Enlarged Uterus: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Introduction to Enlarged Uterus

Enlarged Uterus – The uterus is a hollow organ in the pelvis and comprises two parts: the endometrium, which thickens during pregnancy, and the myometrium, which supports the uterus internally. Three layers comprise the uterus: the innermost layer is called the glandular or functional layer; this portion of the uterine wall secretes mucus and blood vessels that feed the endometrium.

The middle layer is called the serous or storage layer; this portion of the uterine wall stores blood in case of anemia. Finally, there is an outermost layer called muscular or adventitial; this portion of the uterine wall helps support and shape the uterus. A woman’s reproductive organs comprise her cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes, and ovaries (the ovary).

The term “enlarged uterus” describes a condition in which the size of the endometrium (uterine lining) increases beyond normal limits. The syndrome may start after menopause or present at birth and last for the rest of one’s life. Significant uterus syndrome is sometimes called leiomyomata.

The most common cause of significant uterus syndrome is an inherited disorder called uterine leiomyoma (unlike fibroids, leiomyomas are not cancerous). Leiomyomas are usually benign tumors composed of smooth muscle cells which frequently line the uterus’ interior. They can grow and increase over time, resulting in a larger uterus with an enlarged endometrium.

The most common cause of infertility is an enlarged uterus (endometriosis). An enlarged uterus can occur due to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), endometriosis, or adenomyosis (a condition in which endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus). 

Causes of Enlarged Uterus

Causes of Enlarged Uterus

The common causes of an enlarged uterus may be medical illnesses in the background, like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). However, other factors, such as excessive weight gain or breastfeeding, can play a role occasionally.

1. Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids are benign tumors that usually occur in the uterus, although they can sometimes be found elsewhere in the body. The fibroid may be a single tumor, or it may consist of several smaller tumors. Fibroids can cause pain at the time of menstruation, as well as abnormal bleeding and other problems. If a woman thinks she has fibroids, she should see her doctor to get checked out.

2. Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis is when the muscle layer around your uterus becomes thick and lumpy instead of smooth and elastic like normal muscle tissue. This can cause problems with your periods and make them irregular or heavy, possibly leading to anemia or blood clots that may cause a stroke or a heart attack.

If you have adenomyosis, you may also experience painful cramps or bleeding between periods or irregular intervals during your cycle. Your doctor will check for adenomyosis based on the symptoms you report, your medical History, and any physical exam findings he observes during an exam of your cervix (the lower part of your uterus).

3. Endometrial Hyperplasia

Endometrial hyperplasia can develop if a woman has multiple risk factors for endometrial cancer, such as:

  1. Women after 35 years of age.
  2. Previous History of breast cancer
  3. History of blood clots in your veins (deep-vein thrombosis)
  4. Family history of endometrial cancer
  5. A family history of uterine polyps

Symptoms and Impact on Fertility

Symptoms of Enlarged Uterus

1. Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding can be a sign of an enlarged uterus. This is also known as menorrhagia. It occurs because the blood flow to the uterus is restricted due to an enlarged uterus. In most cases, it happens due to pregnancy and childbirth. An enlarged uterus may be to blame for lower back or abdomen pain and bleeding between periods.

2. Pelvic Pain and Discomfort

If your uterus has grown too large for its good, it may press against other organs in your pelvis (it comprises two bones: ilium and pubic bone). This pressure can cause pelvic pain, back pain, and lower abdominal discomfort. Another symptom is constipation due to pressure on the rectum from the enlarged uterus pressing against it during childbirth or periods (for example, during menopause).

3. Pelvic Area Pressure or Fullness

Pelvic pain and discomfort are common complaints of women with enlarged uteri. This can be due to pressure or fullness in the pelvis and may also result in spasms or cramping that can be uncomfortable for both you and your doctor to deal with. 

4. Urinary and Bowel Symptoms

Urinary and bowel symptoms such as urgency, frequency, incontinence (leakage) of urine or stool, constipation, painful urination; sexual dysfunction including vaginal dryness or pain during intercourse

Diagnosing an Enlarged Uterus

1. Medical History and Examination

The medical history and physical examination should focus on ruling out pregnancy, fibroids, and cancer. Medical History includes:

  • History of recent illnesses, injuries, or surgeries that may have affected the uterus.
  • Any current or past health conditions may affect fertility or pregnancy, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • The woman’s age, race, and medical History should be considered when diagnosing a possible enlarged uterus since the condition is more common in older women than in young women.

2. Imaging Tests

The diagnosis is usually benign if an ultrasound shows an enlarged uterus with a thin wall. However, if there is no evidence of pregnancy (e.g., vaginal bleeding or missed period), the diagnosis may be more likely to be uterine fibroids or endometriosis. In this case, a laparoscopy may be performed to confirm the diagnosis and remove any fibroids if they are found during surgery. An MRI may also help assess the embryo’s viability so that it can be frozen for future use if needed.

3. Biopsy or Sampling

A biopsy sample can be obtained with laparoscopy; however, there are risks involved in obtaining this type of tissue (invasive surgery).

Treatment Options for Enlarged Uterus and Infertility

Treatment of Enlarged Uterus

1. Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that grow in the fibrous lining of the uterus. Numerous symptoms, such as painful or irregular periods, heavy menstrual flow, pain during sex, or bowel motions, might be brought on by them. If fibroids push on the Fallopian tubes and prevent them from carrying eggs from the ovary to the uterus, this can also result in infertility.

2. Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis is when the lining of the uterus becomes thicker than usual and grows into adjacent tissues. The condition may cause infertility, abdominal pain, and urinary symptoms such as an increased need to urinate and blood in the urine.

3. Endometrial Hyperplasia

Endometrial hyperplasia is a disorder when the lining of the uterus experiences an increase in cells, thickening and expanding abnormally. Women with endometrial hyperplasia may have irregular periods or heavy bleeding. 

4. Uterine Polyps

Uterine polyps are growths on the villi or fingerlike projections that line the end of the fallopian tubes — structures that carry eggs from ovaries to the uterus — or other body areas such as the cervix (neck of the womb). Polyps can cause cervical cancer if they become large enough to block the cervical opening (birth canal).

Fertility Treatment Planning and Considerations

An enlarged uterus is a common medical condition, which is more common in women of childbearing age. The uterus is the organ that holds and nourishes the developing fetus during pregnancy.

Although the exact etiology of this ailment is unknown, it could be brought on by hormone imbalances, pregnancy, tumors, growth hormones, or other factors. It usually affects women after the age of 35 and is more common in those with children.

1. Individualized Approach

For mild cases, there are no special considerations for fertility treatment. However, IVF Treatment may be considered if there is no chance of conceiving naturally. If there is a possibility of having problems conceiving later on, egg donation may be an option.

2. Collaboration with Fertility Specialists

In the case of a large size of uterus, Fertility specialists recommend surgical treatment for the removal of extra tissue or organ from the body or removing part of an organ from the body with minimized damage to surrounding tissues. The procedure has been successfully performed using laparoscopy(minimally invasive surgical technique), which provides several advantages like minimized pain during surgery, no open abdomen surgery required, and less risk of infection compared to open abdomen surgery like laparotomy.


It would be best to see a doctor to find the underlying cause of your enlarged uterus. Making an appointment with your gynecologist is an intelligent approach to accomplish this. Calling their office and making an appointment over the phone is an option if you cannot visit them in person.

A regular doctor will check your health history and ask questions about your menstrual cycle, fertility, family history, and other relevant information. They will also conduct a physical exam and ask you questions about your health. This way, they can look at all possible causes of your enlarged uterus and find suitable treatment options.

Why Choose Imprimis IVF for Enlarged Uterus Treatment

Imprimis IVF is ideal for enlarged uterus treatment due to its specialized expertise, advanced technology, comprehensive approach, diverse treatment options, and supportive care. Their team of experienced fertility specialists focuses exclusively on reproductive medicine, ensuring personalized and effective treatment for an enlarged uterus. Equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, Imprimis IVF provides accurate diagnosis and utilizes cutting-edge technology for optimal treatment outcomes. 

Their holistic approach considers various factors contributing to the condition, addressing underlying causes and developing individualized treatment plans. Imprimis IVF ensures that patients receive the most appropriate and effective care with a wide range of treatment options available, including medications, minimally invasive procedures, and fertility preservation techniques.

What is AMH Test – Purpose, Levels, and Treatment

What is AMH Test – AMH is a female hormone produced by the ovaries. An anti-mullerian hormone is so named because it binds to receptors on cells that line the inside of the fallopian tubes. These receptors are part of a complex system that assists sperm in approaching and fertilizing an egg.

Your doctor may additionally order an AMH test to identify an ovarian mass. An AMH test is a simple blood test; if you take it after your period begins and before ovulation (the release of an egg from one ovary), you may see results in one week or less. An AMH test determines anti-mullerian hormone levels related to an individual’s egg count. It is related to your egg count but does not predict your fertility.

Importance of AMH Levels

AMH levels are essential for determining your ovarian reserve but don’t directly correlate with age. AMH levels increase as you age. After menopause, a woman’s AMH level increases as she ages. The higher the AMH level, the more eggs and ovarian reserve.

AMH levels also vary between women.

Some women have more eggs than others, which means they can produce more eggs in their ovaries. It is called having a high ovarian reserve. Others may have fewer eggs or a lower ovarian reserve, which means they may not be able to produce as many eggs in their ovaries and could experience infertility issues if they decide to get pregnant.

Purpose of the AMH Test

AMH is a hormone that’s produced by the ovaries. It helps maintain an egg’s structure and signals the brain to release hormones that make it possible for a woman to conceive.

The test aims to determine whether or not you are at risk for developing cervical cancer. A positive result means that you might have an increased risk of developing cervical cancer and should undergo regular screening tests for this disease.

