Tag Archive for: Diet during IVF Injections

What does Lupron do for IVF?

Medications are an integral part of the IVF treatment. Depending on the medical condition and other factors certain injections are administered to set the base for healthy development of the eggs. Lupron Injection is one such medication that is frequently administered before ovarian stimulation medications are given for a successful IVF treatment. 

Another drug, hCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is also widely used for egg maturation. But Lupron tops the list as it is better tolerated by the body. 

Lupron, lupride, or leuprolide acetate is a synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a). It is given to a woman at the start of the IVF treatment especially when there is a need to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs in a controlled manner. Putting it simply, lupron helps control the development of eggs in the ovaries. 

Why is Lupron injection needed? 

Why is Lupron injection needed? 

To understand the need for Lupron injection we need to get down to the process of ovulation. 

  1. During menstruation, the hypothalamus which is a part of the brain releases gonadotropin-releasing hormone ie. GnRH. 
  2. This hormone sets the pituitary (another part of the brain) in motion to produce Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and the Follicle follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in the blood.
  3. These two pituitary hormones awaken the ovary every month to produce an egg for fertilization, secrete estrogen, and ovulate. 

So, when Lupron is injected into the body regularly it mimics the structure of GnRH and triggers the production of pituitary hormones FSH and LH. 

Initially, the pituitary glands fail to recognize the difference between GnRH and lupron (GnRH-a). However, with the regular administration of lupron, the pituitary glands become alert to this foreign element. As a result, the pituitary glands cap the production of both FSH and LH. The secretion of these hormones keeps on reducing as long as lupron injections are administered. This condition is termed pituitary down-regulation. In simple terms, it can be stated that Lupron helps reduce the secretion of these hormones

But why is it important to control the secretion of these hormones during IVF? Aren’t these hormones important for conception? 

Lupron is administered to the woman to limit the secretion of certain hormones to prevent early or premature ovulation during IVF. This helps in the development of multiple mature eggs in the ovaries. As soon as this condition is achieved the ovaries and the reproductive system are ready to respond positively to other medications that are administered for a successful IVF cycle. Ultimately, fertility experts gain more control over the ovulation timing, the egg retrieval process, and the implantation timing.

After embryo transfer, lupron ensures a healthy environment for its development free from any hormonal fluctuations. Hence, increasing the chances of success of the IVF cycle.

That’s just one part of the story of Lupron. It also has other significant roles to play in an IVF cycle like:
  • Leuprolide acetate is also administered to stimulate the ovaries. 
  • Also, it can be used as a trigger to assist with the complete maturation of the eggs for IVF. This is referred to as Lupron Trigger.
  • As the ovaries are also responsible for the production of estrogen and progesterone, Lupron indirectly helps regulate their secretion.
  • Lupron also finds application in the treatment of endometriosis, prostate cancer, and large uterine fibroids.
  • It plays a vital role in treating CPP which is central precocious (early) puberty in children.

The Lupron Protocol during IVF 

It is generally given daily for 2-3 weeks before the process of ovarian stimulation begins. However, the duration depends on your medical reports and your body’s requirements. The Lupron medication kit generally contains 14 injections (for 2 weeks) and 2.8 ml of Lupron in the form of Leuprolide acetate. Typically fertility specialists administer Lupron in three phases which are stated below: 

Phase 1

This phase generally starts one week before the ovarian stimulation process. The Lupron administration process begins as soon as the natural ovulation is completed. 

Phase 2

The administration of Leuprolide acetate will carry on. But in phase 2 the fertility experts cut down on the dosage in comparison with phase 1. 

Phase 3

This phase sets in 36 hours before the egg retrieval process. The dosage is discontinued before the hCG trigger shot is administered for final egg maturation. 

After some days of regular Lupron shots, FSH injections will also become a part of the IVF journey. You will have blood tests and ultrasound to monitor the entire process. 

Lupron Injection Side Effects

Lupron Injection Side Effects

More than anything else, keeping your stress levels in check is the first step towards a successful IVF cycle. However, experiencing side effects at the start of your IVF journey can quickly switch on the panic button. So, it’s always better to know all the common side effects associated with a medication to stay calm during IVF. Lupron injection is accompanied by several short-term side effects mentioned below: 

  • Erratic mood swings
  • General body aches
  • Upset stomach
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Headache
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Hot flashes or night sweats
  • Edema
  • Weight gain
  • Body and face acne

The secretion of pituitary hormones is reduced to the same level as is witnessed during menopause (the time when a woman no longer has a monthly menstrual cycle). This means your body is pushed into a state of temporary menopause. So, you may have lighter or no periods during this phase. 

