IVF vs IUI Which is Better


Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) offers several treatment options for infertile couples to achieve pregnancy. However, it might be overwhelming for a couple to choose the best one for them. In most cases, couples are stuck between In-vitro fertilization and Intrauterine insemination. The answer to this tussle between IVF vs IUI is based on several medical and financial parameters. In this article, Imprimis IVF, the best IVF centre in Srinagar, will help you find your answer. 

Whether a couple should opt for IVF vs IUI depends on a range of essential factors like age, genetic condition, medical condition of the couple, previous ART treatment failures, etc. The fertility expert can only decide which is better after running various tests and examining your situation thoroughly.  

Female fertility revolves around the well-being of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. If these reproductive parts’ natural functioning is compromised for any reason, it may lead to infertility. 

Sperm Morphology-

Sperm Morphology considers the shape and size of the sperm ejaculated by the male partner. Semen analysis is conducted. Sperm ejaculated by the man is examined based on three parameters: 

Sperm Motility-: 

The sperm should be able to swim through the female reproductive system to fertilize the egg in the fallopian tube. Typically, the motility of the sperm should be 40% to reach the egg for fertilization. 

Sperm Count-: 

Ideally, the male partner should ejaculate more than 15 million sperm per ml of the semen sample. 

Nature and Cost of IUI and IVF Treatment

Intrauterine insemination is the most basic ART procedure. It is because IUI is a more natural process, as the egg fertilizes inside the female uterus, just like in natural conception. At the same time, In-vitro fertilization is a complicated procedure that involves five steps. In IVF, the egg fertilizes on a petri dish in a state-of-the-art laboratory, i.e., outside the uterus of the woman. The embryo so formed is implanted in the uterus, where it grows into a baby. 

In addition, IUI is an easy, cost-effective, and less time-consuming fertility treatment. In IUI, a couple has fewer appointments with the reproductive specialist than in IVF.

IUI treatment costs in India vary with geographical location and medical history. But on average, the cost lies somewhere between 8,000 to 25,000 INR. The cost of IUI treatment in Srinagar is between 15,000 to 35,000 INR. 

The cost of IVF treatment in India greatly varies with the location of the fertility clinic, the medical condition of the couple, medical expertise, and infrastructure. Considering all these factors, the cost is estimated to be around 1,00,000 to 3,50,000 INR. The average IVF treatment cost in Srinagar is between 1,00,000 to 2,75,000 INR. If you are looking for the best IVF centre in Srinagar that is also affordable, there’s no better option than Imprimis IVF. 

Conditions that Point Toward IUI Treatment 

IUI is generally performed when the female partner is fertile and has no other medical conditions that may cause any issue in achieving pregnancy. But the sperm ejaculated by the male partner cannot fertilize the egg. IUI is also recommended for a male with retrograde ejaculation and unexplained infertility. 

The sperm sample of the male partner is prepared. This process is termed sperm preparation. The semen sample is washed or processed to remove all the impurities. Good quality and motile sperm are separated. Then with the help of a catheter, the selected sperm is injected directly into the uterus of the female partner. The entire IUI process of injecting sperm takes 5-10 minutes and is generally performed without anaesthesia. 

Conditions that Point Toward IVF Treatment

IVF starts with stimulating the ovaries, followed by egg retrieval. Side by side, sperm are also retrieved from the male partner. The 4th step is fertilizing the egg, which gets implanted in the uterus. The entire IVF process ideally takes 6-8 weeks to complete. 

IVF treatment is majorly recommended for women with the following medical conditions.

  • If the IUI procedure fails three consecutive times, it is advised to go for IVF treatment.
  • Genetic disorders.
  • The woman’s age is above 35 years.
  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
  • Recurrent abortions.
  • In case a woman has a poor ovarian reserve.
  • A woman with endometriosis(the proper implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall) can rely on IVF.
  • A couple has been trying to conceive for more than a decade without success.

Medical Conditions in Men

Apart from women-related fertility issues, some severe medical conditions in men might be the root cause of infertility. IVF is found to be the most suitable fertility treatment for the following medical conditions in men-: 

  • If the male partner has severe oligospermia, the sperm concentration is as low as 1-5 million sperm per millilitre of the semen sample. 
  • A man may have azoospermia which is a severe reproductive shortcoming. In azoospermia, zero or no sperms are ejaculated during intercourse.
  • IVF is one of the best treatments for males with genetic conditions like Klinefelter Syndrome.

IVF also unlocks the opportunity for couples to choose donor embryos, donor eggs, and donor sperm to get pregnant. Same-sex couples can also welcome their little ones with IVF. Another boon of IVF treatment is that a couple with medical ailments may seek a surrogate mother. 

In the modern era, people prefer not to marry in their twenties. But because pregnancy is an age-dependent parameter, infertility is rising due to modern choices and lifestyle. However, at the same time, the youth is gaining more awareness about infertility and its treatment options. 

Nowadays, a plethora of young people is taking the help of IVF to freeze their eggs and sperm to stay on the safer side. If natural conception doesn’t bring fruitful results, they can use their frozen eggs and sperm reserve timely and embark on their journey of parenthood. 

Which is more Painful, IVF vs IUI? 

IUI is a painless procedure generally carried out without giving anaesthesia to the woman. You may feel a sense of discomfort when the needle carrying the washed and processed sperm makes its way through the vagina to reach the egg. If a patient is sensitive to a needle, then the patient is given some painkillers before the treatment. 

Moving further to IVF, it is also a painless treatment. However, a woman sensitive to injections can feel a little pain as 15-30 injections are administered to stimulate the ovaries. Apart from this, the entire procedure of IVF doesn’t involve any surgery that may cause pain. 

Success Rates of Intrauterine Insemination and In-vitro Fertilization

The success rates of IUI lie between 12-15% per attempt. In contrast, the success rates of IVF lie between 30-40% per cycle. The success rates of IVF vary significantly with the age of a woman. If a woman is under 35 years of age, then she has a better success rate of getting pregnant with IVF. But if a woman is over 35, success rates fall between 25% and 30% per cycle. 

Once a woman crosses 40, IVF success rates decline to 16% per cycle. And as she reaches 45, the chances of success stand at 7% per cycle. 

Some people have this misconception that IVF will result in pregnancy. But in reality, IVF has its fair share of limitations. Some couples have been through several cycles of IVF but are still struggling to get pregnant. 

It is a fact that IVF offers a higher chance of conceiving a baby. However, it must be remembered that IVF doesn’t provide a 100% guarantee of achieving pregnancy. Medical studies and research are in progress to develop methods that increase the success rate, especially in older women. 

A couple needs to undergo IVF treatment in a laboratory equipped with modern incubators, microscopes, lasers, fertilization media, coda air filters, micromanipulators, workstations, filters, etc. If you are looking for one such laboratory armed with medical expertise for your IVF treatment in Srinagar, we welcome you with open arms at Imprimis IVF. 

