a visit to our clinic and see for yourself.