Other symptoms during the initial days include: 

  • Breast tenderness
  • Abnormal fluid retention
  • Joint pain
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Tingling
  • Itching or swelling at the injection site
  • Decreased libido

These symptoms vanish once Lupron usage is discontinued. 

In case, you suffer from excruciating pain or any other extreme side effect consult with your gynaecologist at the earliest. 

How is Lupron Injection Administered? 

Lupron injection is generally administered into the fatty tissue present just below the skin either in the form of daily injections or as monthly intramuscular depot injections using a small needle. It can be administered by the medical expert at your fertility clinic or you can also do it yourself at home by following the below-mentioned steps: 

  • Wash your hands thoroughly and properly sanitize the surface where you will lie down. 
  • Take a clean syringe and fill the Lupron medication into it. Always ensure that there is no air in the vial containing the medication.
  • Select a spot on the abdomen about two inches from your navel.
  • Hold the syringe at an angle of 45 degrees from the injection site.
  • Empty the contents of the syringe quickly.

Lupron injection can also be administered on the outer region of a woman’s thigh. As far as storage of Lupron injections is concerned, they generally don’t require refrigeration. However, it is for the best that you strictly follow your doctor’s guidelines. 

Imprimis IVF advises you to visit your fertility expert to get your Lupron injections. Once you feel confident enough go for self-administration. Do not miss out on any of the steps mentioned above every time you take your Lupron dose. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Does Lupron increase IVF success

Well not directly. IVF success rates depend on a plethora of factors. Some of them include the age of the woman, the quality of both the egg and the sperm, medical history, genetic conditions, and the expertise of your fertility specialist. However, proper and timely administration of Lupron will lay a robust foundation for other medications that play a vital role in IVF success rates. 

Is Lupron always given during IVF? 

No. Even though it is one of the best options available when it comes to ovulation regulation, Lupron is not always given during IVF. Doctors have a variety of options available in the form of agonists and antagonists to choose from and reduce the production of FSH and LH. hCG or human Chorionic Gonadotropin is seen as an alternative to Lupron. However, Lupron is seen as the better option because it is more tolerable than the former. 

Final Word 

IVF is a complex and delicate procedure in all dimensions. Not only the technology but also the medications administered before the treatment starts need to suit the woman’s body and meet some requirements for the treatment to proceed smoothly. 

Lupron is one such medication that doesn’t directly affect the success rate of IVF but sets the base for the treatment to proceed efficiently and offer promising success rates.

If you have any queries regarding Lupron, other medications or anything related to IVF treatment feel free to visit us at Imprimis IVF, Srinagar.

What is a trigger shot in IVF

IVF Trigger Shot – In-vitro Fertilisation treatment commonly known as IVF consists of various stages. You will be exposed to medications and tests at every step. This is done to increase the success rates of the treatment. Medications are administered to the couple as per their needs. The most common medication that is administered to women comes in the form of a trigger shot.

In this article, we are going to understand what is a trigger shot in IVF, its need, side effects, precautions, administration, and its role in deciding the success rate of the entire IVF procedure.

IVF and Trigger Shot

Pregnancy is the result of the formation of an embryo when the fusion of egg and sperm happens in the fallopian tube. But what if the egg is not mature or in the worst scenario no egg is released by the ovaries?

This is where In-vitro Fertilisation and trigger shot comes into the picture.

IVF is the most suitable treatment option for couples who have the following medical conditions-:

What is a Trigger Shot?

The word trigger means to start or initiate and shot means injection. Combining these two we can say that a trigger shot is a hormonal injection that initiates the maturation and release of eggs by the ovaries.

The two most common trigger shots widely used for IVF are hCG and Lupron. hCG which stands for human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone while Lupron is a drug.

Lupron is a non-hCG drug that is often recommended when the woman has a high risk of developing OHSS. Otherwise, hCG as a trigger shot is the first choice of fertility experts around the globe.

A trigger shot is not a necessary step in IVF.

It entirely depends on your requirements. The doctor will thoroughly analyze the ovulation process and other aspects to develop a treatment plan for you.

What is the need for a Trigger Shot?

Every woman has two ovaries which are responsible for releasing a mature egg every month for fertilisation. The quality of this egg and the well-being of the reproductive system decide your chances of getting pregnant.

In many infertility cases, the ovaries are not able to release mature eggs every month. This entire process of egg maturation and release is governed by Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

Poor quality eggs mean poor chances of pregnancy. A trigger shot helps address this problem associated with IVF treatment.