Final Words for IVF vs IUI

Articles, videos, and other material help you know and understand medical treatments like IVF vs IUI. However, these sources alone can’t be used to decide the best treatment option. Every couple has specific medical conditions that can not be generalized. Only a reproductive expert can help you choose the best for you and increase your chances of success. Imprimis IVF, the best IVF centre in Srinagar, cordially requests you to visit an experienced fertility expert for consultation. 

The success rate of ART also depends on your lifestyle, stress levels, and mindset. So, try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude so that you will be a parent very soon!

What is Recurrent Abortion – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Recurrent Abortion: A miscarriage is a common mishappening. Around 15 to 20% of couples have had a miscarriage in their journey to parenthood. However, if you have a miscarriage every time you try to carry your pregnancy to term, you may need to seek timely medical guidance from an obstetrician.

Miscarriage is an age-dependent event. The risk of miscarriage in women below 30 is lower than in women over 35.

What is Recurrent Abortion?

Suppose a woman has two or more consecutive miscarriages before 20 weeks of pregnancy or the first trimester due to some complications. In that case, it is termed recurrent abortion or recurrent pregnancy loss.

Around 2-5% of couples around the globe are affected by recurrent pregnancy loss.

Recurrent Abortion Causes

Recurrent Abortion Causes

The root cause of recurrent abortion is complications in the embryo, the uterus, or the environment. Some of the recurrent abortion causes are stated below:

Genetic Abnormalities-:

The most common cause of recurrent abortion or recurrent miscarriage is genetic dysfunction. Twenty-three pairs of chromosomes are found in both men and women. 22 of the chromosomes are the same, but the last one decides the gender of the embryo.

The embryo takes half of the chromosomes from both parents. But sometimes, the chromosomes inherited by the embryo are abnormal. Due to these abnormal chromosomes, the woman has a recurrent abortion. The inheritance of abnormal chromosomes takes place naturally. However, this problem must be addressed by a fertility expert.

Uterine Anomalies-:

The uterus, or the womb, is the home of the growing fetus for nine months. Any problem associated with the shape of the uterus is bound to affect the embryo’s growth and may lead to recurrent miscarriage.

Uterine anomalies that lead to recurrent abortion are witnessed to affect 10-15% of women worldwide.

An abnormally shaped uterus in which only one side is fully developed, uterine fibroids, polyps, uterine septum, and double uterus in which the uterus is divided from the centre are some of the most common uterine anomalies.

Uterine anomalies are detected by running the following tests to determine the root cause and proceed with further diagnosis.

  • Ultrasound
  • Hysterosalpingography
  • Sonohysterography
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Magnetic Resonance
  • Laparoscopy

Antiphospholipid Syndrome-:

Antiphospholipid syndrome is a medical condition in which a person’s body starts producing antiphospholipid antibodies that attack the body’s internal system, resulting in the formation of clots and affecting pregnancy. The most common complications due to antiphospholipid syndrome that affect 3-15% of women include recurrent early abortion, late miscarriages, early preeclampsia, and stillbirths.

Hormonal and Metabolic Diseases-:

Metabolic and hormonal diseases like uncontrolled diabetes, PCOS, obesity, insulin resistance or insulin sensitivity, and untreated thyroid problems can be the causes of recurrent abortion. Also, if the female hormone responsible for a healthy pregnancy, progesterone, is not produced timely and in healthy amounts, this may lead to recurrent abortion.

Uterine Infections-:

Uterine and other bacterial infections like rubella, listeria, toxoplasmosis, and certain genital infections may contribute to miscarriages.

Apart from these, there are other less common causes of recurrent abortion, including stress, immunological causes that may treat the fetus as a foreign body and attack it, and cervical insufficiency.

Studies and research are still going on to identify the root cause of recurrent abortion and diagnose it accordingly.

Recurrent Abortion Symptoms

Recurrent Abortion Symptoms

Recurrent abortion may or may not be accompanied by any symptoms. However, if you are doubtful about your pregnancy, there are specific recurrent abortion symptoms that you can watch out for, like-as:

  • Bleeding or spotting
  • Frequent and excruciating contractions
  • Pain in the belly or back (mild to severe)
  • Discharge of pinkish-white mucus from the vagina
  • A clot-like tissue coming out from the vagina
  • Visible and sudden vanishing of signs of pregnancy
  • A constant feeling of grief

Preventive Measures to Avoid

If you want to increase your chances of delivering a baby by decreasing the risk of another miscarriage, there are certain precautions you can adopt for a positive outcome.

Experts state that the expecting couple can undertake the below-mentioned measures.

Plan Your Pregnancy at the Right Age-:

The risk of miscarriage increases with age. The rate of miscarriages witnesses a sharp increase once a woman crosses 30 years of age. This sharp increase is due to the increase in chromosomal abnormalities in the eggs produced by the ovaries. The most fertile age for women to become a mother is between 24 to 30. So, to reduce your risk of recurrent abortion, planning pregnancy at the right age is vital.

Maintain a healthy Body Mass Index-:

Medical experts believe a healthy body weight is essential for a healthy pregnancy. If the BMI is too low or too high, it may lead to complications in conceiving and sometimes may result in a miscarriage.

Proper and Timely Correction of Uterine Anomalies-:

Suppose the home of the growing embryo is not of the appropriate shape or has any other complication. In that case, it must be corrected timely under an experienced expert with the help of state-of-the-art technology available at fertility clinics like Imprimis IVF, Srinagar.

Check for any Antiphospholipid Syndrome Symptoms-:

Antiphospholipid syndrome must be checked for and diagnosed properly to end recurrent abortion.

Removal of Uterine Polyps and Uterine Fibroids-:

Uterine polyps and uterine fibroids should be removed if detected as the reason behind recurrent abortion.

Diabetes, Thyroid, and Kidney Problems must be addressed-:

Before thinking about conceiving, it is for the best that issues related to thyroid, kidney, and insulin production must be addressed to reduce the chances of recurrent abortion.

Addressing Hypertension Before Pregnancy-:

There is not much data to support the link between hypertension and pregnancy. However, experts believe that high blood pressure before conceiving may result in a miscarriage. So, it would help if you tried to bring your blood pressure under control to ensure a healthy and stress-free pregnancy.

Monitor Your Caffeine intake-:

It might be astonishing, but excessive caffeine consumption directly hampers your chances of carrying your pregnancy to term. Overconsumption of caffeine increases your heart rate as well as blood pressure. So, it is advised to cap your caffeine consumption to 150-200 milligrams per day to increase your chances of success in welcoming a healthy newborn.

Lifestyle Plays a Key Role-:

Following a healthy lifestyle can significantly help with a healthy pregnancy. The woman should avoid alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy to avoid any chances of miscarriage.