The AMH test also helps in assessing ovarian reserve. Suppose you have low or no measurable levels of AMH. In this particular situation, you might be at risk for diminished ovarian reserve or premature menopause — two conditions affecting your fertility options and quality Of life.

Predicting Response to Fertility Treatments:

 The test is commonly performed on postmenopausal women to check for signs of estrogen deficiency or osteoporosis, but it can also be used to assess ovarian reserve and fertility status. In some cases, women may request an AMH test if they have irregular periods or have had their uterus removed due to cancer treatment.

AMH Levels

A higher number means more eggs in your ovaries, which means more egg follicles to help produce healthy eggs. A lower number means you may produce fewer eggs than before and may soon lose those eggs.

A woman’s AMH levels are usually between 1.0 ng/mL to 3.0 ng/mL. (nanograms per millilitre). It is the level at which ovulation is most likely to occur, usually within this range.

Low AMH levels, under 1.0 ng/mL, may indicate that the pituitary gland functions normally. The presence of abnormally low levels of certain hormones in the body might suggest an underlying problem within the hypothalamus or the anterior pituitary gland, which plays a crucial role in hormone production and regulation.

Causes of low AMH:

Ovarian cancer or other conditions that affect the ovaries (liver disease, kidney disease, thyroid problems) may cause low levels of AMH. It can also signify early menopause in women who have not gone through menopause. Your doctor can request an AMH test to confirm the diagnosis if she suspects you are going through perimenopause or early menopause. However, this is not a common indication for testing at this time because most women do not go through menopause until after age 50.

Implications for Fertility:

Because low levels of AMH are associated with advanced reproductive age, they may indicate a woman has less menstrual bleeding and will have fewer eggs than younger women. Conception challenges may additionally be experienced by these women, making it harder for them to achieve pregnancy. In addition, some doctors recommend that women with low levels of AMH get fertility treatment if they have trouble conceiving or carrying a pregnancy past six months. 

High AMH levels can be caused by several factors, including:

High AMH Levels Factors

Hormone Imbalance:

If you’re not getting enough progesterone or estrogen, your body will produce more AMH to compensate for the lack of hormones. It may be caused by a condition like Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland), which can also contribute to these symptoms in women.


Our bodies naturally produce less AMH and more follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) as we age. It can lead to higher estrogen levels and lower progesterone levels, which can cause high AMH levels.


If you have a family history of high blood pressure, heart disease, or type 2 diabetes, you could also inherit high levels of AMH from your parents — conditions often linked to high blood pressure or heart diseases risk factors like smoking and obesity.”

Interpretation of AMH Test Results

Some of the considerations that are to be kept in mind while interpreting the AMH Test results are:

Age-related Considerations

A woman’s age does not influence the results of the AMH test. As early as the age of 20, individuals can undergo this test and receive accurate results as late as 44, with most women having a typical result between ages 25 and 35. The AMH level for a woman between 20–25 years old is 4.23 ng/mL.

Relationship to Fertility Potential

The AMH test has been used to predict fertility potential in older women who wish to conceive. A woman’s AMH level is believed to decline with age, which may be related to decreased production of eggs or sperm, decreased ovulation rate, or both.

Other Factors Affecting Interpretation

Women who have undergone cancer treatment or had multiple pregnancies may have slightly lower levels of AMH than those without these conditions. However, these factors do not affect the interpretation of the result and should be considered if they are high enough to cause concern about fertility potential.

Treatment Options

High AMH Levels Treatment

 There are various treatment options available based on different AMH levels.

  • Treatment for Low AMH Levels

In the case of low levels of AMH, various treatment options are available to women with diminished ovarian reserve. Some of these treatments include:

  • Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART)

ART treatment is designed to help a woman who cannot become pregnant on her own through natural means become pregnant by using assisted reproductive technology such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Assisted reproductive techniques can help a woman conceive if her eggs are not viable enough for IVF or ICSI. For women with low amounts of AMH and a compromised ability to make eggs, this may occasionally also be a possibility.

  • Ovarian Stimulation

This treatment uses hormones to stimulate the release of one or more eggs from your ovaries during a menstrual cycle. The amount of stimulation depends on the woman’s age and her response to previous stimulation treatments, which can vary widely from woman to woman. Because this method involves injecting hormones directly into your bloodstream, there is always a risk that you might develop side effects such as nausea, vomiting, or headaches while receiving medications through your IV line.

  • Egg or Embryo Freezing

In some cases, women may have low levels of AMH due to low levels of progesterone production caused by premature ovarian failure or menopause. Conditions that may require medical treatment before freezing embryos can occur.

Treatment for High AMH Levels

  • Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Among the many treatment options for women with high AMH levels, ovary-intact women with PCOS often benefit from medication. PCOS are at increased risk of developing endometrial cancer and should be monitored regularly. In addition, ovarian stimulation is an option for women undergoing IVF or other fertility treatments.

  • Treatment for Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) can occur when a woman ovulates multiple times more than usual during ovulation induction. This syndrome can be life-threatening if left untreated, so doctors may recommend that patients take medications to reduce the high levels of AMH in their bodies.

At any point in your menstrual cycle, you have the flexibility to undergo the AMH test. A straightforward blood test that provides valuable insights into your reproductive health. It means you or a health care provider can perform it.

In addition to being an excellent diagnostic tool, the AMH test has many other benefits. It can:

  1.  Identify if your ovaries are making too much estrogen. This imbalance of sex hormones can ensue, causing a disruption in their normal levels and functions within the body.
  2.  Identify if there are any issues with egg development or fertilization;
  3.  Evaluate treatment options for PCOS, OHSS, or other conditions related to abnormal ovulation.

Why Choose Imprimis IVF for AMH Testing?

What is AMH Test

 Imprimis IVF may be a suitable choice for your AMH test due to the following reasons:

 Specialization: Imprimis IVF specializes in reproductive medicine and fertility treatments, ensuring expertise in conducting AMH tests.

  1. Advanced Facilities: They have state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and advanced diagnostic technology for accurate and reliable testing.
  2. Comprehensive Services: Imprimis IVF offers a range of fertility treatments beyond AMH testing, providing integrated care.
  3. Positive Reputation: The clinic has a strong reputation for delivering high-quality care and achieving successful outcomes.
  4. Patient-centered Approach: Imprimis IVF focuses on compassionate and personalized care throughout your fertility journey.
  5. Affordability: They offer cost-effective options and may partner with insurance providers to help manage expenses.


It’s essential to take note of both your age and your AMH levels when trying to conceive. You can use an AMH blood test for the same reasons as the anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) test. It’s a few days long but a relatively quick and easy procedure. If you’re concerned about your fertility and want to do everything possible, including affordable testing. Check with your fertility clinic or IVF experts to learn more about an AMH blood test.

Blocked Fallopian Tubes: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Blocked fallopian tubes are one of the reasons for female infertility. Its medical name is Tubal occlusion. Although several risk factors can increase your chances of getting the disease, there are usually no symptoms.

The fallopian tubes are muscular tubes with a fine hair-like structure inside. These “hairs” help in both directions: They help the sperm to travel up into the uterus. Fimbriae, which look like fingers, adjoin each fallopian tube. When the ovary releases an egg, the fimbria captures and guides it.

Since most eggs are fertilized in the fallopian tubes, they are essential for fertilization. If any injured part is there, for example, by surgery or infection, scar tissue may form.

Describe Hydrosalpinx.

The Greek originates the hydrosalpinx, which means water and tube. A woman’s fallopian tubes are blocked by hydrosalpinx, which is caused by fluid buildup and enlargement at the end of the tube. The end of the tube fibroid closest to the ovary is where it usually occurs, although it can also occur at the end of the tube that connects to the uterus.

One type of infertility caused by tubal factors is blocked fallopian tubes. Fallopian tube cells secrete fluid when blocked, causing the tubes to widen. Preventing an ovulated egg from being fertilized by sperm from the ovary to the fallopian tube prevents fertilization and thus prevents pregnancy. Most likely, hydrosalpinx prevents a fertilized egg from travelling to the uterus for implantation and pregnancy, even if an ovulated egg has come into contact with sperm.

Additionally, it can lead to a dangerous ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo implants in the fallopian tubes and becomes seriously fatal. Bilateral hydrosalpinx is the condition of having hydrosalpinx in both fallopian tubes simultaneously.

Hydrosalpinx is detrimental to fertility treatments. According to a study, the success rate of assisted reproductive technologies, such as IVF, is reduced by 50% in women with hydrosalpinx fluid compared to women without it. So doctors recommend that patients who use IVF have the hydrosalpinx surgically removed before starting treatment.

If a woman becomes pregnant (naturally or through fertility therapy), the presence of hydrosalpinx impacts the pregnancy outcome. Scientists don’t fully understand why this happens. Still, they believe that hydrosalpinx poisons the egg and embryo and damages the endometrium in such a way as to disgorge the implantation and development of the developing embryo.

Symptoms of Blocked Fallopian Tubes :

Symptoms of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Unlike anovulation, which can be indicated by irregular periods, blocked fallopian tubes rarely cause symptoms. The first symptom of blocked fallopian tubes is infertility. In addition to regular fertility tests, if you haven’t gotten pregnant after a year of trying, your doctor may order a special X-ray to check the tubal occlusion.

Pain in the lower abdomen and abnormal vaginal discharge are possible signs of a specific type of fallopian tube blockage called hydrosalpinx, although not all women have these signs. Fertilization and pregnancy are prevented because the fluid blocks the sperm and egg.