For this, we need to understand what the IVF procedure is all about.

In-vitro Fertilisation is the process of fertilization that takes place naturally in the fallopian tubes on a petri dish in a laboratory.

For this to happen the eggs released by the ovaries are collected by the doctor.

Trigger shot makes sure the ovaries produce mature eggs which can develop into strong and healthy embryos. They are vigilantly monitored by fertility experts and get implanted in the uterine cavity.

Ideally, a trigger shot is used when:

  • The ovaries are unable to release eggs on their own naturally

Timing the release of eggs for the egg retrieval process for IVF

  • The underlying cause of infertility is unknown

How long after the trigger shot does it take for you to ovulate?

It will take around 24 to 36 hours for the mature eggs to be released by the ovaries after the administration of the trigger shot.

Does the trigger shot stay in your body for too long?

Typically half of the initial concentration of the hCG injection is active for 24 to 36 hours inside your system. The remaining half concentration will also come out of your system depending on your metabolism, method of administration, and body mass index. It roughly takes 10 days for the injected hCG to come out.

When to take a Pregnancy Test?

hCG is secreted after implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity. This happens naturally to maintain the levels of estrogen and progesterone. When you take a pregnancy test after implantation it turns positive due to the presence of hCG in the urine.

But when an hCG trigger shot is administered to you there are chances that you will witness false positives on the pregnancy test kit.

So when is the right time to take a pregnancy test following a IVF trigger shot?

It is best to wait for at least 14 to 15 days after the trigger shot. To confirm the implantation it is best to visit your fertility expert after taking an at-home pregnancy test.

Early signs of pregnancy post-trigger shot may include breast tenderness, fatigue, missed periods, frequent urination, and nausea.

When to take the IVF Trigger Shot?

Timing of the trigger shot is extremely important in an IVF cycle. The fertility specialist will closely monitor the growth of ovarian follicles. Once the doctor is satisfied with the size of the dominant follicle which should be above 16-18 millimetres trigger shot will be administered to you. Then you will be asked to have sexual intercourse after a few hours to increase the chances of fertilization.

This greatly helps the doctor to schedule your IUI treatment in which the sperm is directly injected into your uterine cavity.

For IVF, the trigger shot will help decide the best time for the egg retrieval process. You will be asked to take the trigger shot 34 to 36 hours before your scheduled egg retrieval appointment. This promotes the process of meiosis: a process of cellular division.

This gives a good chance to collect all the good quality chromosomally normal mature eggs for fertilization with a motile and healthy sperm.

The timing of the trigger shot will vary from clinic to clinic and according to the development of your egg follicles.

Set an alarm, ask someone in your family to remind you, and put a sticky note on the refrigerator. But do not take it lightly, timing has a lot to do with the quality of eggs that will be retrieved.

How to take the IVF Trigger Shot?

You will need a prefilled Ovidrel syringe, alcohol swab, and gauze.

First step-: Clean the injection site properly.

Second step-: Take the syringe and place it on the abdomen, a few inches from your navel.

Third step-: Disinfect the area with alcohol to minimize the chances of infection.

Fourth step-: Direct the needle at an angle of 45 to 90 degrees and empty the contents in the syringe.

The doctor will personally guide you on how to take the trigger shot. If you do not feel confident in taking the shot yourself then you can visit your fertility expert for help.

Side effects of Trigger Shot

There are no harmful side effects associated with the administration of a trigger shot. However, pain or irritation at the injection site is quite common. You might also experience abdominal cramps or mild bloating.

A concerning side effect is OHSS. It stands for ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. It is a result of swelling of ovaries which leads to fluid leakage in other parts of the body. Sometimes trigger shots stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs than usual which leads to OHSS.

The good news is that OHSS is not a common side effect.

If you have mild OHSS you might have the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal cramps
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea

Cases of moderate and severe OHSS are quite rare. Some common symptoms of severe OHSS are as follows:

  • Severe abdominal cramps
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Constant vomiting
  • Formation of blood clots
  • Rapid weight gain
  • Decreased urination

If you feel something is not right consult your fertility expert without thinking twice. Do not let your stress levels shoot up. IVF success rates are largely dependent on your stress management skills.

Is the administration of a trigger shot painful

The intensity of pain from a trigger shot largely depends on your sensitivity to injections. The method of administration also has a role to play.

Trigger shots can be administered in two ways namely intramuscular and subcutaneous.

Intramuscular means the injection is administered into the muscle. While subcutaneous means administration of the shot under the skin.