Recurrent Abortion Treatment

Recurrent Abortion Treatment

Recurrent abortion treatment is carried out after thoroughly examining the couple to identify the root cause. Based on the root cause, various treatment options are available to help prevent further miscarriages in women.

Some of the most trusted treatment options for recurrent abortion are stated below-:

In-vitro fertilization (IVF)-:

IVF treatment is a reliable option for couples with recurrent abortions. During this process, fertilization that naturally takes place in a woman’s vagina is carried out on a petri dish in a laboratory. Then after the successful fertilization of the egg, it is implanted in the woman’s uterus, where it grows for nine months.

Surgeries to fix Uterine Anomalies-:

After detecting the uterine anomaly, proper surgeries are undertaken by the reproductive specialist.

Treating other Medical Ailments-:

Diabetes, thyroid, and kidney problems are treated to increase the chances of a healthy nine months of pregnancy.

Medications to Prevent Blood Thinning and Clot Formation-:

Medications like Aspirin and Heparin are administered to the woman to avoid blood thinning and clotting.

The first step to diagnosing the problem of recurrent abortion is to consult an expert and avoid indulging in self-medication, as it may do more harm than good. Always remember stress-free lifestyle and a positive mindset are necessary for a healthy pregnancy.


We at Imprimis IVF understand that recurrent abortion can shatter hopes and bring sadness into your life. But the good news is recurrent abortion can be reversed with the proper treatment. The problem should be handled under the supervision and guidance of a good and experienced obstetrician. If you cannot carry a pregnancy to term, it is your calling to pay a visit to an obstetrician.

What are the Five Stages of IVF?

Five Stages of IVF – Life becomes even more blissful and fulfilling with the appearance of two pink lines on the pregnancy testing kit. These two lines bring a wave of emotions you have never experienced. But due to numerous physical, physiological, and environmental reasons, some couples can not conceive naturally. Medical advancements over the years have helped overcome this hurdle with Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). 

In-vitro fertilization, or IVF treatment, is the most trusted medical procedure that helps infertile couples trying hard for a baby but cannot do so.

However, before going for IVF treatment in Srinagar, it’s essential to prepare yourself by becoming familiar with the five stages of IVF Treatment.

Five Stages of IVF

IVF is a highly complex medical procedure that involves the following five stages of IVF-: 

Pre-cycle Testing

Before IVF treatment, the male and the female must undergo various tests like pelvic examination and transvaginal ultrasounds.

The fallopian tubes and uterus are carefully examined for any issues requiring a diagnosis. It is also known as ovarian reserve testing or fertility testing, which includes detecting sexually transmitted diseases, blood tests for hormonal imbalance, semen analysis, thyroid function, and ovarian reserve. 

Stage 1Ovarian Stimulation and Ovulation Triggering

 A woman’s ovaries are home to thousands of ovarian follicles. Each follicle contains an oocyte which is an immature egg cell. Stimulation of the ovaries is the process that prepares the ovaries to produce these eggs. The more eggs, the more favourable the outcome and success rate! 

To increase the shares of success, the woman is on hormone medication for 8-14 days. These medications are given as pills, patches, and injections that act on the ovaries to produce or overproduce eggs for fertilization. Also, these medications prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. On average, 15-30 hormonal medicines in the form of injections are administered to the female. 

These IVF injections happen to be quite expensive. The cost of IVF injections and medications for ovarian stimulation is around 60,000-80,000 INR. 

Stage 2: Egg Pick Up (EPU) or Egg retrieval

The egg retrieval process consists of using a needle, which is performed under general anaesthesia. As is clear from the name, this stage involves the collection of eggs from both ovaries. It is performed 34-36 hours after the last medication dose or trigger shot. The vagina is adequately cleaned, and the fertility expert correctly examines the ovaries through ultrasound before this stage. 

EPU is achieved with the help of transvaginal ultrasounds in which a needle is connected to a suction device. Through the vagina, this needle makes its way into each ovary. The egg (oocyte) is collected from each follicle as the needle enters the ovaries. It takes about 15-30 minutes to retrieve an egg. These retrieved eggs are stored to fuse with sperm harvested from the male.  

Stage 3: Sperm Retrieval

The sperm from the male are harvested two-three days before fertilization or on the day of retrieval of eggs. 

The various methods available to retrieve sperm from the male are stated below: 

  • Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA)
  • Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE)
  • Microdissection TESE (microTESE) 
  • Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)
  • Micro Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA) 

Stage 4: Fertilization

IVF treatment typically involves the manual fertilization of eggs with sperm ejaculated by the male partner. The necessary condition for fertilization is that the eggs must be mature. The retrieved eggs are examined for mature eggs. 

In this stage, the sperm is injected into the eggs collected during stage 2 with the help of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) or through conventional fertilization, where the sperm and eggs are placed on a small dish where the sperm is allowed to fuse with the egg on its own. Fertilization is carried out 3-5 days after the retrieval of eggs at a clinic or doctor’s office. The ICSI IVF cost may vary from one fertility centre to another. 

Stage 5: Transferring the Embryo into the Uterus

3-5 days after the successful completion of EPU, embryo transfer is carried out. During this stage, a long, thin, and flexible tube is allowed into the vagina, which enters the uterus. The tube is coined as a catheter. The catheter carries a syringe consisting of one or more embryos. One of the embryos is finally placed in the uterus. If the embryo gets successfully implanted in the uterine lining, it will result in a pregnancy. 

Embryo transfer takes up to 5 minutes and is performed without anaesthesia as it’s a painless procedure. 

After this stage, a pregnancy test is undertaken by the woman after ten days. The pregnancy test is repeated after 7-8 days. The IVF treatment is successful if two pink lines appear on the pregnancy test kit. 

Conclusively, IVF treatment takes about 6-8 weeks (45-60 days). 

Should you return home and continue your daily activities after IVF treatment? 

A common question may strike a couple’s mind after IVF treatment is completed. The answer is plain and simple, yes. There’s no need for strict bed rest after IVF. 

It’s for the best that you carry on with your daily activities to keep your mind occupied. Staying positive is the key to turning your IVF cycle successful. 

The Success Rate and Cost of IVF Treatment in 2023

The success rate of IVF treatment depends on an array of factors. The success rate of IVF treatment lies between 30-40% for women below 35. For women above 35, the success rate decreases and is witnessed to be around 20-30%.

The average IVF treatment cost, including medical tests, drugs, and the entire process, lies between 1,50,000 to 2,50,000 INR. 

The cost of IVF treatment will vary according to the type of IVF treatment, number of cycles, medical tests during IVF, geographical location, and success rate of the fertility centre. 

Potential Risks and Complications of IVF Treatment

Even though IVF treatment has one of the highest success rates among all other reproductive treatments, it also has potential risks and complications that a couple must be aware of.