Blocked fallopian tubes can have many causes, some of which have unusual symptoms. For example, painful periods and painful sexual activity can be caused by endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

Symptoms of pelvic infection include the following:
  • general pelvic pain and discomfort during sex
  • nausea and vomiting
  • fever over 101
  • Pelvic pain with severe pain in the lower abdomen or foul-smelling vaginal discharge

Causes of Blocked Fallopian Tubes :

Causes of blocked Fallopian Tubes

PID is the leading cause of the fallopian tube barrier. However, not all pelvic infections are associated with STDs, pelvic inflammatory disease results from an STD. Additionally, a PID or pelvic infection history increases the risk of tubal obstruction even without PID.

Additional factors that can block the fallopian tubes include:
  • Currently infected or previously infected with gonorrhoea or chlamydia as an STD
  • History of uterine infection resulting in miscarriage or stillbirth
  • History of appendix rupture.
  • history of abdominal surgery
  • ectopic pregnancy in the past
  • previous fallopian tube surgery, including tubal ligation
  • endometriosis

Diagnosis of Fallopian Tubes:

A hysterosalpingogram, or HSG, is a specialized X-ray commonly used to identify blocked tubes. One of the basic fertility tests required of all couples who have problems getting pregnant is the HSG. A small tube injects dye into the cervix during the test. After applying the dye, an X-ray of the pelvic area is taken. If all goes well, the dye should pass through the uterus and fallopian tubes before spreading around the ovaries and into the pelvic cavity. Your fallopian tubes can become blocked if the dye cannot pass through the tubes.

It is essential to know that 15% of women experience a “false positive,” in which the dye fails to enter the tube after passing through the uterus. The site of the blockage appears to be the junction of the uterus and fallopian tubes. If this happens, the doctor may order a new test to confirm or repeat the test one more time. Hysteroscopy, exploratory laparoscopic surgery, and ultrasound are examples of additional tests that may be ordered. It is also possible to request a blood test to detect antibodies against chlamydia.

Effects on Fertility:

The ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes comprise the female reproductive system. Getting pregnant can be more difficult if any of these three points are affected by a medical condition. The fallopian tubes connect each of the two ovaries to the uterus. An egg releases one egg every month from the ovary, which stores and releases them randomly.

For example, the left ovary can release an egg in one month, while the right ovary releases an egg for three consecutive months. An egg can be fertilized even if one of the fallopian tubes is blocked. It is less likely to happen if both are blocked.

Treatment of Blocked Fallopian Tubes : 

Treatment of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

If you are healthy and one of your tubes is open, you may be able to get pregnant without too much help. Your doctor may prescribe fertility drugs to increase your chances of ovulating on the side of the still-open tube. But if both tubes are blocked, there is no other option.

It is essential to understand that although this medication is provided to aid conception, a blocked fallopian tube cannot be unblocked. Exercise, just like a clogged tube, cannot be unblocked. Surgery is the only option to help clear blocked tubes, but it is only sometimes effective. Below are those you need to know about tubal ligation, IVF, and blocked tubal surgery.

Laparoscopic Surgery

In some circumstances, laparoscopic surgery can remove scar tissue or open blocked channels. Unfortunately, this action plan is only sometimes effective. The chances of success are affected by your age (the younger, the better), the location and severity of the blockage, and its underlying cause. Getting pregnant after surgery is good if there are only a few adhesions.

After surgery to relieve the tubal blockage, the chances of ectopic pregnancy increase. If you become pregnant, your doctor should monitor you closely and be available to advise you on what would be best for you.

However, surgery is not the best solution every time. Vital scars, moderate to severe endometriosis, or moderate to severe male infertility can benefit from IVF. 10 Your doctor can discuss your case with you to determine whether it would be better to have surgery to fix it or go straight to IVF treatment.

In Vitro Fertilization

Before the development of in vitro fertilization (IVF), women with blocked tubes had no choice but to become pregnant if reconstructive surgery did not work or was not an option. IVF makes pregnancy possible.

Fertility drugs are taken to stimulate ovulation during IVF. Sperm from the male spouse or sperm donor is combined with the egg in a laboratory. Ideally, some eggs will fertilize, and others will produce healthy embryos. The uterus receives one or two selected workable embryos.

Blockages in the fallopian tubes are irrelevant. However, studies show that irritated tubes can significantly reduce the chances of IVF success. If you have hydrosalpinx, your doctor may recommend surgical tube removal. IVF may be attempted once you have recovered from your procedure.

Tubal Ligation Reversal

Reversing a tubal ligation is a permanent method of birth control, also known as “tying your tubes.” Various tubal ligations can be performed. A surgeon can cut the tubes, bandage them, sear them, or place special coils inside them, among other options.

The good news is that although this form of birth control is meant to be permanent, many women can take it off. Compared to women who undergo tubal surgery to remove blockages caused by the disease, surgical repair of tubal ligation has a higher chance of success. A microsurgical repair can be up to 50% cheaper per delivery than IVF.


In the above article, we have talked about blocked fallopian tubes. Blocked fallopian tubes are a possible reason for female infertility. The woman’s fallopian tubes are blocked by hydrosalpinx. There are many symptoms like fever, vomiting, pain, etc. We have shared all the details of fallopian tubes in the above article. If you want to know more about blocked fallopian tubes, this article is for you.

If you want a suggestion for treatment for blocked fallopian tubes, you can rely on Imprimis IVF & Fertility Centre. Check out this hospital for Female Infertility Treatment. It is the best Best IVF Centre in Srinagar for blocked fallopian tubes. Here you will get the cooperative staff for treatment. The treatment is affordable and delivers the best quality hospitality services in Srinagar.

PCOD Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment?

Polycystic ovary disorder (PCOD) is a hormonal disorder that causes irregular menstrual cycles in women. If an ultrasound of a woman’s lower abdomen shows a row of abnormally large pearl-shaped eggs may be visible. Genetics is one of the many possible causes of PCOD. However, the disease became progressively more common in 1721. Antonio Vallisneri, an Italian physician, was the first to identify it. The disease’s original name was Stein-Leventhal syndrome. Get the PCOD treatment done by Imprimis IVF at a very affordable price in Srinagar.

What is PCOD Treatment?

PCOD, a polycystic ovary syndrome, is a hormonal and metabolic disorder. It happens when a woman’s body does not complete the monthly ovulation process. PCOD patients have less than eight menstrual cycles per year. Cysts on the ovary lining are immature eggs trapped in the ovarian walls because they are not mature enough to leave the body. It causes an imbalance in the body’s hormonal levels, which increases androgen levels. These hormones cause unwanted body hair, weight gain, hair loss, and other medical issues.

Most women’s health problems currently affect 2-40% of women worldwide between 12 and 45 years old. The problem is difficult to solve due to its awareness and prevalence, and no one knows exactly why a woman gets PCOD. Although obesity contributes to symptoms, not all obese women have PCOD.

Types of PCOD:

As noted above, PCOD is a relatively new subject of study, so there is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding it. In general, there are two forms of PCOD:

Insulin Resistant PCOD

Type 1 PCOD, or insulin resistance, is usually accompanied by all the classic symptoms of PCOD, including obesity, facial hair growth, hair loss, and acne, all caused by high amounts of male hormones in the blood. The inability of the body to absorb sugar from the blood, as a result of which fat is stored, is a sign of this type of PCOD. Type 2 diabetes and heart disease can develop in people with PCOD type 1. The doctor advised these to start a diet and lose a few pounds. However, these patients may have difficulty losing weight. In addition to weight loss, patients may take medicines to control blood sugar.

Non-insulin-resistant PCOD

Non-insulin resistant or type 2 PCOD is a condition in which the patient has no symptoms of insulin resistance but still has PCOD. Other factors, such as adrenal stress, thyroid, vitamin D deficiency, iodine deficiency, and others, can also contribute to non-insulin PCOD. For the body to heal naturally, PCOD type 2 treatment focuses more on rest and rhythmic activities.

PCOD Symptoms:

PCOD Symptoms

Symptoms of PCOD include:

  • Excessive or scanty menstrual flow.
  • Spotting during menstruation.
  • Irregular/late/early periods.
  • Short or long periods.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Abnormal white discharge.

Causes of PCOD:

PCOD Causes

The exact cause of PCOD in women is unknown, but here are some of the important risk factors:

Excess insulin generation

A body with excess insulin can produce more androgens. This male hormone is too low in women and interferes with ovulation.

Excess androgen synthesis

The ovaries produce abnormally high levels of androgen hormones, which can cause acne and hirsutism (excessive growth of body and facial hair).

Minor Swelling

According to a new study, women with PCOD have low levels of inflammation that lead to increased androgen production, which can cause heart or vascular problems.


Women with PCOD show a specific genetic correlation.

PCOD Treatment:

PCOD Treatment

Since PCOD is a chronic condition, many ways exist to treat its symptoms. Most women choose to combine several different strategies. Several Female Infertility Treatment methods are listed here:

Allopathy uses a variety of medications and diets. Women may need to use monthly birth control pills to promote regular periods. A woman may receive ovulation-inducing drugs to cure infertility or to help her get pregnant.

Patients can also follow a diet in addition to these to help with weight loss. To achieve the same results, the doctor may also recommend vigorous activities. When a woman loses even 3% of her body weight, her fertility improves.

Lifestyle Changes for PCOD Treatment:

PCOD affects the hormonal balance of most women. The following actions will help women reduce androgen levels in their bodies:

Maintain a healthy weight.

A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is optimal and healthy for women, while a number above 30 is considered obese and unhealthy. Losing weight or keeping it off improves overall cholesterol levels in the body, reduces the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, maintains proper insulin and testosterone levels, and regulates the ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle. Consult a dietitian about a weight loss plan to achieve a healthy BMI.

Limit carbohydrate intake

If you have PCOD, follow a low-carbohydrate diet or a diet high in complex carbohydrates to stabilize your insulin levels. Avoid sugar and starches, and eat fish, meat, eggs, vegetables, and natural fats.

Participate in frequent activities and exercises.

