All You Need to Know About Preimplantation Genetic Testing
While trying to get pregnant can be a happy experience, it can also be difficult for some couples. Consider preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) if you’re considering in vitro fertilization (IVF) as a therapy option for infertility. With the use of this cutting-edge method, it is possible to screen embryos for genetic defects before implantation, which may improve your chances of becoming pregnant and giving birth to a healthy child.
Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) finds genetic variations in embryos produced through in vitro fertilization or IVF procedures. Before embryos are inserted into the uterus, PGT is carried out. Reducing the likelihood of transferring an embryo with a particular genetic disorder or specific chromosomal abnormalities is the aim of paired-parent technology (PGT).
Understanding Preimplantation Genetic Testing
PGT is a collection of sophisticated genomic tests carried out on IVF-created embryos. These tests look for chromosomal abnormalities or single-gene problems by analyzing the genetic composition of the embryos. This knowledge can be very beneficial for couples that have:
- A history of recurrent miscarriages
- Irregularities of the chromosome
- Genetic diseases they want to avoid passing on to their children
There are three types of genetic testing of an embryo before transfer:
1. PGT-A:
Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy, or PGT-A, is a screening method used to detect chromosomal abnormalities in embryos, which are assumed to be the most frequent cause of IVF treatment failure. As an illustration, the most prevalent chromosomal condition that we are aware of that has an extra copy of chromosome 21 is Down syndrome. It is typically advised for older women over 35 who are trying to conceive.
2. PGT-M:
When one or both genetic parents have known genetic abnormalities, preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic/single gene disorder (PGT-M) refers particularly to the process of testing an embryo to see if it too possesses the genetic problem. The PGT-M process offers an alternative to current post-conception diagnostic procedures, which often include the tough option of terminating the pregnancy if the results are unfavourable because only unaffected embryos are sent to the uterus for implantation. Right now, PGT-M is the only way to prevent having a kid impacted by a genetic condition before implantation.
3. PGT-SR:
It is a test used to distinguish between embryos that have additional or missing genetic material due to translocation or rearrangement (unbalanced) and embryos that have the proper amount of genetic material (balanced/normal). PGT-SR increases the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy following an IVF cycle and decreases the risk of a miscarriage, failed implantation, or having a kid with a chromosomal issue.
At Imprimis IVF, We can accurately identify balanced and normal embryos. This makes it possible to transfer embryos without chromosomal rearrangement carriers, avoiding the rearrangement’s transmission to subsequent generations. Schedule your appointment now!
The Preimplantation Genetic Testing Procedure
PGT begins with traditional in vitro fertilization (IVF), which involves retrieving and fertilizing eggs in a laboratory setting. The embryos are cultured until they reach a stage known as a blastocyst, which typically occurs on the fifth or sixth day following egg collection. At this point of development, certain cells are destroyed.
The genetic material (DNA) from the biopsied cells is then tested to see if the faulty gene exists in each embryo. After the cell biopsy, blastocysts are stored until the test results are ready. Once normal embryos have been discovered, they can be safely delivered to the uterus. Excess intact embryos are frozen for later use, whereas defective embryos are discarded. It is one of the most complex but also crucial infertility procedures.
Fertility doctors perform these procedures for two main reasons. One is to assess whether embryos have genetic abnormalities, which frequently cause failed implantation and miscarriage leading to unsuccessful IVF. The second goal is to identify embryos with genetic flaws that could result in a child with a fatal genetic abnormality or inheritable disorders like muscular dystrophy.
Embryos with such faults are not allowed to be put into the mother’s womb for a pregnancy. According to research, genetic mistakes in embryos are a major cause of both failed pregnancy and live birth. Couples interested in PGT testing should consult with an expert fertilization specialist to discuss available options.
The Cost of Preimplantation Genetic Testing
If you are considering using a fertility clinic, the majority of them can give you an idea of how much IVF pricing is decided for the PGT procedure. Some may provide PGT as part of a “package,” but make sure to examine the services provided by each reproductive clinic to make sure there aren’t any additional costs. Request a cost worksheet that details every stage of the PGT process from early pregnancy monitoring to pre-cycle services because calculating the cost of in vitro fertilization is crucial if you are on a budget.
Many factors vary from patient to patient when estimating the cost of having a child via PGT. In vitro fertilization is a must for all PGT patients to retrieve embryos for biopsy. Transferring an embryo or embryos that are not impacted by the known hereditary genetic disease for which it is at risk, is the aim of PGT.
The following are some variables that may affect PGT and IVF costs:
- The required number of IVF cycles
- Count of embryos to be tested and biopsied
- Pattern of inheritance for the genetic illness
- Technology required
- The specific IVF clinic
Frequently Asked Questions about PGT
Q: What are the different types of PGT?
A: There are three types of PGT:
- PGT-A: Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy
- PGT-M-Preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic disorders
- PGT-SR-Preimplantation genetic testing for structural rearrangements
Q. Who can benefit from PGT?
A: PGT can help couples with-
- A history of repeated miscarriages
- Chromosome abnormalities
- A family history of a certain genetic illness that they want to avoid passing on to their babies.
- Women over the age of 35
Q: Does PGT ensure a successful pregnancy?
A: Normal PGT results do not guarantee a successful pregnancy or avoid miscarriage, This is a very common misconception. Embryos with normal PGT results of any type can still fail to implant or result in a miscarriage
Q: What is the average cost of IVF and PGT procedures?
A: The average cost of an IVF cycle in India ranges from ₹2.5 lakhs to ₹4 lakhs. The cost may vary depending on additional drugs, procedures (such as ICSI), and the type of clinic.
PGT testing typically costs between ₹25,000 and ₹50,000 per embryo. The number of embryos tested will affect the total cost.
Why Choose Imprimis IVF
Imprimis IVF is a renowned IVF Centre in Srinagar that specializes in helping couples fulfil their dream of becoming parents. We provide a broad range of fertility services, including modern therapies such as IUI, IVF, ICSI, and more.
Imprimis IVF recognizes that cost can be a major concern for couples considering reproductive treatment. We attempt to provide fair pricing and various payment choices for PGT as well as IVF packages, We try to keep IVF treatment charges as economical as possible. Please contact our staff to get a personalized price on PGT and IVF.
Schedule your appointment and get a consultation from the best IVF doctor available at our facility!