Some of the most common risks and complications of IVF treatment are stated as follows:  

  • Multiple Pregnancies-: Sometimes, the IVF cycle can result in multiple pregnancies, which can lead to low birth weight and early labour and, in some cases, pose a threat to the life of both the mother and the babies. 
  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)-: The medications given during the first stage of IVF to stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs can sometimes result in overstimulation. This overstimulation of ovaries due to medications like human chorionic gonadotropins (HCG) may result in bloating, vomiting, diarrhoea, swelling of the abdominal region, and nausea. This condition is known as Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS).  
  • Premature Births-: The IVF procedure can also increase the risk of early labour and premature births. 
  • Ectopic Pregnancy or Extrauterine Pregnancy-: In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg, instead of getting implanted along the uterine lining, will get implanted somewhere else, like the fallopian tube. Data shows that around 2-5% of women are seen to have ectopic pregnancy after undergoing IVF treatment. If ectopic pregnancy occurs, the couple can not carry the pregnancy to term. 
  •  Emotional fatigue-: IVF treatment is more of an emotional ride for a couple, especially a woman. Since the success rate of IVF is around 30-40% only, fear of failure always lingers in a woman’s mind.

A plethora of times, a couple has to undergo more than one IVF cycle. As mentioned, each IVF cycle can take up to 45-60 days. It can build up negative thoughts about conceiving and take a toll on a couple’s mental health. 

Bottom line

Five Stages of IVF – IVF treatment is advised for infertile couples who have tried other ART techniques or have had multiple failures. Couples considering IVF treatment must consult the best fertility centre, like Imprimis IVF, Srinagar, for the best consultation. Since IVF is a complicated process, fertility centres like Imprimis IVF also help ensure a maximum success rate.

Female Infertility: Symptoms, Cause, Diagnosis & Treatment

Female Infertility: Infertility is a medical condition in which a couple cannot get pregnant after having regular sexual intercourse without contraception for 12 months or more. For women above 35, infertility means being unable to conceive after having traditional intercourse for six months. 

It can also be defined as the condition where a woman can conceive but either has repeated miscarriages or stillbirths. If infertility is due to the female partner, it is termed female infertility.  

Scientifically, during unprotected intercourse, the sperm ejaculated by the fertile male partner swims through the uterus and reaches the egg for fertilization. But the sperm cannot do so because of some ovulatory dysfunction in the female. Or even if the sperm can fertilize the egg, the embryo so formed cannot get implanted in the uterus, which leads to a miscarriage. 

Types of Infertility in Females 

Female infertility has become a household term affecting 1 in every six women. Infertility in females, or infertility, in general, can be classified into two types:

  • Primary infertility-: If a couple has never been able to conceive, or even if they have, they could not carry the pregnancy to term. 
  • Secondary infertility-: If a couple has at least one child but cannot conceive for a second time. 

Female Infertility Causes

The female reproductive system is quite delicate. Even the slightest dysfunction in any part, namely the uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tube, can lead to issues in conceiving.  

The root cause behind female infertility may or may not be detected accurately. The reports may appear normal, but you may still be unable to conceive. However, numerous factors have been witnessed to be the primary causes of female infertility causes which are stated below: 


PCOS is found to be one of the most common causes of female infertility as it disrupts menstruation and can lead to the formation of cysts which are around 8mm in size. These cysts produce eggs but cannot release them, so ovulation can not occur. 

The ovaries regulate the production of estrogen and progesterone. However, sometimes the ovaries produce an excess of male hormone androgens. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS refers to a medical condition that leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle and shedding of the endometrium as a result of hormonal imbalance due to the production of the male hormone androgens. 

Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are found in the form of growths or lumps and are caused due to the imbalance of reproductive hormones, namely estrogen and progesterone. The uterine fibroids can block or damage the fallopian tube, which may further lead to complications in conceiving. Around 20% of childbearing women have uterine fibroids.


Endometriosis is a medical condition when the uterine lining starts to grow outside the uterine cavity, like the abdomen, pelvis, behind the uterus, or in the ovaries. 

This condition can lead to infertility as it doesn’t allow the smooth transfer of eggs from the ovaries to the fallopian tube because of the growth of scars between the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. 

Endometriosis may also lead to endometrial cysts and may prevent the fertilized egg from getting implanted in the uterine wall. 

Blocked or Damaged Fallopian Tubes-:

Fallopian tubes are home to eggs. The sperm swims through the uterus and enters the fallopian tube. A blocked or damaged fallopian tube prevents the sperm from reaching the eggs and makes natural conception almost impossible. 

Sexually transmitted infections, pelvic inflammatory disorders, pelvic surgery, and pelvic tuberculosis are some of the reasons that block or damage the fallopian tubes.  

Around 20% of infertility issues stem from damaged or blocked fallopian tubes


Production of Prolactin hormone in large amounts is referred to as hyperprolactinemia which can result in infertility issues. 

Ovarian Cysts

If ovarian cysts (a fluid-filled sac in or on the ovaries) are formed due to medical conditions like PCOS or endometriosis, it may pose problems in conceiving. 

Premature Ovarian Failure

Premature ovarian failure refers to the early onset of menopause around or before the age of 40 or 45. It is bound to cause problems in conceiving naturally. 

Hypothalamic Dysfunction

Hypothalamic dysfunction occurs when the hypothalamus cannot function optimally. When this happens, the hypothalamus cannot coordinate with the pituitary gland that regulates the timely release of healthy eggs for fertilization. The process of ovulation comes to a stop due to hypothalamic dysfunction. 

Ectopic Pregnancy

During a normal pregnancy, the egg, after fertilization, is implanted in the endometrial lining. Ectopic pregnancy, also known as extra-uterine pregnancy, occurs when the embryo gets implanted somewhere else in the uterus. This medical condition may lead to miscarriages. Bleeding is often witnessed during an ectopic pregnancy.

Sexually Transmitted Infections-:

Sexually transmitted diseases can potentially prevent natural conception.

These infections can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and can also cause damage to the fallopian tubes. Both these conditions are directly linked to infertility in females. 

  • Uterine Abnormalities-: Uterine abnormalities can be the reason behind female infertility. Uterine abnormalities may result from the growth of scar tissues, fibroids, polyps, miscarriage, multiple abortions, infections, and the growth of benign tissues. 
  • Cancer-: Uterus cancer is the primary reason behind the development of tumours of varying sizes. These tumours are found to be one of the causes of female infertility. 
  • Other Hormonal Imbalances-: LH, FSH, and estrogen are the hormones responsible for the timely release of healthy eggs. However, the ovulation process gets disrupted if the eggs are released in the wrong amount and at the wrong time due to hormonal fluctuations. 
  • Unexplained infertility-: When the cause behind infertility can’t be ruled out during the infertility tests in females, this type of infertility is categorized under unexplained infertility. 

Data shows that in as many as 10-30% of cases, the root cause behind female infertility can not be identified. 