Regular exercise and staying active will help control your weight and blood sugar if you have PCOD.

Can PCOD lead to other chronic diseases?

Yes, PCOD can lead to other chronic diseases. Losing weight can indeed help reverse PCOD. However, PCOD makes weight loss a challenge in itself. Here are some common chronic conditions caused by PCOD:


No one can explain why type 1 PCOD causes type 2 diabetes, but it does, as has already been shown. However, PCOD also causes gestational diabetes, so it doesn’t just cause type II diabetes. We all know that diabetes is a chronic, lifelong disease that contributes to 50% of deaths worldwide. It was India’s top killer in 2016-17. It is also true that most cases of PCOD go untreated in Indian society. Thus the number of cases of diabetes in women has increased.

Blood Pressure

There is a close relationship between blood pressure and diabetes. No one is sure about the relationship between blood pressure and diabetes. However, the existence of one is a dead sign that the other exists.

Liver Disorders

As we all know, PCOD affects the liver, making it weak and prone to infections. A recent study has highlighted and supported this reality. Hormonal imbalance in the body directly affects the state of the liver. Moreover, it causes obesity, which leads to the development of NAFLD.

Anxiety and Depression

Female sex hormones influence a woman’s psyche. It means mood swings result from any disruption in the delicate balance of hormones. In addition, social isolation and a negative self-image are consequences of obesity. All these, combined with prolonged periods of persistent stress, can cause women to develop anxiety or depression. One study found that postpartum depression is more common in women with PCOD.


PCOD is the main contributing factor to female infertility. While PCOD reversal medications can help treat this infertility, some women can only get pregnant after IVF or surgery.


PCOD is a common problem in women. It causes irregular periods and other issues. But it can be prevented by some lifestyle changes and treatments. In the above article, we have talked about PCOD in detail. If you want to know more about PCOD Treatment, this article is for you. If you want medical help in Srinagar, Best IVF Treatment Centre in SrinagarImprimis IVF, is always available. You will get the best services and PCOD treatment here.

Things to Consider before IVF Treatment

IVF Treatment: Infertility is a condition that prevents a couple from conceiving children. It could be due to either male or female factors, but the most common cause is female. The main reason for infertility in women is ovulation disorders such as PCOS and endometriosis, which prevent the egg from entering the uterus. Ovulation disorders can be treated with laparoscopy or hysteroscopy.

Imprimis IVF is a leading IVF clinic in Srinagar. We offer state-of-the-art multi-disciplinary care to patients with diverse conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, menopause, fibroids, cervical dysplasia, etc.

The first step in the IVF journey is to get your health good and checked. Many things can go wrong during IVF treatment, so you mustn’t neglect your health.

Things to Consider Before IVF Treatment.

Before beginning your IVF Journey, Check Your Health.

You need to have a healthy body and mind before you start your IVF journey. It’s not just the physical aspects of your body but also the mental aspect. It would help if you were mentally strong before you make important decisions in your life.

There is No Assurance that You will become pregnant following IVF Treatment.

IVF treatment is not 100% guaranteed to result in pregnancy after undergoing the process for one time only, so don’t expect too much from this process. The success rate of IVF treatment depends on many factors like age, fertility levels before starting this procedure or any other factor that may affect the results during treatment like infection etc. Still, if you want a baby, you can try again after some time or schedule another attempt at another clinic/centre nearby if they fail to give results within the given time frame or schedule another attempt.

IVF Is A Pricey Procedure

Infertility treatment in Srinagar can cost anywhere between 80,000 and 250,000 per cycle. The cost depends on how many embryos are transferred and how many are frozen for storage. Various factors affect the price of IVF treatment in Srinagar.

You Must Have Perseverance

It takes time for an embryo to develop into an early-stage pregnancy and then into a full-term pregnancy. During this period, there are many ups and downs — emotional and physical- which can cause stress and anxiety levels, especially for the couple who wants their dream child so badly! However, there is no need to worry because with patience comes success!

Select the Best IVF Center/Clinic

We know that the IVF process can be confusing and overwhelming, so we have developed a list of questions you should ask your doctor before choosing an IVF clinic or centre.

  1. What is my IVF treatment plan?
  2. How many embryos will be transferred to me?
  3. How many embryos will be frozen for future use?
  4. What type of embryos will be used in my cycle?
  5. What are the chances of multiple births (multiple pregnancies)?
  6. Can I choose not to freeze any embryos after my cycle is complete? If so, what are the risks involved with this decision?

Best IVF Treatment Centre In Srinagar – Imprimis IVF

Imprimis IVF is highly qualified and experienced in fertility treatment. Contact us today to learn more about our IVF services if you are looking for an IVF centre in Kashmir.

Imprimis has offered advanced infertility treatments like intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). ICSI involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg without fertilizing it with another sperm first. We use ICSI for male and female patients to increase the chances of getting pregnant by using a single sperm that fertilizes an egg. It allows doctors to remove one of the two eggs that were not successfully fertilized during ovulation and then use it for ICSI treatment. It reduces the risk of multiple pregnancies or premature birth complications by up to 90%.

Affordable IVF Treatment in Srinagar

Imprimis IVF is the top IVF facility in Kashmir, with cutting-edge facilities and procedures that allow us to help more women. Imprimis IVF is a pioneer in providing patients worldwide with affordable assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures such as In Vitro fertilization (IVF) and egg donation.

Imprimis IVF has been assisting patients with infertility problems for a decade and a half, and we have a relatively high success rate. Our track record for excellence and commitment to excellence has helped us attract prospective clients from all walks of life, including couples that have previously tried and failed to find success elsewhere.

We offer our patients complete care during pregnancy and postpartum by providing specialized care for mothers with fertility treatments, like IVF or egg donation, and those who have experienced miscarriage or stillbirth. Our expert physicians use advanced diagnostic techniques, medical imaging, and medical equipment to ensure your health and fertility are fully optimized.

Our team of fertility specialists in Kashmir has the knowledge and experience to treat all types of infertility issues, including:
  • Male Infertility
  • Female Infertility
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) and Preconception Care
  • Ovulation Induction, Intrauterine Insemination, In Vitro, and Fertilisation (IVF) are all procedures used to induce ovulation.
  • Preconception Care for Women with PCOS, Endometriosis, or Unexplained Infertility

Experience the Joy of Motherhood

IVF is an infertility treatment. It is a medical procedure that uses fertility drugs to help women produce eggs and sperm in their ovaries or testes. The excess fertilized eggs are frozen and stored for future use. This process is called egg freezing, and it is often done after two unsuccessful IVF cycles when more eggs have been used than the woman can safely carry. Eggs are retrieved from the ovary at the time of egg retrieval, or they may be harvested surgically if egg retrieval is not possible.

To increase pregnancy chances, your doctor or clinic may offer ideas after learning more about your sexual habits. The best IVF centre in Srinagar will work with you on infertility issues. When you meet with us at Imprimis IVF, we will conduct a complete evaluation of your situation, including an examination of your health history and family history to determine if any underlying genetic issues might contribute to infertility. To ensure safety during pregnancy, we may perform blood tests for genetic conditions such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell disease before beginning treatment using our advanced screening process.

Low Sperm Count Treatment

Low sperm count in men is one of the most common causes of infertility. Sperm counts are usually measured in a million per millilitre (ml). If your sperm count is below 20 ml per ml, you may benefit from fertility treatment.

Several options are available if you have had a hysterectomy and want to get pregnant. In vitro fertilization (IVF) involves removing eggs from your ovaries using hormone stimulation and placing them into an egg extraction machine that fertilizes them outside the body. This process enables doctors to place multiple embryos into your uterus to increase the chance of conception.

Our IVF centre in Srinagar offers advanced technology and exceptional care for all patients seeking treatment for infertility issues such as male, female, and unexplained infertility.

Male Infertility Treatment in Srinagar

Infertility is when a couple fails to conceive after one year of trying. It can be either male or female infertility.

Male infertility occurs when the male partner is unable to produce sperm capable of successfully impregnating the female partner. Male infertility can be attributed to a variety of factors, such as inherited conditions, infections, or ageing. Generally, male infertility treatment in Srinagar involves medical and surgical approaches. The most common form of male infertility treatment involves medication, sperm retrieval procedures, and IVF (in vitro fertilization).

Highly Experienced IVF Doctors and Team

We are proud to be one of the best IVF centres in Kashmir. We have been providing high-quality fertility services to patients from all over India. Our doctors and staff are highly experienced, which makes us one of the best IVF clinics in Kashmir.

We realize how important a healthy baby is to you and your partner, so we take every precaution to ensure a successful pregnancy. It includes:
  • Consider all possible fertility treatments that may be appropriate for you and your partner based on your situation, including IVF with donor eggs, ICSI (intrauterine insemination), or IVF with your partner’s sperm or eggs.
  • Using our latest technologies and methods to increase your chances of having a healthy baby through our state-of-the-art facilities, including:
  • IVF with donor eggs (egg donation) – A procedure where an egg from another woman is used to fertilize the egg(s) from you.

Cost of IVF Treatment in Srinagar

IVF centres are divided into two types: private and public. Private clinics enjoy more autonomy, meaning they can choose the most suitable donor and treatment protocols for each patient. In addition, they have more financial resources than public clinics.

The cost of IVF treatment varies depending on the country where you live and your insurance coverage. Private clinics offer lower prices because they only accept patients who have enough money for treatments and medications. Public IVF centres accept people regardless of their financial situation but have fewer resources than private clinics do.

IVF Treatment Cycle Ranges

In Srinagar, the standard cost of a single IVF treatment cycle ranges from Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 2,50,000. For couples who want to have a baby but cannot afford the cost of IVF treatment in Srinagar, other options are available. One option is adoption, which involves placing a child for adoption with another family. The cost of this service depends on the country where the child is being placed and the requirements of the adoptive parents.