The specialists prefer to go for subcutaneous administration of IVF trigger shot which is less painful.

Sometimes the injection spot becomes red, itchy, or inflamed. But the discomfort lasts only for a day or two and these signs go away.

What to do if you miss your trigger shot?

First of all, do not panic and take some deep breaths. Visit your fertility expert to discuss the situation and further the line of action.

Find the right Fertility Clinic

The role of the fertility center in your infertility treatment journey can’t be emphasized enough. From tracking the progress of the egg follicles to retrieving the mature eggs the entire procedure demands a team of experts.

If you are looking for a fertility center in Srinagar then look no further. We at Imprimis IVF are here to guide you in your journey towards parenthood.

Visit us at Imprimis IVF, Srinagar for more information.

Final Words

Trigger shot plays a vital role in IVF treatment but it is not for everyone. Every individual is unique and so are the requirements. Do not follow everything that is written on the web and visit a doctor.

Let your doctor decide what’s best for your IVF journey. But if trigger shots are involved in your plan then make sure you are punctual and follow your doctor’s instructions religiously.

Trust the process and your efforts. Follow a healthy lifestyle and keep your stress levels in check. We hope this article by Imprimis IVF was helpful to you.

IVF Diet Chart – Foods to Eat During IVF Treatment

IVF Diet Chart –  In-vitro fertilization treatment offers a 30-40% success rate for women of fertile age. IVF experts have concluded that diet has no significant contribution to deciding the success rate of IVF treatment. However, it affects the quality of the eggs the ovaries produce and the overall reproductive health. It would help if you stuck to a diet chart and a healthy lifestyle to succeed in your IVF treatment. 

Gut health and healthy defection are decisive elements of conception and healthy pregnancy. To ensure the proper upkeep of reproductive health, consuming a diet rich in micronutrients and macronutrients is vital.  

The first step is to increase the number of meals you take and break every meal into smaller ones. So it’s advised to take five meals in a day! Yes, you heard it right. Make sure that you cover all the essential nutrients. 

Some Strict IVF Diet Chart during IVF Treatment.

Before moving ahead to the diet chart to follow during IVF, it is advised that you steer clear of smoking and drinking. Medical evidence has cemented that consumption of alcohol and smoking hampers the process of egg maturation, which results in chromosomal abnormalities. Also, regular and excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco further causes problems in conceiving and carrying the pregnancy to term. 

Apart from smoking and drinking, reproductive specialists also advise limiting caffeine intake to one to two cups or 200 mg daily to stay safer. Also, the female partner should not consume energy drinks containing caffeine during IVF.  

Foods to Eat during IVF Treatment 

IVF Diet Chart

1. Protein-Rich Food-:

Apart from being the body’s building blocks, proteins also help in the ovulation process and the development of eggs in the female. Dairy products, well-boiled eggs, yoghurt, soya, broccoli, lentils, and meat contain numerous proteins. Doctors recommend that a woman, during her IVF treatment, consume 60 grams of protein in her daily diet. 

2. Zinc-Rich Food-:

Zinc plays an essential role in maintaining the balance of hormones and ovulation. A woman should consume around 15 milligrams of zinc-rich food during the day. Dairy products, whole grains, beans, breakfast cereals, sesame seeds, flax seeds, kidney beans, and nuts are excellent sources of zinc that the woman should consume during IVF treatment.

3. Remember Your daily dose of Vitamin D-: 

Vitamin D helps produce good-quality eggs that can be used for IVF. So, a woman needs to consume vitamin D, which is present in cow’s milk, cod liver oil, fortified cereals, soy milk, etc. 

4. Healthy Unsaturated Fat-:

Harvard School of Public Health finds that a diet containing healthy unsaturated fats like avocados and olive oil helps boost live birth rates.

5. Folic Acid during and after IVF Treatment-: 

Folic acid plays a vital role in developing a child’s brain and spinal cord. To ensure their proper formation, 400 mcg of folic acid, found in green leafy vegetables, should be consumed by the female partner during IVF treatment. 

6. Iron-Rich Food-:

Iron plays a significant role in maintaining the health of the eggs and ovulation. Reproductive specialists say that a woman, during her IVF treatment, should consume more than 27 grams of iron in the form of green leafy vegetables, pumpkin seeds, oysters, spinach, and beans daily. Make sure that your per-day iron intake should not exceed 45 grams. 

Iron deficiency can cause anaemia, reduced libido, oxidative damage to ovulation, and may also lead to premature births or a pretty small baby.  