Risk Factors of Infertility in Females

Gynaecologists have drawn up a list of risk factors associated with infertility in females. The risk factors of female infertility include: 

  • Age (above 35)
  • Drugs and steroids
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Poor diet
  • Heavy exercises 
  • Medications
  • Chemotherapy and radiation treatment 
  • Eating disorders like anorexia, binge eating, bulimia 
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Stressful regime
  • Poor Body Mass Index (being underweight or overweight) 

Female Infertility Symptoms

Numerous symptoms back infertility in females you can keep an eye on before arriving at any conclusion. Female infertility symptoms include: 

  • Irregular and Abnormal Menstrual Cycle-: If you have irregular periods or your menstrual cycle lasts for more than seven days, it can be a symptom of infertility. A healthy menstrual cycle is of around 21 to 35 days. Reproductive issues may arise If it is less than 21 days or more than 35 days. The irregular menstruation cycle accounts for around 30-40% of cases of female infertility.
  • Prolonged and Heavy Bleeding during Periods-: If you have heavy bleeding during periods that last for more than the normal range of 2-7 days, it can lead to fertility issues. 
  • Excruciating Pain during Periods-: Bearable pain for a day or two is common, but if your periods are accompanied by severe pain and cramps, it can be due to a reproductive health problem like endometriosis. 
  • Unexplained Weight Gain or Loss-: If you have lost or put on weight unexpectedly, you should get a medical checkup. 
  • Pain during Sexual Intercourse-: If you feel Intolerable pain constantly during sexual intercourse with your partner, it can point towards infertility. 
  • Hair Growth on Unwanted Areas-: If you witness hair growth on unwanted areas like the chest, jawline, and at your back, it may indicate PCOS or other medical problems linked to infertility. 
  • Hormonal Imbalances-: If the hormonal balance in the body is disrupted, it may affect fertility in females and can cause acne, reduced sex drive, and thinning of hair. 
  • No Periods-: Complete absence during childbearing age indicates something is wrong with your reproductive system. 

If you observe such symptoms, you should visit a gynaecologist or IVF expert

Infertility Tests for Females

Before treatment comes the identification of the root cause behind the reproductive ailment. We’ve already learned that female infertility can be caused by many factors that need to be identified. The fertility specialist carries out an array of infertility tests for females to determine the cause, which includes: 

  • Physical examination 
  • Urine test
  • Pap smear
  • Blood test
  • Genetic testing 
  • Ultrasound scan
  • Laparoscopy
  • X-ray Hysterosalpingography (HSG)  
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Saline sonohysterogram 

Female Infertility Treatment

After the root cause behind infertility is identified, fertility specialists take other parameters like the woman’s age, personal preferences, and overall health status into account for choosing the right fertility treatment

  • Fertility drugs and medications-: Fertility drugs are prescribed to women to stimulate ovulation and regulate irregular ovulation cycle. 
  • Tubal surgeries-: Tubal abnormalities are corrected with tubal surgeries like laparoscopy. Laparoscopy helps treat blocked or damaged fallopian tubes by creating a new opening for the sperm to enter. This surgery also helps treat fibroids and abnormal uterine shapes and remove endometrial cysts. 
  • Assisted Reproductive Technology-: Assisted reproductive Technology like IVF, IUI, and ICSI have helped infertile women conceive and welcome a healthy baby. 


Pregnancy is an age and time-dependent process. In today’s world, couples do not prefer having children at an early age which is why infertility is a common problem. So, planning a pregnancy can help you enormously if you want to increase your stakes of natural conception. If you notice any symptom that you think can be problematic, visit a gynaecologist. Also, ensure you maintain a healthy lifestyle to welcome a healthy baby. 

And if you want to know more about ART treatment in Srinagar, we welcome you to the best fertility centre, Imprimis IVF

Male Infertility: Symptoms, Cause, Diagnosis & Treatment

Male infertility is more prevalent than one might think. We are used to seeing women as the ones with issues, but the contribution of men toward infertility is almost equal. 

Fertility in men revolves around three primary parameters, namely sperm count, sperm motility, and sperm morphology. When for some reason, any of the parameters mentioned above is altered, it results in male infertility. 

What is Male Infertility? 

Male infertility is when a man cannot help his female partner conceive after having sexual intercourse without contraception for 12 months or more. 

Statistical Data for Male Infertility 

Scientists have stated that infertility in men has witnessed a drastic increase during the past few decades owing to numerous factors.

According to the data put forward by the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction (ISAR), around 10-14% of Indian couples are affected by infertility issues. 

Data shows that one-third of cases of infertility are due to females, one-third to males, and one-third to both males and females. 

Infertility is more prevalent in metropolitan cities where people are more exposed to risk factors that pace the way to problems in conceiving. 

Understanding the causes and risk factors of infertility in men is essential. 

Causes of Male Infertility 

Infertility in men is caused due to altered semen parameters, including sperm count, sperm motility, and sperm morphology. 

Sperm Count-: 

A normal or healthy sperm count means the sperm concentration is more than 15 million sperm/ml of the semen sample. If your sperm count is less than 15 million/ml, it may cause problems in conceiving. 

Sperm Motility-: 

In simple terms, we can say sperm motility is the ability of the sperm to swim toward the egg for fertilization. Normal sperm motility is considered to be around 40%. 

The number 40% signifies that out of the total sperms produced, 40% are efficient enough to swim through the uterus and reach the egg. 

Sperm Morphology-: 

Sperm morphology is defined as the shape and size of a sperm cell. If there is a problem with the shape or size of the head, midpiece, or tail of the sperm, it may lead to infertility. 

Male infertility is associated with many hormonal, physical, psychological, and behavioural problems and risk factors. The causes of male infertility are stated below: 

Hormonal imbalance-:

  • Hormonal balance is vital for the healthy upkeep of the body. However, if the balance is disturbed, this may affect the normal functioning of the thyroid, hypothalamus, adrenal, and pituitary glands. This imbalance can lead to complications in conceiving. 

Genetic dysfunction-

  • Kallmann’s disorder, Kartegener’s disorder, Klinefelter disorder, and cystic fibrosis are commonly witnessed genetic conditions that can lead to infertility in men. Genetic dysfunction accounts for 10-15% of cases of low sperm count.


  • The production of sperm by the testicles is a temperature-dependent process. If the temperature becomes high, sperm production reduces. 

The scrotum is that part of the male reproductive system responsible for maintaining the ideal temperature in the testicles. But when the vein in the scrotum gets enlarged, blood flow to the testicles increases, and sperm production decreases. This medical condition is termed scrotum varicose veins or varicocele.


Sexually transmitted diseases and inflammatory bacterial infections can lead to scars that may negatively impact sperm production. 