Another option available to couples who cannot afford IVF treatment in Srinagar is surrogacy. Surrogacy involves hiring a surrogate mother to carry and deliver your baby. The cost of this service varies depending on factors such as whether you choose a domestic or international surrogate mother, what type of surrogacy arrangement you choose, and whether you require medical assistance during pregnancy or after delivery.

Several factors determine the expense of treatment for IVF in Srinagar. Including:
  • The clinic where you plan to undergo IVF
  • The type of procedure being done.
  • Your age and health condition
  • Any fertility medications that you may be taking

IVF Diet Chart – Foods to Eat During IVF Treatment

IVF Diet Chart –  In-vitro fertilization treatment offers a 30-40% success rate for women of fertile age. IVF experts have concluded that diet has no significant contribution to deciding the success rate of IVF treatment. However, it affects the quality of the eggs the ovaries produce and the overall reproductive health. It would help if you stuck to a diet chart and a healthy lifestyle to succeed in your IVF treatment. 

Gut health and healthy defection are decisive elements of conception and healthy pregnancy. To ensure the proper upkeep of reproductive health, consuming a diet rich in micronutrients and macronutrients is vital.  

The first step is to increase the number of meals you take and break every meal into smaller ones. So it’s advised to take five meals in a day! Yes, you heard it right. Make sure that you cover all the essential nutrients. 

Some Strict IVF Diet Chart during IVF Treatment.

Before moving ahead to the diet chart to follow during IVF, it is advised that you steer clear of smoking and drinking. Medical evidence has cemented that consumption of alcohol and smoking hampers the process of egg maturation, which results in chromosomal abnormalities. Also, regular and excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco further causes problems in conceiving and carrying the pregnancy to term. 

Apart from smoking and drinking, reproductive specialists also advise limiting caffeine intake to one to two cups or 200 mg daily to stay safer. Also, the female partner should not consume energy drinks containing caffeine during IVF.  

Foods to Eat during IVF Treatment 

IVF Diet Chart

1. Protein-Rich Food-:

Apart from being the body’s building blocks, proteins also help in the ovulation process and the development of eggs in the female. Dairy products, well-boiled eggs, yoghurt, soya, broccoli, lentils, and meat contain numerous proteins. Doctors recommend that a woman, during her IVF treatment, consume 60 grams of protein in her daily diet. 

2. Zinc-Rich Food-:

Zinc plays an essential role in maintaining the balance of hormones and ovulation. A woman should consume around 15 milligrams of zinc-rich food during the day. Dairy products, whole grains, beans, breakfast cereals, sesame seeds, flax seeds, kidney beans, and nuts are excellent sources of zinc that the woman should consume during IVF treatment.

3. Remember Your daily dose of Vitamin D-: 

Vitamin D helps produce good-quality eggs that can be used for IVF. So, a woman needs to consume vitamin D, which is present in cow’s milk, cod liver oil, fortified cereals, soy milk, etc. 

4. Healthy Unsaturated Fat-:

Harvard School of Public Health finds that a diet containing healthy unsaturated fats like avocados and olive oil helps boost live birth rates.

5. Folic Acid during and after IVF Treatment-: 

Folic acid plays a vital role in developing a child’s brain and spinal cord. To ensure their proper formation, 400 mcg of folic acid, found in green leafy vegetables, should be consumed by the female partner during IVF treatment. 

6. Iron-Rich Food-:

Iron plays a significant role in maintaining the health of the eggs and ovulation. Reproductive specialists say that a woman, during her IVF treatment, should consume more than 27 grams of iron in the form of green leafy vegetables, pumpkin seeds, oysters, spinach, and beans daily. Make sure that your per-day iron intake should not exceed 45 grams. 

Iron deficiency can cause anaemia, reduced libido, oxidative damage to ovulation, and may also lead to premature births or a pretty small baby.  

7. Fresh Fruits Can Be Your True Pregnancy Friend-: 

Fruits like bananas and pineapples are quite beneficial in a woman’s pregnancy journey. Bananas are a great source of vitamin B6, essential for the healthy regulation of periods. Pineapples are rich in manganese, which helps in the nutritious secretion of reproductive hormones. 

8. Hydration is Equally Essential-: 

Any IVF diet chart stands complete with adequate water intake. 6-8 glasses of water a day will help prepare the uterus for embryo implantation by thickening the uterine lining. It’s also crucial to keep your water intake in check to ensure proper digestion and circulation of the above-mentioned essential vitamins and minerals during IVF treatment. 

Summing up the IVF Diet Chart

Imprimis IVF, the best IVF centre in Srinagar, has summed up all the food sources consisting of the nutrients mentioned above that will serve as a boon in your IVF journey-: 

  • Fruits like bananas, pomegranates, and pineapple
  • Vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, and potatoes 
  • Fresh green leafy vegetables
  • Other fresh citrus fruits and vegetables 
  • Avocados and corn
  • Beetroot and sweet potato 
  • Low-fat dairy products and water 
  • Nuts (a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein) and berries 
  • Whole grains, legumes (chickpea, soybean, pea), beans, and lentils
  • Lean meat and salmon 

Diet alone may not be able to fulfil all your dietary needs during IVF treatment, so the doctors may advise you to take some multivitamin supplements to prepare your body for the journey. 

Foods to Avoid During Your IVF Treatment 

Foods to avoid during IVF Treatment

Now that you have a good idea of the foods you should include in your diet during your IVF journey, it’s equally important to know the foods that must be kept at bay. 

1. Food Containing Artificial Sweeteners and Refined Sugars-:

Artificial sweeteners and refined sugars negatively affect conception. So, it is advised to women undergoing IVF treatment to stick to healthy sugars and avoid bakery products like biscuits and cakes. 

2. Raw Eggs-: 

It is advised to avoid consuming raw eggs, which are present in processed food products like mayonnaise and salad dressing, as it may lead to food poisoning. 

3. Saturated Fats-:

Doctors have found that food containing saturated fats can hamper conception by lowering the number of eggs used for fertilization in IVF. Foods containing high levels of saturated fats include white rice, cheese, butter, and fatty processed meats. 

4. Avoid Seafood-: 

Although seafood is packed with the goodness of essential fatty acids and proteins, it also contains mercury. Mercury present in tuna and mackerel can lead to complications in the growth of the fetus and may also lead to congenital disabilities. 

5 Nicotine and other Drugs-: 

As already mentioned, smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited during IVF. A woman should also stay away from nicotine and other drugs. 

Avoid sodas, spicy junk food, pickles, vinegar, unpasteurized milk, and canned and processed food. 

Is it true that IVF Treatment will be Successful in the first go? 

It is a common misconception that couples have about IVF treatment. But the fact is that no fertility treatment centre can guarantee a 100% success rate. The medical expertise and infrastructure required for IVF treatment vary from clinic to clinic. 

However, reproductive specialists worldwide have advised specific preventive measures that a couple can follow to welcome a healthy baby in a minimum number of IVF cycles

The Right IVF Clinic will help Increase Your Success Rate-:

In-vitro fertilization is a highly complicated Assisted Reproductive Technology.

The right clinic will offer you a promise of excellent medical expertise and state-of-the-art lab fertility technology like Imprimis IVF, the best IVF centre in Srinagar can help increase your success rate by a good percentage. So, consider all the necessary things before finalizing your IVF fertility centre. 

Keep Your Dosage and Medication Timing in check-:

Don’t skip your hormonal medications at any cost. Ensure that you take your IVF pills and injectibles at the right time. 

Say No to Strict Bed Rest-:

After any medical treatment, the doctor advises you to rest and give your body time to heal. It would be best if you did the same after embryo transfer. However you must understand that IVF treatment differs entirely from other medical procedures. 

The doctor will not advise strict bed rest for you. The reason behind this is that when your brain is inactive. 

Positivity and Faith in the Process are Equally Important-:

A couple should never forget that positivity and complete confidence in the IVF treatment will serve as a pillar to bring positive pregnancy results. 

Conclusion about IVF Diet Chart

Avoid making any drastic changes in your diet when it comes to food. It’s best to consult a reproductive specialist before IVF treatment to choose the best diet plan that suits your needs. If you are looking for the best yet affordable IVF treatment in Srinagar, we wholeheartedly welcome you at Imprimis IVF, Srinagar. 

IVF vs IUI Which is Better


Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) offers several treatment options for infertile couples to achieve pregnancy. However, it might be overwhelming for a couple to choose the best one for them. In most cases, couples are stuck between In-vitro fertilization and Intrauterine insemination. The answer to this tussle between IVF vs IUI is based on several medical and financial parameters. In this article, Imprimis IVF, the best IVF centre in Srinagar, will help you find your answer. 

Whether a couple should opt for IVF vs IUI depends on a range of essential factors like age, genetic condition, medical condition of the couple, previous ART treatment failures, etc. The fertility expert can only decide which is better after running various tests and examining your situation thoroughly.  

Female fertility revolves around the well-being of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. If these reproductive parts’ natural functioning is compromised for any reason, it may lead to infertility. 

Sperm Morphology-

Sperm Morphology considers the shape and size of the sperm ejaculated by the male partner. Semen analysis is conducted. Sperm ejaculated by the man is examined based on three parameters: 

Sperm Motility-: 

The sperm should be able to swim through the female reproductive system to fertilize the egg in the fallopian tube. Typically, the motility of the sperm should be 40% to reach the egg for fertilization. 

Sperm Count-: 

Ideally, the male partner should ejaculate more than 15 million sperm per ml of the semen sample. 

Nature and Cost of IUI and IVF Treatment

Intrauterine insemination is the most basic ART procedure. It is because IUI is a more natural process, as the egg fertilizes inside the female uterus, just like in natural conception. At the same time, In-vitro fertilization is a complicated procedure that involves five steps. In IVF, the egg fertilizes on a petri dish in a state-of-the-art laboratory, i.e., outside the uterus of the woman. The embryo so formed is implanted in the uterus, where it grows into a baby. 