7. Fresh Fruits Can Be Your True Pregnancy Friend-: 

Fruits like bananas and pineapples are quite beneficial in a woman’s pregnancy journey. Bananas are a great source of vitamin B6, essential for the healthy regulation of periods. Pineapples are rich in manganese, which helps in the nutritious secretion of reproductive hormones. 

8. Hydration is Equally Essential-: 

Any IVF diet chart stands complete with adequate water intake. 6-8 glasses of water a day will help prepare the uterus for embryo implantation by thickening the uterine lining. It’s also crucial to keep your water intake in check to ensure proper digestion and circulation of the above-mentioned essential vitamins and minerals during IVF treatment. 

Summing up the IVF Diet Chart

Imprimis IVF, the best IVF centre in Srinagar, has summed up all the food sources consisting of the nutrients mentioned above that will serve as a boon in your IVF journey-: 

  • Fruits like bananas, pomegranates, and pineapple
  • Vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, and potatoes 
  • Fresh green leafy vegetables
  • Other fresh citrus fruits and vegetables 
  • Avocados and corn
  • Beetroot and sweet potato 
  • Low-fat dairy products and water 
  • Nuts (a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein) and berries 
  • Whole grains, legumes (chickpea, soybean, pea), beans, and lentils
  • Lean meat and salmon 

Diet alone may not be able to fulfil all your dietary needs during IVF treatment, so the doctors may advise you to take some multivitamin supplements to prepare your body for the journey. 

Foods to Avoid During Your IVF Treatment 

Foods to avoid during IVF Treatment

Now that you have a good idea of the foods you should include in your diet during your IVF journey, it’s equally important to know the foods that must be kept at bay. 

1. Food Containing Artificial Sweeteners and Refined Sugars-:

Artificial sweeteners and refined sugars negatively affect conception. So, it is advised to women undergoing IVF treatment to stick to healthy sugars and avoid bakery products like biscuits and cakes. 

2. Raw Eggs-: 

It is advised to avoid consuming raw eggs, which are present in processed food products like mayonnaise and salad dressing, as it may lead to food poisoning. 

3. Saturated Fats-:

Doctors have found that food containing saturated fats can hamper conception by lowering the number of eggs used for fertilization in IVF. Foods containing high levels of saturated fats include white rice, cheese, butter, and fatty processed meats. 

4. Avoid Seafood-: 

Although seafood is packed with the goodness of essential fatty acids and proteins, it also contains mercury. Mercury present in tuna and mackerel can lead to complications in the growth of the fetus and may also lead to congenital disabilities. 

5 Nicotine and other Drugs-: 

As already mentioned, smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited during IVF. A woman should also stay away from nicotine and other drugs. 

Avoid sodas, spicy junk food, pickles, vinegar, unpasteurized milk, and canned and processed food. 

Is it true that IVF Treatment will be Successful in the first go? 

It is a common misconception that couples have about IVF treatment. But the fact is that no fertility treatment centre can guarantee a 100% success rate. The medical expertise and infrastructure required for IVF treatment vary from clinic to clinic. 

However, reproductive specialists worldwide have advised specific preventive measures that a couple can follow to welcome a healthy baby in a minimum number of IVF cycles

The Right IVF Clinic will help Increase Your Success Rate-:

In-vitro fertilization is a highly complicated Assisted Reproductive Technology.

The right clinic will offer you a promise of excellent medical expertise and state-of-the-art lab fertility technology like Imprimis IVF, the best IVF centre in Srinagar can help increase your success rate by a good percentage. So, consider all the necessary things before finalizing your IVF fertility centre. 

Keep Your Dosage and Medication Timing in check-:

Don’t skip your hormonal medications at any cost. Ensure that you take your IVF pills and injectibles at the right time. 

Say No to Strict Bed Rest-:

After any medical treatment, the doctor advises you to rest and give your body time to heal. It would be best if you did the same after embryo transfer. However you must understand that IVF treatment differs entirely from other medical procedures. 

The doctor will not advise strict bed rest for you. The reason behind this is that when your brain is inactive. 

Positivity and Faith in the Process are Equally Important-:

A couple should never forget that positivity and complete confidence in the IVF treatment will serve as a pillar to bring positive pregnancy results. 

Conclusion about IVF Diet Chart

Avoid making any drastic changes in your diet when it comes to food. It’s best to consult a reproductive specialist before IVF treatment to choose the best diet plan that suits your needs. If you are looking for the best yet affordable IVF treatment in Srinagar, we wholeheartedly welcome you at Imprimis IVF, Srinagar.