Previous Surgeries-:

Surgeries of the male reproductive system, like the bladder, testicles, scrotum, or the organs surrounding it like the stomach, hernia, abdominal region, prostate, and rectum, can hamper sperm production and fertility.

Excessive Drinking and Smoking-:

Alcohol and tobacco affect sperm motility. Excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking results in defective sperm, poor sexual performance, and deteriorated testosterone levels. However, controlled intake of alcohol and tobacco doesn’t contribute to infertility in men.

Spinal Cord Injury-:

Any injury in or around the spinal cord can lead to infertility issues in men.

Retrograde Ejaculation-:

Normal ejaculation occurs when the semen darts through the penis. But in some cases, the semen enters the bladder instead of flowing out through the penis. This medical abnormality is known as retrograde ejaculation and significantly affects fertility in men.

Testicular Cancer-:

Testicular cancers and even non-malignant tumours adversely affect male fertility.


An injury, surgery, or bacterial infection can cause testicular trauma. An immune response is triggered in the testes that results in sperm damage.


Haemochromatosis is a medical abnormality in which iron gets deposited in the testes.

Drugs and Steroids-:

Drug intake and supplementation have been linked directly to decreased sperm count.


Being overweight also contributes to male infertility.

Excessive Exercise-:

Exercise helps boost your reproductive health, but excessive exercise is seen to decrease testosterone levels.

Stressful Regime-:

A stressful regime increases your body’s production of stress hormones. This overproduction of stress hormones adversely affects the production of testosterone and other hormones responsible for sperm production.

Symptoms of Male Infertility

Well, a majority of times, male infertility may go asymptomatic. However, there are cases where men witness evident male infertility symptoms that may warrant a medical checkup, including: 

  • Inability to ejaculate
  • Decrease in volume of seminal fluid
  • Infected semen (coloured semen)
  • Pain or swelling around the genital area
  • Poor sex drive or reduced sexual desire
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Abnormal increase in breast size
  • Evident reduction in facial and body hair

Diagnosis of Male Infertility

The diagnosis begins with male fertility tests from an advanced laboratory. The second step is to repeat the test from a different laboratory. If both the times the results highlight a problem, seek medical guidance. 

Infertility Tests for Males 

Conducted to identify the root cause of infertility are: 

  • Semen analysis
  • Hormone testing
  • Ultrasound – TRUS
  • Scrotal Doppler
  • Genetic testing
  • Testicular biopsy

You can successfully treat male infertility based on the cause and duration of infertility. There’s no need to worry endlessly about infertility test reports. You can use various surgical procedures to help you welcome a healthy baby. 

Surgical Treatment for Male Infertility

Depending on the test reports and cause, male infertility treatment takes into account various reconstructive procedures to restore fertility in men-:

  • Varicocele surgery
  • Vasovasostomy
  • Vasoepididymostomy
  • Trans-urethral resection of ejaculatory duct

In some infertility cases, surgeries are not required. Medications and lifestyle changes can help bring positive results that boost male fertility. 

Surgical Procedure to Help Conceive-: 

● IVF-: In vitro fertilization treatment may help conception as fertilization occurs in a laboratory under controlled conditions. Good quality sperm are detected and stored and then fused with the egg. This fertilized egg gets impacted into the uterus or your female partner. 

● ICSI-: Another ART is ICSI treatment which stands for intracytoplasmic sperm injection. The best part about ICSI is that only one sperm is required to carry out the treatment. This single sperm is injected directly into the uterus, fusing with the egg and leading to pregnancy. 

● Donor Sperm Insemination-: If nothing improves sperm health, you may opt for donor sperm insemination. During donor sperm insemination, a male with good sperm count, motility, and morphology is reached. His sperm is collected and stored. Then this sperm is fused with the egg using ART, resulting in pregnancy. 

Sperm Harvesting Procedures 

For IVF and ICSI, sperm for fertilization with the eggs are harvested side by side from the male using the below-mentioned sperm harvesting procedures: 

  • Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA)
  • Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)
  • Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE)
  • Micro Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA)
  • Microdissection TESE (microTESE)


Male infertility has become as common as female infertility. Data cement that fertility issues due to men are equal to those due to women. But the good news is like female infertility issues; male infertility is also treatable. You need to consult an experienced urologist who can diagnose and guide you. Also, ensure you undergo treatment from a highly trusted fertility centre like Imprimis IVF, Srinagar.  

Sperm Morphology

Your semen analysis reports indicate sperm morphology normal range– of 2%. Chances are you have no clue about what this 2% stands for. And sperm morphology treatment might be a ghost term for you. You are eager to know if this means you are infertile or if there are other concerning issues. Is it possible to figure out what the term ‘sperm morphology’ implies so that you don’t have to go and see a doctor?

Imprimis IVF, Srinagar, will help you navigate sperm morphology treatment and the associated problems, if any.

What is Sperm Morphology

Morphology is a biological term that studies the form and structure of a living organism or any of its body parts. So, when we are using this term with sperm in simple words, we can say that sperm morphology is the study of the form and structure of sperm, i.e. its shape and size.

Every part of your body has a specific shape to perform particular functions. For instance, your blood vessels are designed to have a tube-like shape. And their primary function is to carry or supply oxygen and nutrients to various organs of your body. For some reason, if the condition of your blood vessels gets deformed or there is a blockage in any of the blood vessels, it will lead to severe problems. It will disrupt the whole process of blood circulation.

The same is true for your sperm. Your sperm must be of a specific shape and size. If there is any deformity, it is bound to create difficulties in getting pregnant.

Sperm Morphology Normal Range

The sperm cell is produced in your testes. A sperm has three parts: head, midpiece, and tail.

If all the parts of a sperm cell are of standard shape and size, then it is known as normal sperm morphology. A typically shaped sperm cell has the following dimensions and functions:

  • Head-: The head of the sperm cell has a smooth oval shape with a pointed front end. The nucleus that carries the DNA of the sperm cell is present in the head.

A normal-shaped sperm is 5-6 micrometres long and 2.5-3.5 micrometres wide.

  • Acrosome cap-: Acrosome cap makes up nearly 40-70% of the sperm’s head.

A protective membrane surrounds the egg produced by the ovaries. The sperm cell has to penetrate through this membrane to reach the egg for fertilization. The well-pointed acrosome cap is used for this purpose.

  • Midpiece-: The midpiece of the sperm cell is thinner than its head and provides it with energy to swim.
  • Tail-: Ideally, the tail is around 45-50 micrometres long. It’s thinner than the other two parts of the sperm cell.

The sperm has to swim through the uterus to fuse with the egg to fertilize it. The tail of the sperm helps it to swim through the uterus.

Apart from this, the head of a customarily shaped sperm should not contain large fluid-filled drops or vacuoles.

Which factors determine Normal Sperm Morphology? 

The male hormone, testosterone, is responsible for regulating the production of sperm. It might surprise you, but the male reproductive system also produces the hormone estrogen.