In addition, IUI is an easy, cost-effective, and less time-consuming fertility treatment. In IUI, a couple has fewer appointments with the reproductive specialist than in IVF.

IUI treatment costs in India vary with geographical location and medical history. But on average, the cost lies somewhere between 8,000 to 25,000 INR. The cost of IUI treatment in Srinagar is between 15,000 to 35,000 INR. 

The cost of IVF treatment in India greatly varies with the location of the fertility clinic, the medical condition of the couple, medical expertise, and infrastructure. Considering all these factors, the cost is estimated to be around 1,00,000 to 3,50,000 INR. The average IVF treatment cost in Srinagar is between 1,00,000 to 2,75,000 INR. If you are looking for the best IVF centre in Srinagar that is also affordable, there’s no better option than Imprimis IVF. 

Conditions that Point Toward IUI Treatment 

IUI is generally performed when the female partner is fertile and has no other medical conditions that may cause any issue in achieving pregnancy. But the sperm ejaculated by the male partner cannot fertilize the egg. IUI is also recommended for a male with retrograde ejaculation and unexplained infertility. 

The sperm sample of the male partner is prepared. This process is termed sperm preparation. The semen sample is washed or processed to remove all the impurities. Good quality and motile sperm are separated. Then with the help of a catheter, the selected sperm is injected directly into the uterus of the female partner. The entire IUI process of injecting sperm takes 5-10 minutes and is generally performed without anaesthesia. 

Conditions that Point Toward IVF Treatment

IVF starts with stimulating the ovaries, followed by egg retrieval. Side by side, sperm are also retrieved from the male partner. The 4th step is fertilizing the egg, which gets implanted in the uterus. The entire IVF process ideally takes 6-8 weeks to complete. 

IVF treatment is majorly recommended for women with the following medical conditions.

  • If the IUI procedure fails three consecutive times, it is advised to go for IVF treatment.
  • Genetic disorders.
  • The woman’s age is above 35 years.
  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
  • Recurrent abortions.
  • In case a woman has a poor ovarian reserve.
  • A woman with endometriosis(the proper implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall) can rely on IVF.
  • A couple has been trying to conceive for more than a decade without success.

Medical Conditions in Men

Apart from women-related fertility issues, some severe medical conditions in men might be the root cause of infertility. IVF is found to be the most suitable fertility treatment for the following medical conditions in men-: 

  • If the male partner has severe oligospermia, the sperm concentration is as low as 1-5 million sperm per millilitre of the semen sample. 
  • A man may have azoospermia which is a severe reproductive shortcoming. In azoospermia, zero or no sperms are ejaculated during intercourse.
  • IVF is one of the best treatments for males with genetic conditions like Klinefelter Syndrome.

IVF also unlocks the opportunity for couples to choose donor embryos, donor eggs, and donor sperm to get pregnant. Same-sex couples can also welcome their little ones with IVF. Another boon of IVF treatment is that a couple with medical ailments may seek a surrogate mother. 

In the modern era, people prefer not to marry in their twenties. But because pregnancy is an age-dependent parameter, infertility is rising due to modern choices and lifestyle. However, at the same time, the youth is gaining more awareness about infertility and its treatment options. 

Nowadays, a plethora of young people is taking the help of IVF to freeze their eggs and sperm to stay on the safer side. If natural conception doesn’t bring fruitful results, they can use their frozen eggs and sperm reserve timely and embark on their journey of parenthood. 

Which is more Painful, IVF vs IUI? 

IUI is a painless procedure generally carried out without giving anaesthesia to the woman. You may feel a sense of discomfort when the needle carrying the washed and processed sperm makes its way through the vagina to reach the egg. If a patient is sensitive to a needle, then the patient is given some painkillers before the treatment. 

Moving further to IVF, it is also a painless treatment. However, a woman sensitive to injections can feel a little pain as 15-30 injections are administered to stimulate the ovaries. Apart from this, the entire procedure of IVF doesn’t involve any surgery that may cause pain. 

Success Rates of Intrauterine Insemination and In-vitro Fertilization

The success rates of IUI lie between 12-15% per attempt. In contrast, the success rates of IVF lie between 30-40% per cycle. The success rates of IVF vary significantly with the age of a woman. If a woman is under 35 years of age, then she has a better success rate of getting pregnant with IVF. But if a woman is over 35, success rates fall between 25% and 30% per cycle. 

Once a woman crosses 40, IVF success rates decline to 16% per cycle. And as she reaches 45, the chances of success stand at 7% per cycle. 

Some people have this misconception that IVF will result in pregnancy. But in reality, IVF has its fair share of limitations. Some couples have been through several cycles of IVF but are still struggling to get pregnant. 

It is a fact that IVF offers a higher chance of conceiving a baby. However, it must be remembered that IVF doesn’t provide a 100% guarantee of achieving pregnancy. Medical studies and research are in progress to develop methods that increase the success rate, especially in older women. 

A couple needs to undergo IVF treatment in a laboratory equipped with modern incubators, microscopes, lasers, fertilization media, coda air filters, micromanipulators, workstations, filters, etc. If you are looking for one such laboratory armed with medical expertise for your IVF treatment in Srinagar, we welcome you with open arms at Imprimis IVF. 

Final Words for IVF vs IUI

Articles, videos, and other material help you know and understand medical treatments like IVF vs IUI. However, these sources alone can’t be used to decide the best treatment option. Every couple has specific medical conditions that can not be generalized. Only a reproductive expert can help you choose the best for you and increase your chances of success. Imprimis IVF, the best IVF centre in Srinagar, cordially requests you to visit an experienced fertility expert for consultation. 

The success rate of ART also depends on your lifestyle, stress levels, and mindset. So, try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude so that you will be a parent very soon!

What is Recurrent Abortion – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Recurrent Abortion: A miscarriage is a common mishappening. Around 15 to 20% of couples have had a miscarriage in their journey to parenthood. However, if you have a miscarriage every time you try to carry your pregnancy to term, you may need to seek timely medical guidance from an obstetrician.

Miscarriage is an age-dependent event. The risk of miscarriage in women below 30 is lower than in women over 35.

What is Recurrent Abortion?

Suppose a woman has two or more consecutive miscarriages before 20 weeks of pregnancy or the first trimester due to some complications. In that case, it is termed recurrent abortion or recurrent pregnancy loss.

Around 2-5% of couples around the globe are affected by recurrent pregnancy loss.

Recurrent Abortion Causes

Recurrent Abortion Causes

The root cause of recurrent abortion is complications in the embryo, the uterus, or the environment. Some of the recurrent abortion causes are stated below:

Genetic Abnormalities-:

The most common cause of recurrent abortion or recurrent miscarriage is genetic dysfunction. Twenty-three pairs of chromosomes are found in both men and women. 22 of the chromosomes are the same, but the last one decides the gender of the embryo.

The embryo takes half of the chromosomes from both parents. But sometimes, the chromosomes inherited by the embryo are abnormal. Due to these abnormal chromosomes, the woman has a recurrent abortion. The inheritance of abnormal chromosomes takes place naturally. However, this problem must be addressed by a fertility expert.

Uterine Anomalies-:

The uterus, or the womb, is the home of the growing fetus for nine months. Any problem associated with the shape of the uterus is bound to affect the embryo’s growth and may lead to recurrent miscarriage.

Uterine anomalies that lead to recurrent abortion are witnessed to affect 10-15% of women worldwide.

An abnormally shaped uterus in which only one side is fully developed, uterine fibroids, polyps, uterine septum, and double uterus in which the uterus is divided from the centre are some of the most common uterine anomalies.

Uterine anomalies are detected by running the following tests to determine the root cause and proceed with further diagnosis.

  • Ultrasound
  • Hysterosalpingography
  • Sonohysterography
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Magnetic Resonance
  • Laparoscopy

Antiphospholipid Syndrome-:

Antiphospholipid syndrome is a medical condition in which a person’s body starts producing antiphospholipid antibodies that attack the body’s internal system, resulting in the formation of clots and affecting pregnancy. The most common complications due to antiphospholipid syndrome that affect 3-15% of women include recurrent early abortion, late miscarriages, early preeclampsia, and stillbirths.

Hormonal and Metabolic Diseases-:

Metabolic and hormonal diseases like uncontrolled diabetes, PCOS, obesity, insulin resistance or insulin sensitivity, and untreated thyroid problems can be the causes of recurrent abortion. Also, if the female hormone responsible for a healthy pregnancy, progesterone, is not produced timely and in healthy amounts, this may lead to recurrent abortion.

Uterine Infections-:

Uterine and other bacterial infections like rubella, listeria, toxoplasmosis, and certain genital infections may contribute to miscarriages.

Apart from these, there are other less common causes of recurrent abortion, including stress, immunological causes that may treat the fetus as a foreign body and attack it, and cervical insufficiency.

Studies and research are still going on to identify the root cause of recurrent abortion and diagnose it accordingly.

Recurrent Abortion Symptoms

Recurrent Abortion Symptoms

Recurrent abortion may or may not be accompanied by any symptoms. However, if you are doubtful about your pregnancy, there are specific recurrent abortion symptoms that you can watch out for, like-as:

  • Bleeding or spotting
  • Frequent and excruciating contractions
  • Pain in the belly or back (mild to severe)
  • Discharge of pinkish-white mucus from the vagina
  • A clot-like tissue coming out from the vagina
  • Visible and sudden vanishing of signs of pregnancy
  • A constant feeling of grief

Preventive Measures to Avoid

If you want to increase your chances of delivering a baby by decreasing the risk of another miscarriage, there are certain precautions you can adopt for a positive outcome.