For sperm to have a normal sperm morphology, there must be a proper balance between the production of these two hormones. If this balance is disturbed for any reason, it will hinder the process of sperm formation.

This process of sperm formation occurs at its own natural pace. It takes about 65-90 days for a sperm to be formed. It starts with a single round-shaped cell that slowly grows into the sperm we see in the diagram.

Optimum testosterone levels ensure that as the sperm cell grows, each part, i.e. the head, midsection, and tail, have the proper shape and size. It is due to poor levels of testosterone that result in abnormal shape and size of the sperm cell. Abnormal sperm morphology or teratozoospermia refers to abnormalities or defects in the form and dimensions of the head, midsection, or tail. 

Abnormal sperm morphology is characterized either by head defects, midsection defects, tail defects, or in some cases; the sperm is acrosomeless. 

It has the following defective characteristics:

  • Two heads or two tails
  • An elongated and deformed head
  • A rough head
  • The bent, asymmetrical, or irregular midpiece
  • Bent, short or coiled tail
  • Vacuolated head

These are some of the abnormalities that occur in a sperm cell.

You must be wondering, is abnormal sperm morphology a matter of concern? Data shows that typically 30-40% of a man’s sperm have abnormal morphology. The problem in conceiving starts when most sperm are abnormally shaped.

You have a normal sperm morphology if your semen sample has 4-14% usually shaped sperm. This range is defined under Kruger’s criteria. However, if it falls to less than 4%, you have a low sperm morphology. 

You must note that abnormal sperm morphology is not a parameter that indicates infertility. It simply represents the concentration of typically shaped sperm in your semen sample. 

Factors leading to Abnormal Sperm Morphology

  • Age-:. Sperm morphology deteriorates with your age. The testosterone levels decrease, leading to a decrease in sperm morphology.
  • Obesity-: As we know, testosterone is responsible for the production of sperm. For sperm to have a normal sperm morphology, the testes must produce an optimum testosterone level. 

If you are obese, then your body produces estrogen in high amounts. It leads to the underproduction of testosterone. And it further affects your sperm morphology.

  • Stressful regime-: If you have a stressful regime, then the amount of stress hormones in your body increases and adversely affects testosterone production. It further reduces your sperm morphology.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol-: Excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco can negatively impact the shape and size of your sperm.
  • Drugs and steroids-: Drugs like cocaine, marijuana, etc., affect your sperm morphology adversely.
  • Diabetes-: If you have diabetes, you are at a higher risk of abnormal sperm morphology.
Sperm abnormalities like double heads and round and elongated spermatids are more prevalent.
  • Genetics-: Heredity plays a role in deciding sperm morphology in a male. The family history of teratozoospermia is likely to be inherited genetically.
  • Exposure to chemicals-: If you come in close contact with herbicides, pesticides, paints, organic compounds like benzene, and heavy metals like lead, you may have a large number of abnormal sperms.

Abnormal Sperm Morphology Treatment

Sperm morphology treatment starts with a semen analysis. Before concluding anything, it’s advised to go for multiple semen analysis tests from top-notch laboratories to ensure maximum accuracy.

Lifestyle changes that can help boost morphology sperm count 

Surgery is not the only option to improve sperm morphology. You can enhance sperm morphology treatment by making small and simple changes in your day-to-day life.

  • Lose the extra weight-: If you are obese, you must manage your weight to improve your sperm morphology. Maintaining a healthy Body Mass Index will ensure good levels of testosterone.
  • Bid goodbye to recreational drugs-: Any drugs should be avoided to improve sperm morphology. 
  • Go for loose clothing-: Testes function at a proper temperature. A tight dress can hamper sperm production by increasing the temperature of the testes. I prefer wearing comfortable and breathable cotton underwear for healthy and normal sperm production.
  • Keep your alcohol and tobacco intake under control-: Yes, you need to limit your alcohol and tobacco consumption if you desire to improve sperm morphology.
  • Consult a trusted fertility specialist-: People often skip consulting a specialist and start taking medicines blindly without knowing the root cause that needs diagnosis. Reaching out to a good clinic like Imprimis IVF, the best Infertility treatment centre in Srinagar proves beneficial.

As already stated, sperm production takes around 65-90 days. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle for 3-6 months is essential to gather positive results.

Data shows that 90% of the time, You can improve sperm morphology with these simple lifestyle changes. The remaining 10% of cases can rely on treatment options to improve sperm morphology.

Treatments for Poor Sperm Morphology

Certain Assisted Reproductive Technology methods have helped men with abnormal sperm morphology. The most promising and trusted ART treatment methods include:

  • IUI-: IUI, which stands for Intrauterine Insemination, has helped tackle abnormal sperm count in men with high sperm count and sperm motility.

IUI treatment is cost-effective because a washed or processed sperm is injected directly into the uterus.

  • ICSI-IVF-: If the sperm count, as well as motility, is low, then in-vitro fertilization with ICSI can help you conceive if you have abnormal sperm morphology.

In ICSI treatment, the egg is fertilized with the help of a single sperm cell. After getting fertilized, this egg is then implanted in the uterine lining.

This method has summoned encouraging results when sperm morphology is as low as 2%.

Final Words 

The test results of semen analysis can spark many questions about abnormal sperm morphology treatment. There’s no need to stress about this unknown term sperm morphology. Remember that stress plays a crucial role in the process of sperm production. So it would be best if you keep stress at bay. Consult a reproductive specialist if you cannot stop worrying about the complications of abnormal sperm morphology. Follow a healthy and stress-free lifestyle. It will not only help improve sperm morphology but also help you stay fit in the long run.

What is the IVF Success Rate in Srinagar, India

With medical advancements, IVF has emerged as a boon for infertile couples. In-vitro Fertilisation has registered massive success rates around the globe. A plethora of factors influence the IVF success rate. A woman’s age is one of the predominant factors in deciding the IVF treatment success rates. So, naturally, every couple wants to dive into the depths of IVF success rates by ageImprimis IVF, the best IVF centre in Srinagar, is here to help you with your questions. 

IVF success rates by age and number of embryos

Our IVF experts in Srinagar have concluded that the best age for a woman to welcome a baby is between 24 and 30. The woman is physically and mentally armed to start a family during this age. However, there have been cases where a woman cannot conceive at an early age and has to turn to IVF. 

The IVF success rate lies between 30-40%.

IVF success rates revolve around the age of 35. Doctors divide the IVF success rate into two age groups. 

  • IVF success rates under 35
  • IVF success rates after 35 

Two important parameters describe IVF success rates. One is the “clinical pregnancy rate“, and the other is the “live pregnancy rate“. 

Clinical pregnancy rate means how many women successfully conceive a baby per IVF cycle. Meanwhile, the live birth rate refers to how many women give birth to a healthy baby with IVF. 

Now, let’s understand how these two parameters determine the IVF success rate with the help of two cases. 

IVF Success Rates Under 35

Suppose a 31-year-old woman is undergoing IVF treatment in Srinagar at Imprimis IVF. We can describe the success rate for 31-year-old women with the parameters mentioned above. The chances of conceiving a baby or clinical pregnancy rates are around 40%. But the live birth rate for this woman with IVF treatment is between 33-36%

IVF Success Rates Over 35

As a woman crosses the border at the age of 35, a steep decline is witnessed in clinical pregnancy and live birth rates. The clinical pregnancy rate declines from 40% to 25-30%. Meanwhile, the live birth rate for those over 35 is 20%.

IVF success rates over 40 

After hitting 40, there is a natural and consistent decrease in the quantity and quality of your eggs. As a result, the success rate of IVF at 40 decreases considerably. The clinical pregnancy, as well as the live birth rates, plummet further. The chances of pregnancy between 40-42 with a woman’s eggs are about 16%, and the live birth rate is around 10%

  • The chances for women between 43-44 are further reduced to 7%.
  • After clocking 45, the IVF success rate is 2-3%.

Women over 40 can consider taking the help of donor egg IVF treatment after consulting with their reproductive specialist. 

IVF Success Rate By Number Of Embryos.

The number of embryos and their quality can increase or decrease the distance between you and your baby. The uterus must produce many good-quality eggs that can be implanted in the uterus during IVF and help in conceiving. 

But this doesn’t mean implanting more embryos will increase your stakes of achieving pregnancy. Let’s understand how the number of embryos influences IVF success rates. 

Single vs. Multiple Embryos-

Single embryo transfer is preferred over multiple/double embryo transfer in IVF treatment. The most apparent reason is that multiple embryo transfers result in more complications and negative outcomes. Multiple embryo transfer increases the risk of twin pregnancy, which further impacts the baby’s health. The risk is higher when the woman is over 35. The efficacy rates of single embryo transfer stand at around 42%. 2 embryo success transfer rates are around 45%

Frozen Embryo Transfer Success Rates-

Frozen embryo transfer technology is on the rise these days in India. In some cases, excellent results are summoned with frozen embryo transfer instead of fresh egg transfer. 

The embryo transfer success rates lie between 50-60%

Why IVF Success Rate Decreases with Age

1. Diminishing Ovarian Reserve (Reduced Egg Quality and Quantity)-The ovarian reserve diminishes as a woman ages. Reduction in egg quality and quantity is natural and irreversible. 

The IVF treatment cost in Srinagar also increases accordingly. 

2. Poor Embryo Quality-There’s a difference between an embryo’s appearance (morphology) and quality. Defected/abnormal embryos fail to implant into the uterus after their transfer. 

Other Factors Impacting IVF Success Rates- 

1. No Ovarian Response -There are five stages of IVF; during the first stage, a woman is on medications to increase the production of eggs. In women with low levels of AMH, the ovaries will not respond to these medications, and IVF treatment will not yield success. 

2. Sperm Quality: Fertilization involves the fusion of eggs with sperm. Poor quality sperm is bound to impact IVF success rates.

3. Lifestyle – Consumption of alcohol, smoking, and higher weight directly impact IVF success rates. 

How do you make IVF successful the first time?

No IVF centre in Srinagar can guarantee 100% success rates. However, there are certain precautionary steps that you can take to reduce your number of IVF cycles.

  • Choosing the right IVF clinic- IVF is a complex Assisted Reproductive Technology. Choosing the right clinic armed with excellent IVF expertise and state-of-the-art lab fertility technology like Imprimis IVF, which delivers the best IVF treatment in Srinagar, can increase your chances of having your little human by a good percentage. The right IVF clinic in Srinagar can be a game-changer! 
  • Keep your dosage and medication timing in check-: Don’t risk skipping your IVF medications. Take your daily dose of IVF medications at the proper time without fail. 
  • A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet-: After the embryo implantation, the woman should consume a diet rich in fruits and green leafy vegetables. IVF doctors in Srinagar recommend consuming small and frequent balanced diets. Adequate water intake is a must. Refrain from consuming bakery products that contain excess sugar. Abstain from smoking and drinking to increase the efficacy of the IVF treatment. 
  • No strict bed rest-: It might come as a shock, but it can be an enemy. As a woman is constantly dreaded with thoughts about conceiving, what if it fails? If strict bed rest is followed, then these negative thoughts thrive. This increases the secretion of stress hormones, which contract the uterus.
  • Positivity and belief are important. It is vital to stay positive and believe that your IVF journey will push you toward your baby. 

Donor Egg IVF Success Rates-

As we’ve already learned, the number and quality of eggs decrease sharply once a woman crosses 35. It means the chances of conceiving with one’s eggs also decrease. But that doesn’t mark the end of the road to pregnancy. Donor egg IVF treatment has summoned a promising live birth rate of around 19% in older women. 

IVF success rate by age with PGS.

IVF Success rate

One of the pronounced reasons IVF treatment fails is genetic abnormalities in the embryo. Either this abnormal embryo will not implant in the uterus lining or will result in miscarriage. The genetic abnormalities in the embryo increase with age. It significantly hampers the IVF success rates amongst women over 35.

PGS or PGD, or PGT, stands for Preimplantation Genetic Testing. This Infertility test involves genetic testing of the blastocyst (day 5) embryos before implantation. PGS removes the hurdle of chromosome abnormalities and increases success rates. However, PGS is prescribed in special cases only:

Shedding light on the success rate of IVF treatment with PGS, positive results are summoned amongst older women. 

IVF Success Rate by Age and AMH 

IVF Success rate

AMH, which stands for anti-Mullerian hormone, is secreted by primordial follicles in your ovaries. Why do AMH levels play a vital role in determining IVF success rates? AMH is a predictive biomarker that predicts/indicates a woman’s ovarian reserve. 

Normal AMH levels for healthy pregnancy range between 1.0 and 4.0ng/ml. The anti-Mullerian hormone is an age-dependent parameter. Studies have shown that the ovarian reserve or the AMH level is reduced by 10% yearly. As a woman ages, the number of primordial follicles decreases. So, the AMH level decreases. AMH levels for different ages decrease in the following order: 

  • At 25 – 3ng/ml
  • At 30 – 2.5ng/ml
  • At 35 – 1.5ng/ml
  • At 40– 1ng/ml
  • At 45 – 0.5ng/ml

The AMH level varies and provides crucial data about ovarian reserve to predict success rates. 


Before choosing IVF, researching IVF success rates by age proves helpful. But nothing can beat talking to a reproductive specialist to chalk out a plan for your age. For example, if you are at 25, discuss the IVF success rates at 25, medical requirements, and everything that concerns you. Make sure you visit the best IVF centre in Srinagar, like Imprimis IVF and Fertility Centre, take your medications religiously and stay super positive!