Experts state that the expecting couple can undertake the below-mentioned measures.

Plan Your Pregnancy at the Right Age-:

The risk of miscarriage increases with age. The rate of miscarriages witnesses a sharp increase once a woman crosses 30 years of age. This sharp increase is due to the increase in chromosomal abnormalities in the eggs produced by the ovaries. The most fertile age for women to become a mother is between 24 to 30. So, to reduce your risk of recurrent abortion, planning pregnancy at the right age is vital.

Maintain a healthy Body Mass Index-:

Medical experts believe a healthy body weight is essential for a healthy pregnancy. If the BMI is too low or too high, it may lead to complications in conceiving and sometimes may result in a miscarriage.

Proper and Timely Correction of Uterine Anomalies-:

Suppose the home of the growing embryo is not of the appropriate shape or has any other complication. In that case, it must be corrected timely under an experienced expert with the help of state-of-the-art technology available at fertility clinics like Imprimis IVF, Srinagar.

Check for any Antiphospholipid Syndrome Symptoms-:

Antiphospholipid syndrome must be checked for and diagnosed properly to end recurrent abortion.

Removal of Uterine Polyps and Uterine Fibroids-:

Uterine polyps and uterine fibroids should be removed if detected as the reason behind recurrent abortion.

Diabetes, Thyroid, and Kidney Problems must be addressed-:

Before thinking about conceiving, it is for the best that issues related to thyroid, kidney, and insulin production must be addressed to reduce the chances of recurrent abortion.

Addressing Hypertension Before Pregnancy-:

There is not much data to support the link between hypertension and pregnancy. However, experts believe that high blood pressure before conceiving may result in a miscarriage. So, it would help if you tried to bring your blood pressure under control to ensure a healthy and stress-free pregnancy.

Monitor Your Caffeine intake-:

It might be astonishing, but excessive caffeine consumption directly hampers your chances of carrying your pregnancy to term. Overconsumption of caffeine increases your heart rate as well as blood pressure. So, it is advised to cap your caffeine consumption to 150-200 milligrams per day to increase your chances of success in welcoming a healthy newborn.

Lifestyle Plays a Key Role-:

Following a healthy lifestyle can significantly help with a healthy pregnancy. The woman should avoid alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy to avoid any chances of miscarriage.

Recurrent Abortion Treatment

Recurrent Abortion Treatment

Recurrent abortion treatment is carried out after thoroughly examining the couple to identify the root cause. Based on the root cause, various treatment options are available to help prevent further miscarriages in women.

Some of the most trusted treatment options for recurrent abortion are stated below-:

In-vitro fertilization (IVF)-:

IVF treatment is a reliable option for couples with recurrent abortions. During this process, fertilization that naturally takes place in a woman’s vagina is carried out on a petri dish in a laboratory. Then after the successful fertilization of the egg, it is implanted in the woman’s uterus, where it grows for nine months.

Surgeries to fix Uterine Anomalies-:

After detecting the uterine anomaly, proper surgeries are undertaken by the reproductive specialist.

Treating other Medical Ailments-:

Diabetes, thyroid, and kidney problems are treated to increase the chances of a healthy nine months of pregnancy.

Medications to Prevent Blood Thinning and Clot Formation-:

Medications like Aspirin and Heparin are administered to the woman to avoid blood thinning and clotting.

The first step to diagnosing the problem of recurrent abortion is to consult an expert and avoid indulging in self-medication, as it may do more harm than good. Always remember stress-free lifestyle and a positive mindset are necessary for a healthy pregnancy.


We at Imprimis IVF understand that recurrent abortion can shatter hopes and bring sadness into your life. But the good news is recurrent abortion can be reversed with the proper treatment. The problem should be handled under the supervision and guidance of a good and experienced obstetrician. If you cannot carry a pregnancy to term, it is your calling to pay a visit to an obstetrician.

What are the Five Stages of IVF?

Five Stages of IVF – Life becomes even more blissful and fulfilling with the appearance of two pink lines on the pregnancy testing kit. These two lines bring a wave of emotions you have never experienced. But due to numerous physical, physiological, and environmental reasons, some couples can not conceive naturally. Medical advancements over the years have helped overcome this hurdle with Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). 

In-vitro fertilization, or IVF treatment, is the most trusted medical procedure that helps infertile couples trying hard for a baby but cannot do so.

However, before going for IVF treatment in Srinagar, it’s essential to prepare yourself by becoming familiar with the five stages of IVF Treatment.

Five Stages of IVF

IVF is a highly complex medical procedure that involves the following five stages of IVF-: 

Pre-cycle Testing

Before IVF treatment, the male and the female must undergo various tests like pelvic examination and transvaginal ultrasounds.

The fallopian tubes and uterus are carefully examined for any issues requiring a diagnosis. It is also known as ovarian reserve testing or fertility testing, which includes detecting sexually transmitted diseases, blood tests for hormonal imbalance, semen analysis, thyroid function, and ovarian reserve. 

Stage 1Ovarian Stimulation and Ovulation Triggering

 A woman’s ovaries are home to thousands of ovarian follicles. Each follicle contains an oocyte which is an immature egg cell. Stimulation of the ovaries is the process that prepares the ovaries to produce these eggs. The more eggs, the more favourable the outcome and success rate! 

To increase the shares of success, the woman is on hormone medication for 8-14 days. These medications are given as pills, patches, and injections that act on the ovaries to produce or overproduce eggs for fertilization. Also, these medications prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. On average, 15-30 hormonal medicines in the form of injections are administered to the female. 

These IVF injections happen to be quite expensive. The cost of IVF injections and medications for ovarian stimulation is around 60,000-80,000 INR. 

Stage 2: Egg Pick Up (EPU) or Egg retrieval

The egg retrieval process consists of using a needle, which is performed under general anaesthesia. As is clear from the name, this stage involves the collection of eggs from both ovaries. It is performed 34-36 hours after the last medication dose or trigger shot. The vagina is adequately cleaned, and the fertility expert correctly examines the ovaries through ultrasound before this stage. 

EPU is achieved with the help of transvaginal ultrasounds in which a needle is connected to a suction device. Through the vagina, this needle makes its way into each ovary. The egg (oocyte) is collected from each follicle as the needle enters the ovaries. It takes about 15-30 minutes to retrieve an egg. These retrieved eggs are stored to fuse with sperm harvested from the male.  

Stage 3: Sperm Retrieval

The sperm from the male are harvested two-three days before fertilization or on the day of retrieval of eggs. 

The various methods available to retrieve sperm from the male are stated below: 

  • Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA)
  • Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE)
  • Microdissection TESE (microTESE) 
  • Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)
  • Micro Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA) 

Stage 4: Fertilization

IVF treatment typically involves the manual fertilization of eggs with sperm ejaculated by the male partner. The necessary condition for fertilization is that the eggs must be mature. The retrieved eggs are examined for mature eggs. 

In this stage, the sperm is injected into the eggs collected during stage 2 with the help of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) or through conventional fertilization, where the sperm and eggs are placed on a small dish where the sperm is allowed to fuse with the egg on its own. Fertilization is carried out 3-5 days after the retrieval of eggs at a clinic or doctor’s office. The ICSI IVF cost may vary from one fertility centre to another. 

Stage 5: Transferring the Embryo into the Uterus

3-5 days after the successful completion of EPU, embryo transfer is carried out. During this stage, a long, thin, and flexible tube is allowed into the vagina, which enters the uterus. The tube is coined as a catheter. The catheter carries a syringe consisting of one or more embryos. One of the embryos is finally placed in the uterus. If the embryo gets successfully implanted in the uterine lining, it will result in a pregnancy. 

Embryo transfer takes up to 5 minutes and is performed without anaesthesia as it’s a painless procedure. 

After this stage, a pregnancy test is undertaken by the woman after ten days. The pregnancy test is repeated after 7-8 days. The IVF treatment is successful if two pink lines appear on the pregnancy test kit. 

Conclusively, IVF treatment takes about 6-8 weeks (45-60 days). 

Should you return home and continue your daily activities after IVF treatment? 

A common question may strike a couple’s mind after IVF treatment is completed. The answer is plain and simple, yes. There’s no need for strict bed rest after IVF. 

It’s for the best that you carry on with your daily activities to keep your mind occupied. Staying positive is the key to turning your IVF cycle successful. 

The Success Rate and Cost of IVF Treatment in 2023

The success rate of IVF treatment depends on an array of factors. The success rate of IVF treatment lies between 30-40% for women below 35. For women above 35, the success rate decreases and is witnessed to be around 20-30%.

The average IVF treatment cost, including medical tests, drugs, and the entire process, lies between 1,50,000 to 2,50,000 INR. 

The cost of IVF treatment will vary according to the type of IVF treatment, number of cycles, medical tests during IVF, geographical location, and success rate of the fertility centre. 

Potential Risks and Complications of IVF Treatment

Even though IVF treatment has one of the highest success rates among all other reproductive treatments, it also has potential risks and complications that a couple must be aware of.

Some of the most common risks and complications of IVF treatment are stated as follows:  

  • Multiple Pregnancies-: Sometimes, the IVF cycle can result in multiple pregnancies, which can lead to low birth weight and early labour and, in some cases, pose a threat to the life of both the mother and the babies. 
  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)-: The medications given during the first stage of IVF to stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs can sometimes result in overstimulation. This overstimulation of ovaries due to medications like human chorionic gonadotropins (HCG) may result in bloating, vomiting, diarrhoea, swelling of the abdominal region, and nausea. This condition is known as Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS).  
  • Premature Births-: The IVF procedure can also increase the risk of early labour and premature births. 
  • Ectopic Pregnancy or Extrauterine Pregnancy-: In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg, instead of getting implanted along the uterine lining, will get implanted somewhere else, like the fallopian tube. Data shows that around 2-5% of women are seen to have ectopic pregnancy after undergoing IVF treatment. If ectopic pregnancy occurs, the couple can not carry the pregnancy to term. 
  •  Emotional fatigue-: IVF treatment is more of an emotional ride for a couple, especially a woman. Since the success rate of IVF is around 30-40% only, fear of failure always lingers in a woman’s mind.

A plethora of times, a couple has to undergo more than one IVF cycle. As mentioned, each IVF cycle can take up to 45-60 days. It can build up negative thoughts about conceiving and take a toll on a couple’s mental health. 

Bottom line

Five Stages of IVF – IVF treatment is advised for infertile couples who have tried other ART techniques or have had multiple failures. Couples considering IVF treatment must consult the best fertility centre, like Imprimis IVF, Srinagar, for the best consultation. Since IVF is a complicated process, fertility centres like Imprimis IVF also help ensure a maximum success rate.

Female Infertility: Symptoms, Cause, Diagnosis & Treatment

Female Infertility: Infertility is a medical condition in which a couple cannot get pregnant after having regular sexual intercourse without contraception for 12 months or more. For women above 35, infertility means being unable to conceive after having traditional intercourse for six months. 

It can also be defined as the condition where a woman can conceive but either has repeated miscarriages or stillbirths. If infertility is due to the female partner, it is termed female infertility.  

Scientifically, during unprotected intercourse, the sperm ejaculated by the fertile male partner swims through the uterus and reaches the egg for fertilization. But the sperm cannot do so because of some ovulatory dysfunction in the female. Or even if the sperm can fertilize the egg, the embryo so formed cannot get implanted in the uterus, which leads to a miscarriage. 

Types of Infertility in Females 

Female infertility has become a household term affecting 1 in every six women. Infertility in females, or infertility, in general, can be classified into two types:

  • Primary infertility-: If a couple has never been able to conceive, or even if they have, they could not carry the pregnancy to term. 
  • Secondary infertility-: If a couple has at least one child but cannot conceive for a second time. 

Female Infertility Causes

The female reproductive system is quite delicate. Even the slightest dysfunction in any part, namely the uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tube, can lead to issues in conceiving.  

The root cause behind female infertility may or may not be detected accurately. The reports may appear normal, but you may still be unable to conceive. However, numerous factors have been witnessed to be the primary causes of female infertility causes which are stated below: 


PCOS is found to be one of the most common causes of female infertility as it disrupts menstruation and can lead to the formation of cysts which are around 8mm in size. These cysts produce eggs but cannot release them, so ovulation can not occur. 

The ovaries regulate the production of estrogen and progesterone. However, sometimes the ovaries produce an excess of male hormone androgens. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS refers to a medical condition that leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle and shedding of the endometrium as a result of hormonal imbalance due to the production of the male hormone androgens. 

Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are found in the form of growths or lumps and are caused due to the imbalance of reproductive hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone. The uterine fibroids can block or damage the fallopian tube, which may further lead to complications in conceiving. Around 20% of childbearing women have uterine fibroids.


Endometriosis is a medical condition when the uterine lining starts to grow outside the uterine cavity, like the abdomen, pelvis, behind the uterus, or in the ovaries. 

This condition can lead to infertility as it doesn’t allow the smooth transfer of eggs from the ovaries to the fallopian tube because of the growth of scars between the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. 

Endometriosis may also lead to endometrial cysts and may prevent the fertilized egg from getting implanted in the uterine wall. 

Blocked or Damaged Fallopian Tubes-:

Fallopian tubes are home to eggs. The sperm swims through the uterus and enters the fallopian tube. A blocked or damaged fallopian tube prevents the sperm from reaching the eggs and makes natural conception almost impossible. 

Sexually transmitted infections, pelvic inflammatory disorders, pelvic surgery, and pelvic tuberculosis are some of the reasons that block or damage the fallopian tubes.  

Around 20% of infertility issues stem from damaged or blocked fallopian tubes


Production of Prolactin hormone in large amounts is referred to as hyperprolactinemia which can result in infertility issues. 

Ovarian Cysts

If ovarian cysts (a fluid-filled sac in or on the ovaries) are formed due to medical conditions like PCOS or endometriosis, it may pose problems in conceiving. 

Premature Ovarian Failure

Premature ovarian failure refers to the early onset of menopause around or before the age of 40 or 45. It is bound to cause problems in conceiving naturally. 

Hypothalamic Dysfunction

Hypothalamic dysfunction occurs when the hypothalamus cannot function optimally. When this happens, the hypothalamus cannot coordinate with the pituitary gland that regulates the timely release of healthy eggs for fertilization. The process of ovulation comes to a stop due to hypothalamic dysfunction. 

Ectopic Pregnancy

During a normal pregnancy, the egg, after fertilization, is implanted in the endometrial lining. Ectopic pregnancy, also known as extra-uterine pregnancy, occurs when the embryo gets implanted somewhere else in the uterus. This medical condition may lead to miscarriages. Bleeding is often witnessed during an ectopic pregnancy.

Sexually Transmitted Infections-:

Sexually transmitted diseases can potentially prevent natural conception.

These infections can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and can also cause damage to the fallopian tubes. Both these conditions are directly linked to infertility in females. 

  • Uterine Abnormalities-: Uterine abnormalities can be the reason behind female infertility. Uterine abnormalities may result from the growth of scar tissues, fibroids, polyps, miscarriage, multiple abortions, infections, and the growth of benign tissues. 
  • Cancer-: Uterus cancer is the primary reason behind the development of tumours of varying sizes. These tumours are found to be one of the causes of female infertility. 
  • Other Hormonal Imbalances-: LH, FSH, and estrogen are the hormones responsible for the timely release of healthy eggs. However, the ovulation process gets disrupted if the eggs are released in the wrong amount and at the wrong time due to hormonal fluctuations. 
  • Unexplained infertility-: When the cause behind infertility can’t be ruled out during the infertility tests in females, this type of infertility is categorized under unexplained infertility. 

Data shows that in as many as 10-30% of cases, the root cause behind female infertility can not be identified. 

Risk Factors of Infertility in Females

Gynaecologists have drawn up a list of risk factors associated with infertility in females. The risk factors of female infertility include: 

  • Age (above 35)
  • Drugs and steroids
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Poor diet
  • Heavy exercises 
  • Medications
  • Chemotherapy and radiation treatment 
  • Eating disorders like anorexia, binge eating, bulimia 
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Stressful regime
  • Poor Body Mass Index (being underweight or overweight) 

Female Infertility Symptoms

Numerous symptoms back infertility in females you can keep an eye on before arriving at any conclusion. Female infertility symptoms include: 

  • Irregular and Abnormal Menstrual Cycle-: If you have irregular periods or your menstrual cycle lasts for more than seven days, it can be a symptom of infertility. A healthy menstrual cycle is of around 21 to 35 days. Reproductive issues may arise If it is less than 21 days or more than 35 days. The irregular menstruation cycle accounts for around 30-40% of cases of female infertility.
  • Prolonged and Heavy Bleeding during Periods-: If you have heavy bleeding during periods that last for more than the normal range of 2-7 days, it can lead to fertility issues. 
  • Excruciating Pain during Periods-: Bearable pain for a day or two is common, but if your periods are accompanied by severe pain and cramps, it can be due to a reproductive health problem like endometriosis. 
  • Unexplained Weight Gain or Loss-: If you have lost or put on weight unexpectedly, you should get a medical checkup. 
  • Pain during Sexual Intercourse-: If you feel Intolerable pain constantly during sexual intercourse with your partner, it can point towards infertility. 
  • Hair Growth on Unwanted Areas-: If you witness hair growth on unwanted areas like the chest, jawline, and at your back, it may indicate PCOS or other medical problems linked to infertility. 
  • Hormonal Imbalances-: If the hormonal balance in the body is disrupted, it may affect fertility in females and can cause acne, reduced sex drive, and thinning of hair. 
  • No Periods-: Complete absence during childbearing age indicates something is wrong with your reproductive system. 

If you observe such symptoms, you should visit a gynaecologist or IVF expert

Infertility Tests for Females

Before treatment comes the identification of the root cause behind the reproductive ailment. We’ve already learned that female infertility can be caused by many factors that need to be identified. The fertility specialist carries out an array of infertility tests for females to determine the cause, which includes: 

  • Physical examination 
  • Urine test
  • Pap smear
  • Blood test
  • Genetic testing 
  • Ultrasound scan
  • Laparoscopy
  • X-ray Hysterosalpingography (HSG)  
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Saline sonohysterogram 

Female Infertility Treatment

After the root cause behind infertility is identified, fertility specialists take other parameters like the woman’s age, personal preferences, and overall health status into account for choosing the right fertility treatment

  • Fertility drugs and medications-: Fertility drugs are prescribed to women to stimulate ovulation and regulate irregular ovulation cycle. 
  • Tubal surgeries-: Tubal abnormalities are corrected with tubal surgeries like laparoscopy. Laparoscopy helps treat blocked or damaged fallopian tubes by creating a new opening for the sperm to enter. This surgery also helps treat fibroids and abnormal uterine shapes and remove endometrial cysts. 
  • Assisted Reproductive Technology-: Assisted reproductive Technology like IVF, IUI, and ICSI have helped infertile women conceive and welcome a healthy baby. 


Pregnancy is an age and time-dependent process. In today’s world, couples do not prefer having children at an early age which is why infertility is a common problem. So, planning a pregnancy can help you enormously if you want to increase your stakes of natural conception. If you notice any symptom that you think can be problematic, visit a gynaecologist. Also, ensure you maintain a healthy lifestyle to welcome a healthy baby. 

And if you want to know more about ART treatment in Srinagar, we welcome you to the best fertility centre, Imprimis IVF